Theme B - Religion and Life Flashcards
Give two reasons why religious believers might oppose animal experimentation [2 Marks]
- Hurting an animal is hurting part of God’s creation
- Some animal experimentation is for frivolous reasons, such as cosmetics, and this is unjustifiable (unlike animal experimentation for medical purposes)
Give two religious beliefs about pollution [2 Marks]
- Wrong // not kind to the earth that God has made us stewards of
- Wrong // not kind to future generations
Give two examples of what religious believers might do to help carry out the duty of stewardship [2 Marks]
- Caring for the environment by recycling and reducing waste
- Making life choices such as buying an electric car and less air travel to reduce their carbon footprint
Give two reasons why some religious people do not eat meat [2 Marks]
- Against their religion (e.g. pork in Judaism is trefah)
- To care for the planet (many religious believers do not eat beef due to cows releasing so much methane)
Give two renewable resources that can be used to produce energy [2 Marks]
- wind
- sun
Give two teachings that encourage religious believers to treat animals with respect [2 Marks]
- “do not muzzle an ox while it is treading the grain” – Deuteronomy
- Genesis says God created all living creators and then gave mankind dominion over them (but this does not mean mistreating them or God’s creation)
Explain two similar beliefs in contemporary British society about euthanasia [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Wrong // respect for the elderly // should not make them feel that they are a burden
- Wrong // kills someone // exodus: “thou shall not kill” // respect for human life
Explain two similar beliefs in contemporary British society about abortion [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Wrong // “thou shall not kill” // going directly against God’s commands
- Wrong // goes against the teaching; “be fruitful and increase in numbers”
Explain two similar beliefs about the use of animals for food [4 Mark]
- Okay // “everything that lives and moves will be food for you” – Genesis // follow this teaching
- Okay // it is only humans who are thought to be created in the image of God and have souls // therefore humans needs take priority over animals’ needs
Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about abortion [4 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life // only God has right to take life away
- Okay // lesser of two evils // mother may die in childbirth or baby might be born into a mentally, physically, and financially unstable household
Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about euthanasia [4 Marks]
- One modern belief in British society in favour for euthanasia is that the drugs are God-given – this is the view of some Christians. This means that the drugs used to end someone’s life are given by God, and should be used if it is the most loving thing to do. They believe that God has given people free will so they should be able to chose when to end their lives.
- A contrasting belief in modern British society about euthanasia is that life is sacred and we are all made in the “image of God”, and no human being has the authority to take life and interfere with Gods plan – this is the view of most Christians and Jews. This means that ending someone’s life, even if they are in pain, is wrong and not the responsibility of a human being
Explain two religious beliefs about the value of the world [4 Marks]
- Created by God and therefore precious and valuable in every way
- The true insight of God’s character is in nature // nature is the ‘first Bible’ // can see God’s attributes and character through his beautiful, powerful, fragile, awesome creation
Explain two religious beliefs about stewardship [4 Marks]
- Stewardship is the duty for humans to look after the world on behalf of God
- Humans were made to be stewards over the land // to use it, look after it, and protect it // with power comes responsibility
Explain two different religious beliefs about judgement in the afterlife [4 Marks]
- Immediate // as soon as we die we are judged by God
- Final // when the messiah comes back down to earth (creating the messianic age) bodies and souls will be united and resurrected and all will be judged // Daniel: “and they will rise from the ashes, some to eternal life, others to everlasting contempt”
Explain two religious beliefs about vivisection. [4 Marks]
- Wrong // cruel to God’s lovingly made creation // we have dominion over animals and therefore have a responsibility not to be cruel to them
- Okay // for medical reasons, such as testing cancer drugs, then you should be able to test them on an animal to make sure they don’t hurt or even kill a child
Explain two religious beliefs about the origins of humans. [4 Marks]
- Were created on the sixth day out of dust (literal interpretation of Genesis)
- Genesis creation story is a poetic myth but it does illustrate that God, and God alone, was the one to breath life into humans – uniquely special creatures made in his image
Explain two religious beliefs about creation. [4 Marks]
- Creation story in Genesis was literal // fundamentalist // happened in exactly 6 days, with God resting on the 7th
- Creation story in Genesis is more of a poetic myth of which its main purpose is to tell humans that it was God, and God alone who created everything
Explain two religious beliefs about the value of animals. [4 Marks]
- They are part of God’s creation and therefore are precious // “God looked at everything he made and he was very pleased” – Genesis // “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”
- Animals have lesser value than humans because they were not made in the image of God and are not thought to have souls
Explain two religious beliefs about hospices. [4 Marks]
- Jesus tells Christians to love everyone, particularly the vulnerable and therefore we are called to care for people dying
- Hospices can offer support (and hope in an afterlife and a loving God) for them and their families
Explain two religious beliefs about what happens when a person dies [5 Marks]
- One religious belief about what happens when a person dies is immediate judgment – this is the view of some Christians. This means that there is no pause between earthly death and transitioning to heaven/eternal life or to hell/separation from God. Matthews Gospel says “depart from me into the eternal fire” (hell) – this describes the separation from God.
