Judaism Beliefs Flashcards
- divine presence of God
- shown in the Torah as a cloud, pillar of fire and a burning bush
Prayer confirming the belief in one God
First 5 books of Moses
- Jewish holy day of rest
- starts sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday
613 laws/ commandments
Quality of God that shows compassion and forgiveness for humans
Belief of the afterlife (4)
- Gan Eden = paradise
- Sheol = state of imperfection before paradise
- either spiritual or physical
- you will be judged on actions on Earth
Story of Moses
- boy rescued from Nile
- God appeared to him as burning bush to free Hebrews from slavery
- God sent 10 plagues
- he freed them from slavery parting the red sea
- God gave him the 10 commandments on mount Sinai
Abraham (2 features)
- relationship: always believed in God. Promised Abraham he said he would be “father of many nations” and said “i give you land and to your offspring forever”
- covenant: had to stay loyal, all make descendants circumcised, was about to kill son Issac but replaced him with a ram
Nature and the role of the messiah (2)
- they will be the anointed one who will live on earth, descendant of King David
- messianic age will be a time of peace where everybody will be close with God (Achieved with or without a messiah, through the people)
Charities working for poverty (2)
- Tzedek: UK for global poverty
- World Jewish Relief: helps poor Jewish communities, so they can live with dignity, self reliance and hope
Pikuach Nefesh
- save a life even if it breaks law
- go on the organ register list
- very important as could be done on the Sabbath
Mitzvoth (2 key relationship improvements)
- man and God: worship/ sacrifice to become closer
- man and man: teaches love and respect to improve relations
4 Commandments between Man and God
1) One God
2) Do not worship idols
3) Do not use God’s name in vain
4) Rest on the Sabbath
6 Commandments between Man and Man
5) Respect mother/ father
6) do not murder
7) do not commit adultery
8) do not steal
9) do not lie
10) do not be jelous
Moral principles (3)
- justice, “to do justice and love goodness” help improve racial equality
- healing the world, preserve what God has created
- Kindness to others, caring actions like donation to charities
Mitzvoth for forgiveness (4)
- respect mother/ father
- love neighbour as thy self
- helping vulnerable
- leave food for the poor
Free Will
- people can do what they want knowing consequences
- closer/ away with God
- origins from Adam and Eve
Sanctity of Life
- God created all life and it is precious
- human life should not be used and abused
- commentary on the Torah by the Rabbis
- destroy soul, destroy the whole world