Christianity Beliefs Flashcards
Give two ways in which Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today [2 Marks]
- Love others because Jesus did
- Not to be scared of death because Jesus conquered it
Give two reasons why the disciples believed Jesus was alive after his resurrection [2 Marks]
- They had breakfast with Jesus on the beach
- Jesus let them touch his wounds
Give two reasons why some people do not believe in hell [2 Marks]
- They believe that God is benevolent
- They believe that all people eventually will repent
Give two reasons why the death and resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians [2 Marks]
- Shows clearly that he is the son of God
- Shows Christians that there is life after death
Give two ways that Christians believe salvation can come about [2 Marks]
- Through good works
- Through grace
Give two Christian beliefs about life after death [2 Marks]
- May go to heaven (united with God)
- May go to hell (separated from God)
Give two persons of the Trinity [2 Marks]
- God the Father
- God the Son
Give two Christian teachings about original sin [2 Marks]
- Adam and Eve created it by eating the fruit from the forbidden tree
- To get rid of it, one has to be baptised
Explain two beliefs about Jesus’ role in salvation [2 Marks]
- Jesus’ crucifixion was necessary to restore the relationship between God and believers (atonement)
- Jesus’ resurrection shows Christians that death has been defeated
Explain two ways in which Christian belief about the afterlife influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Kind to others so they can go to heaven
- Christians try and build a relationship with God
Explain two ways in which a belief in Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- One way Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today is that they are thankful to God for the sacrifice he made. When he died, Jesus went through great pain to save us all from our sins. This is such a generous gift and therefore encourages Christians to build a relationship with God and thank him for this great gift.
- A second way it influences Christians is that they will pray more as they feel closer to God and know that he understands their suffering. This is because God came to earth (in the form of Jesus) as flesh, and felt true human pain. Therefore, Christians feel encouraged to talk to God about their pain as they know that he understands and can sympathise.
Explain two ways in which belief in creation by God influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Try and look after the world and be good stewards of God’s creation
- Try and see go and worship nature through everything around
- Pray more to God and thank him for his beautiful creation
Explain two ways in which a belief in the resurrection influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Shows clearing that Jesus is the son of God so reaffirms their faith in him
- Conquered death so that we don’t have to be scared of it and know that there is life after death
Explain two ways in which a belief in Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Helps then become closer to God because they know he understands their pain
- Thankful to God for his incredible sacrifice and want to build a relationship
Explain Jesus’ role in salvation [4 Marks]
- Jesus’ death makes up for original sin
- Necessary to restore relationship between God and humans
- once and forever transaction
Explain two Christian teachings about God the creator [5 Marks]
- Omnipotent – all powerful // created the world out of nothing (“let there be light)
- Benevolent – loving because he cares for it all and plans out the life of each person carefully and precisely.
Explain two Christian teachings about judgement [5 Marks]
- God will immediately judge us after we die
- Final judgement will happen when our souls and bodies will unite, and then we are judged. Danniel: “many of those who sleep in the dust will awake, some to everlasting life and others to contempt
Explain two Christian teachings about the means of salvation [5 Marks]
- Good works – the Old Testament makes it clear that you achieve salvation by doing good works and following God’s law.
- Grace – salvation is given by God through faith in Jesus. It is not earned or deserved, but instead given as a gift for the faithful.
Explain two Christian teachings about God [5 Marks]
- Omnipotent – all powerful - “let there be light”
- Benevolent – all loving
Explain two Christian teachings about atonement [5 Marks]
- Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins so that we may build a relationship with God
- Jesus’ death to restore the relationship between God and humanity was once and forever // Jesus paid the price of sin like the sacrificial lamb in Judaism // unlike in Judaism where sacrifice has to keep on being made, the sacrifice of Jesus was once and forever.
“The Crucifixion is more important to Christians than the resurrection” [12 Marks]
- The Crucifixion was important because it saved humanity from sin so that we may have a chance to be united with God and build a relationship with God.
- When Jesus died, he felt pure human suffering and pain which now lets Christians know that when they pray to God he understands the suffering they are enduring.
- The resurrection is the main proof to Christians that Jesus is the son of God, not just a great prophet (as the Jews believe)
- The resurrection is more important because it shows Christians that Jesus defeated the power of death and evil so we can now have eternal life with God.
“The afterlife is a good way to get people to behave themselves and help others” [12 Marks]
- Fear of hell is a useful deterrent – it reminds people that their actions have consequences, and so may lead them to help others.