- Another religious belief about what happens when a person dies, held by Catholics, is that judgement is postponed while the person enters into purgatory. This means that your soul will undergo purification in order to achieve the holiness necessary to approach God and enter heaven.
Give two religious beliefs about animal experimentation [5 Marks]
- Hurting an animal is hurting part of God’s creation // wrong
- Some animal experimentation is for frivolous reasons, such as cosmetics, and this is unjustifiable (unlike animal experimentation for medical purposes)
- Animals experimentation for medical reasons is okay // e.g.trying to cure cancer
Explain two religious beliefs about how people’s actions in this life affect what happens to them in the afterlife [5 Marks]
- It is through obedience of God’s laws that we achieve a place in heaven // “we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done” – Corinthians
- Others believe it is through believing in Jesus Christ that you will go to heaven; “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can get to the father except through me” – John
Explain two contrasting views about how the world was created [5 Marks]
- The world was created in exactly 6 days, with the 7th day being for rest, just as it says in the genesis story // for example; “let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees… the third day” – Genesis
- The Genesis story was more of a poetical and mythical account // the most important thing it tells Christians is that God created everything – “he created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis
Explain two religious teachings about vivisection. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Wrong // cruel to God’s lovingly made creation // we have dominion over animals and therefore have a responsibility not to be cruel to them // “and you will rule over all the fish in the sea and the beasts on land” - Genesis
- Okay // for medical reasons, such as testing cancer drugs, then you should be able to test them on an animal to make sure they don’t hurt or even kill a child
Explain two religious teachings about abortion. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Wrong // sanctity of life – Genesis // only God has right to take life away
- Okay // lesser of two evils // mother may die in childbirth or baby might be born into a mentally, physically, and financially unstable household
Explain two religious teachings about the creation of human life. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Were created on the sixth day out of dust (literal interpretation of Genesis) – “then God formed the man of the dust” – Genesis
- Genesis creation story is a poetic myth but it does illustrate that God, and God alone, was the one to breath life into humans – uniquely special creatures made in his image
Explain two religious teachings about the creation of the universe. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Creation story in Genesis was literal // fundamentalist // happened in exactly 6 days, with God resting on the 7th
- Creation story in Genesis is more of a poetic myth of which its main purpose is to tell humans that it was God, and God alone who created everything
Explain two religious teachings about euthanasia. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- God has given people free will so they should be able to chose when to end their lives // drug are also God-given because God made them to be on this earth – God would not want someone to live in in suffering
- life is sacred and we are all made in the “image of God”, and no human being has the authority to take life and interfere with Gods plan – this is the view of most Christians and Jews.
