Theme A Flashcards
When did same-sex marriage become legal in the UK?
Give two examples of a positive attitude to homosexuality from religion
Church of England allows same-sex couples to enter into loving relationships though will not let them marry. / Metropolitan Community Church is pro-LGBT. / The Dalai Lama has said “If two people… really feel that way… then okay”
Give two examples of a negative attitude to homosexuality from religion
Genesis describes men and women as “one flesh” suggesting that God did not intend homosexual relationships / Leviticus (Old Testament) says “If a man has sexual relationships with a man as one does with a woman… They are to be put to death” / In Theravada Buddhism, homosexual men are not allowed to be ordained due to the elephant keeper incident.
Give two religious teachings about sex outside of marriage
Christianity is generally opposed to due the belief that sex is the consummation of marriage / The Buddha taught that a man should only have sex with his wife, and that sexual craving leads to suffering / However, Buddhists in more relaxed cultures are not as worried about sex before marriage because marriage is not a sacrament in Buddhism
What are the two types of contraception?
Natural - planning around a woman’s fertility
Artificial - use of manmade contraceptives e.g. condoms
Give two examples of positive attitudes towards contraception from religion
The Church of England allows all forms of contraception as long as they are used within marriage / The Catholic Church allows only natural contraception / Most Buddhists believe that contraception is harmless
Give two examples of negative attitudes towards contraception from religion
The Catholic Church forbids the use of manmade contraception / Buddhists may worry that widespread use of contraception encourages casual sex and cheating, which will create craving/suffering/bad karma
Give three purposes of marriage for a religious person
Christians see marriage as a lifelong union of two people in the eyes of God / Christians believe marriage is the only place where procreation should take place / Marriage for Christians is a sacrament, bringing them closer to God / For Buddhists marriage is a way of building good karma for a layperson, e.g. by raising a child according to Buddhist values / It is an opportunity for religious people to raise children within a religion
Give two positive religious teachings about divorce
The Church of England will allow divorce if it is the right thing for the couple / Many Buddhists will allow divorce as they recognise anicca: all things are impermanent, even love
Give two negative religious teachings about divorce
Many Christians e.g. Catholics are opposed to divorce and only allow annulment. / The Old Testament teaches that God “hates divorce”. / Buddhists generally discourage divorce if problems can be fixed by healthy communication and patience.
Why might some religious people choose not to be part of a normal family structure?
For may religious people they would prefer to become monks / e.g. Buddhists believe in avoiding attachment which could include attachment to family
What types of family may religious people object to?
Polygamy / same-sex couples / blended and reconstituted families, if these go against traditionally teachings about sex outside of marriage
What is the role of parents in a family?
Providing role models for children / providing emotional and financial stability for their children / committing to each other (marriage vows) / educating their children / raising their children within a religion / arranging a suitable marriage partner for their children
What is the role of children in a family?
To respect their parents / to care for their parents in old age / to earn a living and support the family when they are old enough / to continue the family / to live according to the values they were brought up by / to support other members of the family e.g. brothers, sisters, parents
When were women given the right to vote (suffrage)?
When were women given equal pay?
Give two religious arguments for gender discrimination/gender roles
Ephesians (New Testament) suggests that women should obey their husbands / Women cannot be priests in the Catholic Church because the priest represents Christ / Theravada Buddhists teach that women cannot reach Enlightenment because they are born with bad karma / Religious people may agree with secular arguments that some forms of gender discrimination are good for women, e.g. different allowances for childcare and maternity leave
Give two religious arguments against gender discrimination/gender roles
Galatians (New Testament) suggests that men and women should be treated equally / In the Church of England women can be ministers / Buddhism was one of the first religions to allow a women’s order of nuns / Mahayana Buddhists believe that women have Buddhanature and are also capable of Enlightenment, as shown in the Lotus Sutra and the story of the Dragon King’s Daughter
What is family planning?
Planning when to have a family and how big a family to have by use of birth control practices and/or contraception
What is cohabitation?
A couple living together without being married/in a civil partnership
What is an extended family?
Family unit comprising two parents and their children, but also grandparents, cousins etc.
What is a nuclear family?
Family unit made up of two parents and their children
What is polygamy?
The practice of having multiple spouses (wives and/or husbands)