Theme B Flashcards
Beliefs about what happens to us after we die.
Animal Rights
The idea that animals should have rights and that life should be respected.
Big Bang Theory
The scientific view of the beginning of the universe.
Charles Darwin
The man who put forward the Theory of Evolution.
(That all living creatures that exist today have evolved from primitive life forms over millions of years).
When the sperm fertilises the female egg resulting in pregnancy.
The idea that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th
Belief that humans have been given control/charge of the world.
Assisting with the ending of life for a person who is terminally ill or has degenerative illness; often known as assisted suicide.
Scientific theory of the development of species.
A process of natural selection and survival of the fittest.
Fossil Fuels
Earth’s natural resources; coal, oil and gas
A place that cares for those dying from an incurable illness
Natural Resources
Resources that are found in nature – fossil fuels
(eg coal, oil, natural gas)
Pressure groups that campaign for the right of a woman to decide on abortion
Quality of Life
The extent to which a person’s life is good/comfortable.
Sanctity of Life
The belief that life is sacred (because it was created by God).
Duty (given by God) to humankind to look after the world He created, and all life within it.