Explain two religious teachings about the value of animals. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- They are part of God’s creation and therefore are precious // “God looked at everything he made and he was very pleased” – Genesis // “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it”
- Animals have lesser value than humans because they were not made in the image of God and are not thought to have souls
Explain two religious teachings about the use of hospices. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Jesus tells Christians to love everyone, particularly the vulnerable and therefore we are called to care for people dying // “love thy neighbour”
- Hospices can offer support (and hope in an afterlife and a loving God) for them and their families
Explain two religious teachings about stewardship. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Stewardship is the duty for humans to look after the world on behalf of God // Genesis “you may rule over every fish in the sea and beast on the land”
- Humans were made to be stewards over the land // to use it, look after it, and protect it // with power comes responsibility
Explain two religious teachings about the value of the planet. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Created by God and therefore precious and valuable in every way // “he created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis
- The true insight of God’s character is in nature // nature is the ‘first Bible’ // can see God’s attributes and character through his beautiful, powerful, fragile, awesome creation
Explain two religious teachings about dominion. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- God gave humanity a privileged position with authority over other living creatures // “you may rule over every fish in the sea and beast on land”.
- However, dominion is not justification for abusing or destroying any other living creature; we are called to respect and care for everything that God created, and which he loves.
Explain two religious teachings about how we should treat the earth. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. [5 Marks]
- Treat the earth with respect because we have stewardship over it // Genesis – “the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it”.
- Treat the earth well and kindly to be kind to future generations // do not litter or pollute the earth, but instead recycle, reuse and reduce your waste // Numbers: “you shall not pollute the land in which you live”
“There must be life after death”. Evaluate this statement.
- By Jesus’s resurrection from the dead and hen his ascension, he shows that he has conquered death and he holds out the promise of eternal life (life after death) to all his followers. John: “God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
- Near death experiences, where people have been legally declared dead for a number of minutes, have shown that there is not a blank void, after death but instead something else. E.g. Ian McCormack
- Many Christians would say that faith is about something that is uncertain, and therefore you have to take a chance and believe in something that may not be true. Therefore the afterlife ‘may’ be true, but this is not the same as ‘must’ be true. Otherwise this would not be faith
- Atheists believe strongly that there is no concreate proof of life after death, and therefore to say it ‘must’ be true is delusion and a myth created by religion to comfort ourselves in the face of our inevitable demise.
“religious believers should not eat meat”. Evaluate this statement.
- In Genesis 1 it says that people should eat fruit and grain, with no mention of meat. This is believed by some vegetarian/vegan Jews.
- One Christian belief about not eating meat is that Christians have been given stewardship, and this means that they need to care for the animals and not hurt or eat them.
- Many Jews believe that they can eat meat. The rules in the Torah permit Jews to eat any animal that has split hooves and chew the cud. Therefore, Jews might not be able to eat all meat but they should be allowed to eat some.
- Many Christians also believe that they can eat meat. After the flood in Genesis, God gave Noah permission to eat meat. “Everything that lives shall be food for you” (book of Genesis).
“evolution proves that religious beliefs about the origins of life are wrong”. Evaluate this statement.
- The creation story in Genesis suggests that God created all living creates at once in their finished state. The God of the Bible is presented as the perfect author in a single moment; evolution however is about imperfect life evolving very gradually over time to a better state
- If Genesis can be so spectacularly wrong on evolution, then it shows that the entire creation myth at the core of Jewish and Christian belief, is fundamentally misguided and naive
- There is much scientific evidence for evolution being correct / religious beliefs originate from a time when science was not recognised /evolution does not depend on the existence of a God whose existence cannot be proved / religion is belief, evolution is considered to be fact.
- The purpose of the creation story is to convey the message that God is the author of all life and all nature. Therefore the poetical creation story, although it may seem to contradict science, does not actually mean that the world was created in seven days, but instead over a long period of time God created all living things. Evolution may easily be part of this story
- Evolution is amazing, but it does not explain the miracle of life / only God is powerful enough to create life / Evolution does not cover why creation happened, i.e because God wanted to create life, nor how life itself began, just how it developed
- Evolution is a theory with no conclusive proof so it may be wrong / gaps in the fossil record mean that there is no conclusive evidence for evolution / no clear fossil evidence to support link between apes and humans, etc.
