Christianity Practices Flashcards
Give two ways in which Christians celebrate the festival of Easter [2 Marks]
- Focus on stations of the cross
- Hold palm leaves on palm Sunday
Give two meanings of the word ‘church’ [2 Marks]
- Holy people of God
- A building in which Christians worship
Give two ways in which the Church tries to fulfil its mission [2 Marks]
- Tell other people about God and Jesus
- Invite people to their church services
- charitable work
Give two ways in which the Church gets its message to people [2 Marks]
- Formal missionary activities (eg preaching the Gospel in other countries)
- Informal evangelical activities (eg. working in a food bank)
Give two examples of how the Church has helped to work towards reconciliation [2 Marks]
- preaching
- charity work
Give two ways in which Christians support those countries where it is forbidden to follow Jesus [2 Marks]
- pray for them
- provide resources for them (eg. Bible)
Give two ways in which the church helps Christians to respond to persecution [2 Marks]
- if you are being persecuted the Church provides a place of prayer and encouragement
- To support those who are being persecuted the church is a place of fundraising and political activism.
Name two types of Christian prayer [2 Marks]
- Informal prayer
- Formal prayer
Give two ways in which the Christian church responds to persecution [2 Marks]
- Pray for themselves and others being persecuted
- Send practical help (eg. Money, food, Bibles etc)
Give two ways in which Christian might show their commitment to Church growth [2 Marks]
- Donate money
- Attend Church
Give two examples of the work of the Church in the local community [2 Marks]
- Foodbanks – a place where people can collect free food if needed
- “housing justice” – a Christian charity that attempts to house the homeless.
Explain two ways in which belief in creation by God influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Try and look after the world and be good stewards of God’s creation
- Try and see go and worship nature through everything around
- Pray more to God and thank him for his beautiful creation
Explain two ways in which a belief in the resurrection influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Shows clearing that Jesus is the son of God so reaffirms their faith in him
- Conquered death so that we don’t have to be scared of it and know that there is life after death
Explain two ways in which a belief in Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today [4 Marks]
- Helps then become closer to God because they know he understands their pain
- Thankful to God for his incredible sacrifice and want to build a relationship
Explain two contrasting ways in which Christians practise baptism [4 Marks]
- Infant baptism - baby
- Adult baptism – an adult that has actually decided and made the choice to be baptised
Explain two ways in which a worldwide Christian relief organisation carries out its mission overseas [4 Marks]
- Care for victims or natural disasters // rebuild communities, provide food, water, medicine etc
- Fight against injustice or provide a fairer way of doing things // e.g free people from slavery or poor working conditions
Explain what is meant by the Church [4 Marks]
- Holy people of God, also called the body of Christ
- A building in which Christians worship
Explain two ways that Christian charities help the poor in less economically developed countries [5 Marks]
- One way in which Christian charities help the poor in less economically developed countries (LED’s) is through providing food, clean water and shelter. This means that in emergency situations they will provide resources necessary for survival. An example of this was Christian Aid providing necessary resources in the Philippines, after the typhoon, monsoon and floods in 2012.
- Another way in which Christian charities help the poor in LED’s is by establishing programmes that help them become more self-sufficient. For example, CAFOD created a programme. Matthew’s Gospel says “when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”. This means that when you are helping the hoor, you are also helping God.
Explain two reasons why Christians practise evangelism [5 Marks]
- The Great Commission // Matthew: “go and make disciples of all nations” // Go out and speak good news and truths about God
- If the person has felt the love and the joy and the hope of God’s love then they feel compelled to share it with those they love and with the desperate world
Explain two ways that Christians may work for reconciliation [5 Marks]
- Preaching and providing others with what the Bible teaches about reconciliation (eg. “love thy neighbour”
- Doing charity work and providing people with food and medical aid
Explain two things that the Church does [5 Marks]
- Internally it gathers believers
- Externally it tells others about God/ Jesus, helps in local communities, and engages positively in society.
