Theme B - Religion and Life Flashcards
Give two reasons why religious believers might oppose animal experimentation [2 Marks]
- Hurting an animal is hurting part of God’s creation
- Some animal experimentation is for frivolous reasons, such as cosmetics, and this is unjustifiable (unlike animal experimentation for medical purposes)
Give two religious beliefs about pollution [2 Marks]
- Wrong // not kind to the earth that God has made us stewards of
- Wrong // not kind to future generations
Give two examples of what religious believers might do to help carry out the duty of stewardship [2 Marks]
- Caring for the environment by recycling and reducing waste
- Making life choices such as buying an electric car and less air travel to reduce their carbon footprint
Give two reasons why some religious people do not eat meat [2 Marks]
- Against their religion (e.g. pork in Judaism is trefah)
- To care for the planet (many religious believers do not eat beef due to cows releasing so much methane)
Give two renewable resources that can be used to produce energy [2 Marks]
- wind
- sun
Give two teachings that encourage religious believers to treat animals with respect [2 Marks]
- “do not muzzle an ox while it is treading the grain” – Deuteronomy
- Genesis says God created all living creators and then gave mankind dominion over them (but this does not mean mistreating them or God’s creation)
Explain two similar beliefs in contemporary British society about euthanasia [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Wrong // respect for the elderly // should not make them feel that they are a burden
- Wrong // kills someone // exodus: “thou shall not kill” // respect for human life
Explain two similar beliefs in contemporary British society about abortion [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Wrong // “thou shall not kill” // going directly against God’s commands
- Wrong // goes against the teaching; “be fruitful and increase in numbers”
Explain two similar beliefs about the use of animals for food [4 Mark]
- Okay // “everything that lives and moves will be food for you” – Genesis // follow this teaching
- Okay // it is only humans who are thought to be created in the image of God and have souls // therefore humans needs take priority over animals’ needs
Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about abortion [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Okay // lesser of two evils // mother may die in childbirth or baby might be born into a mentally, physically, and financially unstable household
Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about euthanasia [4 Marks]
- One modern belief in British society in favour for euthanasia is that the drugs are God-given – this is the view of some Christians. This means that the drugs used to end someone’s life are given by God, and should be used if it is the most loving thing to do. They believe that God has given people free will so they should be able to chose when to end their lives.
- A contrasting belief in modern British society about euthanasia is that life is sacred and we are all made in the “image of God”, and no human being has the authority to take life and interfere with Gods plan – this is the view of most Christians and Jews. This means that ending someone’s life, even if they are in pain, is wrong and not the responsibility of a human being
Explain two religious beliefs about the value of the world [4 Marks]
- Created by God and therefore precious and valuable in every way
- The true insight of God’s character is in nature // nature is the ‘first Bible’ // can see God’s attributes and character through his beautiful, powerful, fragile, awesome creation
Explain two religious beliefs about stewardship [4 Marks]
- Stewardship is the duty for humans to look after the world on behalf of God
- Humans were made to be stewards over the land // to use it, look after it, and protect it // with power comes responsibility
Explain two different religious beliefs about judgement in the afterlife [4 Marks]
- Immediate // as soon as we die we are judged by God
- Final // when the messiah comes back down to earth (creating the messianic age) bodies and souls will be united and resurrected and all will be judged // Daniel: “and they will rise from the ashes, some to eternal life, others to everlasting contempt”
Explain two religious beliefs about vivisection. [4 Marks]
- Wrong // cruel to God’s lovingly made creation // we have dominion over animals and therefore have a responsibility not to be cruel to them
- Okay // for medical reasons, such as testing cancer drugs, then you should be able to test them on an animal to make sure they don’t hurt or even kill a child
Explain two religious beliefs about the origins of humans. [4 Marks]
- Were created on the sixth day out of dust (literal interpretation of Genesis)
- Genesis creation story is a poetic myth but it does illustrate that God, and God alone, was the one to breath life into humans – uniquely special creatures made in his image
Explain two religious beliefs about creation. [4 Marks]
- Creation story in Genesis was literal // fundamentalist // happened in exactly 6 days, with God resting on the 7th
- Creation story in Genesis is more of a poetic myth of which its main purpose is to tell humans that it was God, and God alone who created everything
Explain two religious beliefs about the value of animals. [4 Marks]
- They are part of God’s creation and therefore are precious // “God looked at everything he made and he was very pleased” – Genesis // “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”
- Animals have lesser value than humans because they were not made in the image of God and are not thought to have souls
Explain two religious beliefs about hospices. [4 Marks]
- Jesus tells Christians to love everyone, particularly the vulnerable and therefore we are called to care for people dying
- Hospices can offer support (and hope in an afterlife and a loving God) for them and their families
Explain two religious beliefs about what happens when a person dies [5 Marks]
- One religious belief about what happens when a person dies is immediate judgment – this is the view of some Christians. This means that there is no pause between earthly death and transitioning to heaven/eternal life or to hell/separation from God. Matthews Gospel says “depart from me into the eternal fire” (hell) – this describes the separation from God.
- Another religious belief about what happens when a person dies, held by Catholics, is that judgement is postponed while the person enters into purgatory. This means that your soul will undergo purification in order to achieve the holiness necessary to approach God and enter heaven.
Give two religious beliefs about animal experimentation [5 Marks]
- Hurting an animal is hurting part of God’s creation // wrong
- Some animal experimentation is for frivolous reasons, such as cosmetics, and this is unjustifiable (unlike animal experimentation for medical purposes)
- Animals experimentation for medical reasons is okay // e.g.trying to cure cancer
Explain two religious beliefs about how people’s actions in this life affect what happens to them in the afterlife [5 Marks]
- It is through obedience of God’s laws that we achieve a place in heaven // “we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done” – Corinthians
- Others believe it is through believing in Jesus Christ that you will go to heaven; “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can get to the father except through me” – John
Explain two contrasting views about how the world was created [5 Marks]
- The world was created in exactly 6 days, with the 7th day being for rest, just as it says in the genesis story // for example; “let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees… the third day” – Genesis
- The Genesis story was more of a poetical and mythical account // the most important thing it tells Christians is that God created everything – “he created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis
Explain two religious teachings about vivisection. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Wrong // cruel to God’s lovingly made creation // we have dominion over animals and therefore have a responsibility not to be cruel to them // “and you will rule over all the fish in the sea and the beasts on land” - Genesis
- Okay // for medical reasons, such as testing cancer drugs, then you should be able to test them on an animal to make sure they don’t hurt or even kill a child