“it is not reasonable to believe in life after death”. Evaluate this statement.
- Life after death has no concrete proof or evidence, therefore people should not blindly believe it. You can hope for it, but you cannot reasonably believe in it.
- Living thing, whether plant life or animals, are born and then die and decay. This is a very obvious cycle of life and death in nature. It is thus reasonable to believe that humans have the same cycle of life and death (even though our egos cannot acccept this and cannot believe that we do not live forever in some sort of way). Live – die – decay.
- By Jesus’s resurrection from the dead and hen his ascension, he shows that he has conquered death and he holds out the promise of eternal life (life after death) to all his followers. John: “God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
- Near death experiences, where people have been legally declared dead for a number of minutes, have shown that there is not a blank void, after death but instead something else. E.g. Ian McCormack
“Abuse of the environment is impossible to stop”. Evaluate this statement.
- Human progress relies on exploiting the environment (e.g. fossil fuels) – from the iron age, to the industrial revolution, to the air travel. Human beings are driven by progress, and this cannot be stopped
- Our entire modern economy is built on exploiting the environment and it is no longer possible to completely turn back the clock with so many societies depending on this to simply stop.
- Technology can be used to stop it. We can learn to drive societies and economies into ways of clean living through the use of clean technology
- When the alternative is the end of life, human behaviour and human laws will and must change when we work together for the survival of the species.
“Religious ideas about God creating humans are nonsense”. Evaluate this statement.
- Science contradicts what religious texts, such as the Bible say. For example, “God created man from the dust of the earth” // humanity was clearly not created from the dust, but instead evolved over thousands of years
- Thousands of years ago, before their was any scientific knowledge, humans felt the need to invent stories about their origins. Thankfully, science I now evolved and can tell us facts about how humanity was formed and evolved.
- Science and God can work together // just because science shows HOW the world was created and how life has evolved, it does not explain the miracle of life and WHY it exists, and that is where the Bible comes in
- Human life is set apart from other life forms. There is something about the way humas create and have a spiritual life which suggests they are ‘imago dei’ and this is what the bible tells us, that human life is created in the image of something we don’t quite understand. This is not nonsense. We should trust the word of God.
“The earth belongs to us so we can do whatever we want with it”. Evaluate this statement.
- God gave humans stewardship, knowing what would happen so we should be able to do what we want
- Free will – God should be prepared for us to do what we want with the earth because it was him who gave free will and we can be trusted
- Stewardship implies responsibility
- In order to be kind to future generations, we cannot do ANYTHING we want to the earth
“it is possible to believe both the story in Genesis 1 and the Big Bag Theory”. Evaluate this statement.
- Liberal Christians see Genesis as a poem, which means there is room for both the creation story in the Bible and scientific reasoning such as the Big Bang Theory
- “let there be light” – this acknowledges that there was a moment or spark in which the universe was created
- The creation story in genesis 1 does not include any direct information about the Big Bang theory, and it is just religious believers trying to twist scripture into coinciding with scientific beliefs.
- Genesis 1 suggests that God bought creation into being in a very step-by-step process rather than a sudden explosive single moment.
“Everything has come about by accident, not design”. Evaluate this statement.
“The wellbeing of the mother should be the main reason for abortion”. Evaluate this statement.
- It is not right to trade one valuable life for the other // the mother should not feel she has to die to have a child
- It would not be fair to the mother or the baby for the mother to die in childbirth // this ends the mothers life and causes future pain and guilt for the baby // the child will grow up without a mother, possibly believing that it is their fault
- The wellbeing of the baby should be the main reason // not fair if baby is not wanted or parents cannot care for the baby properly due to financial or mental reasons
- There are some circumstances, such as rape, in which people should be allowed to abort a baby // it would not be fair on a young girl if she had to keep a child that was a result from rape
“Religious believers should play a leading role in protecting the environment”. Evaluate this statement.
“Animal experimentation is wrong”. Evaluate this statement.