Explain two reasons why evangelism is important for the Christian Church [5 Marks]
- Jesus says in Matthew (in the great commission)) “go and make disciples all nations”. Christians would say that because Jesus said and did it, Christians should too.
- If Christians did not evangelise, the Christian Church would not grow. Eg ALPHA
‘Parents should not have their children baptised if they have no intention of bringing them up as Christians.’
- There are very clear promises made at a baptism made in front of friends, but also in front of God. “When man vows to God he shall not break that vow” (Numbers). No one should make public promise that they have no intention of keeping.
- It is understandable that parents what a celebration with family and friends to mark the birth of a new child. Traditionally, this party was a baptism. However, in todays secular society, if the parents want a party then that is fine, but they should not wrap it up in unnecessary religious promises that they do not wish to keep.
- Even if the parents do not have intentions of raising the child in the faith, they may not be certain of their beliefs. Therefore, baptising the child (in the Catholic Church) rids the child of original sin and therefore if the child suddenly died then the parents might wish to give the child a chance to get into heaven (even if they are not certain of its existence).
- Baptism is a good and traditional way to celebrate the birth of your child (with your friends, family and community) – just the same as getting married in church even if you are not a regular church goer. It gives the service a certain solemnity.
‘It is more important to help the poor than to celebrate Holy Communion.’
- Jesus was more emphatic about helping the poor (eg Sermon on the Mount, Matthew) than he was about with religious observance. Therefore, Christians should follow his example.
- James says “faith without deeds is useless” which shows that without actually putting “love thy neighbour” (Mark) into action through actions such as helping the poor, you cannot call yourself a Christian.
- There is nothing more important than declaring your love for God and membership of his family, which is what Holy Communion is about. In fact, if you love God in this way then you will naturally love the poor.
- The primary way of coming together across all Christian denominations is through celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus through Holy Communion. There is nothing more important than this for a Christian. There are many ways to demonstrate God’s love (helping the poor is only one of them).
‘Christmas is no longer a religious festival.’
- It has become materialised and is now all about receiving presents, instead of the birth of Jesus.
- Advertising for Christmas shows it clearly as you are more likely to see reindeers, snowmen, santa than a nativity scene or any reference to Christianity Secular activities.
- Instead of people having nativity scenes in their home, it is more likely that they will have a Christmas tree with many presents underneath.
- Still at many schools a nativity play is made at Christmas time, showing that even for children Christmas has not lost its religious meaning.
- People focus on family, children, the poor and the lonely at Christmas time. This shows that people have not forgotten to “love thy neighbour” at Christmas and are following the kind and compassionate example of Jesus in his life on earth.
‘It is a Christians duty to feed hungry people in Britain.’
- Jesus showed the example of helping the vulnerable, so Christians should follow his example and do the same. In the parable of the Sheep and Goats it says “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, for I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink… whatever you did for one these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”.
- Christains should follow what Jesus said in Mark’s Gospel – “love your neighbour as you love yourself” – this means that you should help those suffering, just as you would want to be helped if you were in their situation. Christians
- Hungry people have got themselves into that situation, so it is not a Christians duty to get them out of that situation
- Christians main duty should be evangelism.
‘All Christians should do something practical to help their community, including praying for their neighbours.’
- Jesus is explicit about “when you help the least of my brothers and sisters you do it for me” (Matthew’s Gospel) . This means that when you do practical works, as well as prayer, to help the community you are also doing it for God.
- Jesus makes it very clear that loving God and loving your neighbour (Matthew) are the two most important responsibilities in his followers. Therefore Christians should listen to this and do something practical (including praying) for those around them.
- It is possible to be a dedicated Christian without investing time in your local community. You may have responsibilities overseas or in other areas of the world, not just your community.
- Some Christians may not be able to help practically in the community. For example, they may have a disability or be too young. Others may be alienated or even persecuted within that community, so they are also unable to engage in practical help.