- Belief in the afterlife is a helpful way of motivating people to live a life that prepares them for eternal life with God
Against’s: - Some people believe in acting morally but do not believe in the afterlife (humanists).
- The greatest commandment is to love (God and others). Love in the here and now is what motivates people, not 5 mins of fear.
“Salvation is the greatest gift to humans” [12 Marks]
- John’s Gospel shows that God’s love is so great that he sent his only son to sacrifice himself to save us
- Without Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, humans would be separated from God forever.
- salvation is not given to humans – they have to earn it through doing good or through faith
- It is not clear how Jesus’ sacrifice brings about salvation
‘The Bible tells Christians all they need to know about God’s creation.’ [12 Marks]
- other views about how the world was created have not been proved/only the Bible has authority because it is God’s word/so this is all Christians need to know
‘A loving God would not allow suffering.’ [12 Marks]
- even if God is not the cause of suffering, he should be able to stop it (he is omnipotent); since he doesn’t, he must not be loving.
- letting people suffer is cruel; humans who allow others to suffer are denounced for it. No acceptable reason can be given for the suffering of so many innocent people, particularly children so God must not be loving.
- if God constantly intervened to prevent suffering, it would remove one of his greatest gifts to humans, free will.
- suffering enables spiritual growth and deepens trust in God. The existence of suffering inspires people to reflect the love and compassion of God in their response to those who are suffering.
‘The Trinity is a helpful way of describing God.’ [12 Marks]
- Some Christians believe that the trinity is a helpful way of describing God. The first thing that the trinity makes clear is that it is not one being, but instead a relationship. Love is at the heart of God.
- The second thing the trinity highlights is that the father, son and holy spirit are all equal but different. This means that the 3 “persons” of the trinity are all on the same level and all have the same importance.
- Some other Christians would say that the trinity isn’t a helpful way to describe God as they find it contradictory and confusing. They believe that if there is only one God, how can God have three persons? By giving each aspect of God a names, it can make it sound as if they’re three different things all together. This is when people who aren’t Christians may become confused and think that Christians worship more then one God and aren’t monotheist, which isn’t a helpful way of portraying Christianity
‘The Bible is the best source of information about the creation.’ [12 Marks]
- Although there are many religious and scientific beliefs about creation of the world, they cannot be proven and therefore the Bible is the best source of information as it is the word of God and must be true.
- The Bible, no matter whether it is exact or more poetic, still conveys the most important information about creation which is that everything was made by God. Genesis 1: “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”.
- Liberal Christians believe that the Bible is more of a myth or poem, therefore it may not give accurate information or cover everything there is to know about creation. Therefore, although the Bible is a helpful source to use, it is not the best source to use.
- the Bible was written a long time ago/it does not contain up-to-date knowledge about the universe and biology/if Christians depend completely on the Bible they will not understand God’s creation very well.
The stories of the incarnation show that Jesus was the Son of God.’ [12 Marks]
- The incarnation of Jesus shows that he is more than human – God the Father says that Jesus is his son.
- The stories of Jesus’ birth show that he was divine – only the son of God could be conceived by a virgin
- It is impossible for a virgin to conceive.
- The claim in John’s Gospel that Jesus is the eternal Word of God simply shows that this is what Christians believe – it does not prove it.
‘The resurrection is the most important belief for Christians.’ [12 Marks]
- The resurrection is the main proof to Christians that Jesus is the son of God, not just a great prophet (as the Jews believe)
- The resurrection is more important because it shows Christians that Jesus defeated the power of death and evil so we can now have eternal life with God.
- The Crucifixion is more important because it saved humanity from sin so that we may have a chance to be united with God and build a relationship with God.
- Again, the Crucifixion is more important than the resurrection because when Jesus died, he felt pure human suffering and pain which now lets Christians know that when they pray to God he understands the suffering they are enduring.
‘There will be a bodily resurrection.’ [12 Marks]
- Christianity is an embodied faith. The resurrection is central to Christianity. Just as Christians believe that Jesus lived and died in the flesh, he also rose in the flesh (we see him eating and fishing with the disciples after he resurrected). Therefore our resurrection, just as the resurrection of Jesus, will also be bodily.
- Scripture says that our resurrections will be more than spiritual and ethereal, but instead a bodily one. “Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body” (Philippians).