- Animal experimentation hurts part of God’s lovingly made creation
- Animal experimentation for cosmetic reasons is cruel and should not be done. We would not experiment on other humans as we do on animals, so we should adopt the same views about animals as we do on humans and not test on either of them.
- Animal experimentation for medical reasons is okay // we need something to test on to come up with cures for diseases, such as cancer
- Unlike humans, animals do not have souls and are not made in the image of God, so humans should take priority over animals.
“Abortion is wrong”. Evaluate this statement.
- Abortion kills innocent life // “thou shall not kill”
- Abortion suggests that humans have the right to take away life, but only God has that right (sanctity of life)
- It can be the lesser of two evils, e.g. if the child is a result of rape of the mother will die in childbirth
- It can be more loving to the child if they are going to be born into a financially unstable household, or a place of abuse, abandonment, neglect, etc
“Euthanasia is wrong”. Evaluate this statement.
- Euthanasia suggests that humans have the right to take away life, but only God has that right (sanctity of life)
- Euthanasia devalues certain human lives (the old and the frail) // this can cause the elderly to feel like a burden and that their time has come // this risks creating a moral evil where some lives are worth more than others
- It is kinder to someone who is already going to die (and are in a considerable amount of pain) to put them out of their pain faster and euthanise them.
- It cannot be wrong for someone to make informed decisions about their life (free will) // Euthanasia can be right if the person making the decision cannot face continuing with life // and it is THEIR life
“There is no proof that there is an afterlife. Once you are dead, you are dead – that’s it”. Evaluate this statement.
- All natural things die. It is an observable fact of the physical world that organisms are born, develop and then die. Humans are no different than other lifeforms in this respect.
- Atheists believe strongly that there is no concrete proof of life after death, and it is delusion and a myth created by religion to comfort ourselves in the face of our inevitable demise.
- By Jesus’s resurrection from the dead and hen his ascension, he shows that he has conquered death and he holds out the promise of eternal life (life after death) to all his followers. John: “God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”
- Near death experiences, where people have been legally declared dead for a number of minutes, have shown that there is not a blank void, after death but instead something else. E.g. Ian McCormack
“Science and religion can never agree”
- Science is ultimately rational and is based on material proof and observation. Religion is irrational and depends on spiritual belief and personal conviction. Both may be attractive, but they can never agree because they are bases off different philosophical starting points. E.g. can chose not to believe in Christ or Buddha, but cannot really chose to believe in gravity or waves
- Science is constantly evolving and changing it’s ideas as humanity learns and develops its understanding. Religion (in most cases) is based on thousands of year old traditions and hold these to be eternally true (religion: looking backwards for it’s guidance / science: looks forward)
- They can // religion explain WHY questions (often in spiritual terms) and science explains the HOW questions (often in physical terms) // these are two different sides which can work together to help us understand life
- They can // religious beliefs, such as the creation theory, are not designed to be read literally, but instead serve as more of a poem which many believe (now science is changing and evolving) actually make sense MORE with science to come along side it // e.g. if you take “let there be light” poetically, it can agree closely with the big bang theory.