‘Every Christian should be an evangelist.’
- Jesus commands all Christians to “go and make disciples of all nations”, therefore they should follow this command and evangelise.
- Every Christian should show love and kindness to those around them which honours Jesus. This type of evangelism may not always be spoken (“always preach the Gospel, using words when necessary” – St Francis) but it is the responsibility for followers of Jesus.
- Some would say that everyone has different strengths, and therefore not everyone in the Church needs to evangelise. For example, Christians would not expect someone with social anxiety to go out onto city streets with a microphone and preach about Jesus.
- Evangelism is a great way to touch peoples hearts, but it is not the only way. Many people may be drawn to faith precisely because someone does not push it in their face, but rather they show certain attractive values (e.g. generosity and tolerance).
- the holy spirit could draw you into a different way to love an serve god
‘Christians should just rely on evangelists for Church growth.’
- The final command of Jesus in the great Commission was (Matthew) “Go and make disciples of all nations”. The Church, therefore, should rely on the holy spirit to empower evangelists to tell the good news. There is no other way to grow.
- No matter how many people you encourage to come to church, or how many buildings you extend, the only way to extend the church properly is through evangelicalism and making people fall in love with God.
- Church growth relies on a lot of things (e.g. raising money to preserve and extend buildings, serving the community by looking after the homeless etc); these acts may be unseen and not announced in an evangelical manner, but without them the church will never grow.
- Providing resources (whether sending Bibles or building nursery schools) for others around the world grows the church. This allows the holy spirit to convict people of God’s love and does not need a missionary with a megaphone.
- no, Christians should rely on the Holy Spirit for Church growth
no, growth is every christians responsibility
‘Reconciliation to God is more important than reconciliation to other people.’
- When you reconcile with God, it creates a gateway into eternal life (heaven) that you can spend with him.
- God is constant and true, so being at one with his is a perpetual state whereas other people will leave and let you down so it will never last forever.
- Jesus makes It clear that the most important commandment is to love God, but the second (which is equal to it) is to “love thy neighbour as thyself”. Therefore it is equally important to be in harmony with those around us as well as being in harmony with God.
- “when you do this to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do it to me”. This means that, In Christianity where everyone is made in the image of God (Genesis) it is impossible to be reconciled to God until you are reconciled with those around you.
- you cant split them / jesus said BOTH important - lobe God AND neighbour
‘It is not possible to “rejoice and be glad” if you are suffering persecution.’
- If someone is suffering and experiencing physical or mental agony (just due to their faith) it is not physically possible for the human mind and body to rejoice and be happy. The only focus is survival. This is just human nature.
- Even if you are a committed Christian, and you do believe in eternal life lived joyfully, at the moment of persecution your thoughts will be on escaping or self-defence, not rejoicing. This is just the realistic way of reacting to the situation.
- A christian can remain hopeful and faithful in times of persecution, but they would not want this persecution to continue (and nor would God) so it is not a case if rejoicing
- It is clear throughout scripture that Jesus does not promise Christians an easy life, as he himself suffered persecution on the cross. However, he promised us that despite the persecution (either here on earth or in the afterlife) you should be confident and happy that all will be well.
- Paul’s letters throughout the New Testament instruct Christians to find their joy in Jesus, not there circumstance, Jesus is always with us so we should always rejoice. Paul himself was imprisoned and often beaten due to his faith, yet he wrote (for example to the Philippians) “rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice”
‘Religious charities should just concentrate on emergency aid.’
- Emergencies are when people are in most need of vital things such as food, water, money, support etc. eg. Famine, flood, earthquake.
- Charitable giving should not let Governments escape from their basic responsibilities (education, health, sanitation etc). Therefore, the religious charities should only give emergency aid because it is the governments job to give deliver basic support for its people (eg build schools).
