Theme A (Religion, Relationships and Families) Flashcards
Annulment defintion (1)
- cancellation of marriage and it didn’t take place
Reasons for annulment (5)
- unfaithful
- intoxication (did not understand vows)
- forces
- not consummated
- lies
Bible quote linking to annulment (1)
“Death do us part”
Pope John Paul’s Theology of the body (6)
- sex is pleasurable
- trust in marriage
- human life needs protected
- adultery is disrespectful
- sex is gift from God
- sex is essential in marriage
- men and woman are equal
Teaching on marriage and sex (3)
- marital: exclusive between 2 people wedded
- unitive: sex deepens love and fulfilment
- procreative: open to have children, only form of contraception is rhythm method
Bible quotes to support teaching on sex
- unitive: “become one flesh”
- procreative: “go fourth and multiply”
Sanctity of life (5)
- life if gift from God
- life is precious
- life starts at conception so no contraception and has to be in marriage
- protect all life
- holy spirit in everybodu
Marriage vows (3)
- for better or for worse
- for richer and for poorer
- sickness and in health
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians about Love (4)
- not selfish
- not jealous
- happy with the truth
- not keep records of wrongs
Cohabitation- pro/cons (2)
- better financially
- breaks sanctity of marriage and would be in sexual relationship
Marriage Care (2)
- prepares Catholics for commitment
- understand how it works + difficulties
Gender equality reasons (1)
- different but unite in sex so irreplaceable
Bible quote for gender equality (1)
- “God made men and woman in his image”
Divorce and remarriage in Catholicism
- vows under God’s eye and cannot be broken
- does not recognise 2nd marriage unless widowed
Bible quote for Divorce
“Let what God has joined together let no man separate”
Homosexuality relationships (2)
- all people loved by God equally
- not procreative so marriage had to be between men and woman
Types of families (4)
- One parent
- Nuclear Family (both parents share responsibility)
- Reconstituted Family (re-married creating ‘step’ family)
- Extended Family (different generations share responsibilities)
Support family provide (4)
- education on parenting
- stable society
- Christian example
- experience society
Evidence for Sexism in the Bible (4)
- Woman can’t be priests
- St Paul’s letter “woman have no authority”
- Jesus’ disciples all me
- Wives as “property” in 10 commandments “jewellery”
Evidence for Equality in the Bible (5)
- St Paul “Woman or man- all one”
- Woman still have their own roles
- “Precious jewellery” woman are important
- Jesus did’t discriminate
- Mary 2nd most important figue