“Animal experimentation should be made illegal”
- Respect all things made by God, including animals
- Humans have been given stewardship over the world, including animals, so they should care for them on behalf of God
- It shouldn’t be illegal because it allows vital research and provides vital knowledge about medicines. E.g. cancer treatments
- Animals, unlike humans, are not made in the image of God and do not have souls. Therefore, humans take priority before animals
“There is no good reason for abortion”
- You could have a child adopted instead of killing it // adoption is better for an unwanted adoption than killing
- Abortion suggests that humans have the right to take away life, but only God has that right (sanctity of life) // there is never a good reason to interfere with Gods plan and put our will above God’s will
- It can be the lesser of two evils, e.g. if the child is a result of rape of the mother will die in childbirth
- It can be more loving to the child if they are going to be born into a financially unstable household, or a place of abuse, abandonment, neglect, etc
“Those that are ill and suffering should be allowed to end their own lives”
- It is kinder to someone who is already in a considerable amount of pain and knowing their life is coming to an end, to allow them to put themselves out of their pain faster
- It cannot be wrong for someone to make informed decisions about their life (free will) and their decision to end that life, if they cannot face continuing with it // and it is THEIR life
- Ending ones own life suggests that humans have the right to take away life, but only God has that right (sanctity of life)
- If someone’s illness is not terminal, and is able to be overcome, then others should not allow them to lose hope and kill themselves // they are a valuable life that is worth protecting
“The main focus of Christians should be on caring for the planet”
- Stewardship
- Kindness to future generations
- Evangelising // great commission
- “love thy neighbour” not the planet
- Loving God is other most important thing
“There is no point in being a good steward”
- In the face of global industrialisation and capitalism, there is nothing one individual can do to make a difference
- Christians should concentrate on their responsibilities “love thy neighbour” and “love thy God” and allow technologists to solve environmental and other stewardship problems
- It is what God has commanded, so we should follow his will // “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – Lord’s Prayer (Matthew)
- If we do not steward out environment, there will be no future for anybody // all other duties are irrelevant
“It does not matter how we treat animals.”
- It is humans that were made in the image of God, not animals
- We were given dominion over all living things (Genesis) so we can treat them however want
- All life is created by God and should be honoured as the work of his hands
- Not giving dignity to any life form, including animals, can debase (undermine) the dignity we give to all life forms (including humans).
“Christians should focus on this life and not the next.”
- The mission of Jesus was to transform the way his followers live life on earth; “I come to give life in all its fullness” – John // this means that Jesus promoted the view that Christianity is not an escape plan to the afterlife, but instead it is about how you live now
- Loving your neighbour, which Jesus gives alongside the other most important command (loving God), is all about how we conduct and treat others during this life, not in the afterlife.
- Focusing on the afterlife gives many Christians hope on earth that when they suffer, their oppressors will not prosper and they will be redeemed and reconciled to God
- Focusing on eternal life draws Christians closer to the everlasting glory of God, rather than focusing on the smallness and passing of everyday life.
“When God gave humans dominion over the world, it meant we could do what we like.”
- God’s blessings should be taken literally and seriously // so when he declared that humans shall “rule over all the birds in the sky, fish in the sea, and beasts on the land” then this gives humans authority to do what they like
- God gave us free will and so when he also gave us dominion over the world, he trusted us to exercise this responsibly and we should feel free to do so.
- God gave us authority, but with that comes responsibility to act in accordance will his will (which does not mean doing whatever you like)
- God gives us many blessing and commands, but none of them suggest we should be selfish and destructive in what we do; that is not the character of God.
- “love thy neighbour” – selfish and unkind to ruin the world for future generations
“Humans are misusing their power over animals.”
- Animal experimentation // often used for frivolous and unnecessary means such as testing cosmetics
- The food industry is cruel and uses animals in mass production with no care for their welfare
- Humans have dominion and have trusted by God to use this correctly. Therefore, most Christians exercise their power over animals in a responsible way
- Humans achieve a great deal of good, from feeding the world to testing medicines, by exercising their authority over animals. It is not cruel, it is just the circle of life.
“Religious believers should always fight for life to be preserved”
- Gift from God which only he can take away, and should be protected at all costs
- To be casual with life, and not to protect it, is to disrespect God
- There are many times when life may need to be ended for the lesser of two evils – e.g. abortion or euthanasia
- There are times, such as fighting a just war, when (although sad) loss of life can be justified.
“Everyone should have the right to die if that is what they want.”
- It is kinder to someone who is already in a considerable amount of pain and knowing their life is coming to an end, to allow them to put themselves out of their pain faster
- It cannot be wrong for someone to make informed decisions about their life (free will) and their decision to end that life, if they cannot face continuing with it // and it is THEIR life
- Ending one’s own life suggests that humans have the right to take away life, but only God has that right (sanctity of life)
- If someone’s illness is not terminal, and is able to be overcome, then they should be protected from losing hope // they are a valuable life that is worth protecting