Buddhism: Practices Flashcards
Buddha rupa
An image or statue of the historical Buddha or a being believed to have attained Buddhahood.
Compassion (karuna)
Sympathy and concern for the suffering of others; a key part of Buddhist ethics.
One of the Mahayanan six perfections; making a courageous effort to attain enlightenment.
Ethics (Sila)
Moral principles that inform behaviour and attitudes; part of the Eightfold Path.
The five moral precepts
An important part of Buddhist ethics; part of the Eightfold Path (right action). These include: not taking life, not taking things which aren’t freely given, not misusing the sense, not speaking falsehoods, not clouding the mind with intoxicants.
One of the Mahayanan six perfections; the sincere and selfless desire to benefit others with no expectation of reward.
Tibetan monasteries associated with learning and studying the dharma.
Kamma (karma)
Literally ‘action.’ The belief in cause and effect, intentions and actions will affect the future.
Loving kindness (metta)
A pure love which is selfless and not possessive; a key part of Buddhist ethics
Mantra recitation
A short sequence of words or syllables chanted repetitively as a form of meditation.
Strings of beads used as a prayer aid.
Principles or beliefs about what is right and wrong. One of the Mahayanan six perfections; includes following the Five Moral Precepts
Parinirvana Day
A festival in Mahayana Buddhism that celebrates the death of the Buddha and his attainment of final nibbana. It is most often celebrated on 15th February.
Being able to tolerate delay or problems without becoming agitated or anxious. One of the Mahayanan six perfections.
The name given to ceremonies that involve meditation, prayer and offerings.
Pure Land
This is the dominant form of Buddhism in Japan and focuses on chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha.
Temporarily leaving one’s everyday life and going to special places to aid spiritual development.
Concentration and tranquility. A method of meditation; a state of calmness.
A room or part of a room which contains a Buddha rupa, candles, an incense burner and sometimes other offerings.
The six perfections
Ethical principles in Mahayana Buddhism to lead a being to enlightenment.
The Threefold Way
The three divisions of the Eightfold Path: ethics, meditation and wisdom.
Vipassana (insight)
A method of meditation focused on insight into the true nature of things.
Forming a mental image. A method of meditation in Mahayana Buddhism, imagining an image of a Buddha or Bodhisattva and focusing on their qualities.
A Buddhist festival celebrating the Buddha’s birth. For some Buddhists it also celebrates his enlightenment and death.
Wisdom (panna)
Insight into the true nature of reality. One of the Mahayanan six perfections, which includes the realisation of sunyata.
The main form of meditation in Zen Buddhism, practiced cross-legged with the aim of gaining vipassana (insight).
A Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism. It focuses on the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship and study of the scriptures.