- Eternal life is beyond our imagining, but an eternal body does not make sense – what age are we? Does it look like our body on earth?
- Although Jesus himself had to reappear in bodily for to explain God to us, he was the son of God and we are only humans so why would we also have a bodily resurrection. Jesus also only resurrected to show us that he was the son of God and that he conquered death, not to be an example for us.
‘There is no such place as hell.’ [12 Marks]
- some Christians believe God will not let anyone suffer in hell because they believe he loves everyone and forgives people for their sins, as he taught people to ‘love your neighbour’ therefore there must not be a place of like hell because God loves everyone equally, regardless of the sins they have committed.
- Many Atheists believe that there is no scientific evidence of an existence of hell, therefore no such place exists
- Christians believe in heaven and hell because in the bible the ‘parable of the sheep and goats’ (in Matthew’s gospel) teaches that good people go to heaven (sheep) and bad people go to hell (goats). therefore there must be a place of hell if the Bible describes it.
- Christians also believe in hell because they believe god is just and treats people equally. This means that God sends bad people to hell to be fair and just to the good people who will go to heaven.
‘The best way to gain salvation is to obey God’s law.’ [12 Marks]
- Christians are commanded to keep the law of God, as set out in the Bible, for example in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and the teachings of Jesus. This is the best way for God to forgive them of their sins and their wrongdoings, in their life on earth, as they are showing their obedience and willingness to follow God and obey his laws.
- Religious authority figures in the 21st century, such as Pope Francais, also believe that by following God’s law we will receive salvation. This allows Christians to know that it is not just an out-of-date old belief, but in fact it is an important contemporary belief and therefore should be carried out by Christians.
Against’s: - Another way to achieve salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ. This means that, although following God’s laws is good, actually believing in Jesus (the fundamental belief in Christianity) is the best wait to gain God’s forgiveness of your sins.
- However, some Christians believe that you do not need to do anything to gain salvation, but instead it is a free gift from God. This means that when Jesus died on the cross, he saved our sins for free and will not make us pay a price for it.
‘A loving God would not send anyone to Hell’ [12 Marks]
- Some Christians would agree that a loving God would not send anyone to hell. This is because forgiveness is a key Christian teaching and for God to send someone to hell shows that forgiveness hasn’t been given for that persons sins. Jesus taught forgiveness constantly throughout this time on earth. This is seen in the story of the adulteress woman in which a woman is going to be stoned for committing adultery however Jesus stops this by saying ‘whichever of you who is free of sin may throw the first stone.’ As none of the men are free of sin they all leave, showing that sin is normal and can be forgiven
- Jesus also teaches love throughout the Bible, even in the face of sin and crime. This is seen as Jesus teaches ‘love thy neighbour’ but even more prominent ‘ love thy enemy.’ If Jesus teaches to ‘love thy enemy’ it shows that it is essential to love and forgive in the face of sin and therefore a benevolent God wouldn’t sentence anyone to such an unloving life as Hell.
- Many Christians would disagree with this statement. This is because they may say that God is loving but he is also Just. The view that God is Just is very important as it means that he is fair. For example, it would not be fair if a serial killer and charity worker both went to heaven as it would not be fair and make life on earth unimportant.
- Some would also say God is still loving by sending people to hell as he is showing love to the victims of the sinner and rewarding those who have done good. This is seen when, on judgement day, God divides people into the sheeps and the goats and says the sheep will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven as they have followed him (found in Matthew’s Gospel).
‘The existence of hell does not fit with the belief of an all loving God.’ [12 Marks]
- A God of love would not create us so that we might be eternally separated from him.
- Jesus speaks of God as a loving father who is always ready to forgive our sins (Parable of the Prodigal Son)
- The parable of the sheep and goats says that God will condemn people who do not look after the vulnerable to eternal punishment
- The Creed says ‘He will come again to judge the living and the dead’.
‘Salvation is a sign of God’s love.’ [12 Marks]
- God loves us so much that he sent his only son to earth “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son” (John’s Gospel).
- Without Jesus’ life, death and resurrection then humans would be separated from God forever. So God is loving as through sending his son Jesus, he as allowed us to spend eternity with him.
- Salvation is not given to humans – they have to earn it through doing good deeds or faith. Therefore it he was truly loving he would give it to us for free, as a gift.
- It is not clear how Jesus’ sacrifice brings about salvation.
- Salvation is a good sign of God’s love, but there are others signs of God’s love such as creation.