- The most effective ways for charities to give is to build sustainable strength to local economies e.g. give a cow. “give a man a fish and you have fed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime” (a Chinese proverb).
- Often in emergencies the government is in a better place to help. For example, they can deploy the army, or they can use major recourses such as ships and helicopters which charities do not possess.
‘The most important duty of the Church is to help people in need.’
- Jesus helped all people in need, so the Church as a people need to follow his example (widows and orphans)
- By helping those in need (eg foodbank, Oxfam etc) is the best way to show others what the love of God looks like and therefore to share the good news about God and Jesus (evangelise).
- The most impprtant duty of the work is to evangelise, and although one aspect of this can be helping people in need, there are many other expressions which are important (e.g. investing in education or preaching).
- The most important duty of the Church is to bring people together of all races, ages, genders, backgrounds etc and create one kingdom. Everyone is effectively in need (in need of Jesus)
‘A Christian’s most important duty is to tell others about their faith.’
- Jesus told his disciples in the end of Matthew’ Gospel, during the great commission, “go and make disciples of all nations”. This shows Christians that it is important to tell others about their faith and give them a chance to understand it.
- When a Christian has felt the love of God, they believe that the compassionate thing to do is to share that love of God (through being kind and telling others about God) with other people who may not have experienced it before. This means that they are educating others on the love of God that they can experience.
- First important duty is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind” (Matthews Gospel). Jesus says that this is the most important commandment and duty in Christianity, and therefore takes priority over telling others about the Christian faith.
- After Jesus says this, he also says that (equal to loving God) you should love your neighbour. This message is repeated all throughout the Bible, in the Old and New Testament and is believed to be a very important Christian duty.
‘The most important festival for Christians is Christmas’ [12 Marks]
- It celebrates the incarnation – the central belief of Christianity.
- It is a time of peace and goodwill which reflects Jesus’ values.
- Easter is more important – it celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus and gives Christians proof that Jesus is the son of God (not just a great prophet).
- Easter is more important as it gives insight into the afterlife and shows Christians that Jesus conquered death so that we may have everlasting life.
- Christmas has become confused with materialism and the giving of presents.
“There will always be a need to feed hungry people in Britain, so Christians should not bother”. Evaluate this statement (12 marks).
- Giving food to one individual on the rare occasion is not going to change the system. It would be better if Christians prayed for those in need and put pressure on the Government to change the system.
- People need to take responsibility for their own difficulties, it is not the responsibility of Christians to pick people up who have let themselves down. Proverbs 12:11 “He who works his land will have abundant food”
- When Christians feed the hungry (and show love to anyone in need) they are expressing their love for God, and all his creation. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40)
- Jesus models a life of service which echoes the Old Testament values “he gives justice to the poor and food to the hungry” (Psalm 146:6-7). Therefore, we should follow his example by at least giving some food to the hungry.
“In order to be Christian, it is necessary to be baptized” (12 marks).
- Jesus was baptised (told in the Gospels), so this is an example for us to follow to be entered into the Christian faith. Jesus also instructed his disciples to baptises others, so clearly it is necessary in order to follow him and be a Christian correctly,
- For Catholics, baptism is a necessary way of removing original sin. In the catholic Church, to be Christian you need to be baptised.
- In the Parable of Sheep and Goats, Jesus says that the most important thing to achieve salvation is not baptism, but instead helping others. E.g. Ukrainian refugees being welcomed into European homes.
- It is possible to follow Christ without being baptised. For example, Quakers.
‘The most important festival for Christians is Easter’ [12 Marks]
- Easter is the most important – it celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus and gives Christians proof that Jesus is the son of God (not just a great prophet).
- Easter is most important as it gives insight into the afterlife and shows Christians that Jesus conquered death so that we may have everlasting life.
- Christmas is the most important because it celebrates the incarnation – the central belief of Christianity.
- Easter has become materialised and is now all about receiving chocolate and gifts, so it does not hold great importance anymore for Christians.