Christianity: Practices Flashcards
What are the three main forms of worship in Christianity?
Liturgical, non-liturgical, and informal
What is liturgical worship?
A church service which follows a set structure or ritual, e.g. set prayers - popular in Catholicism
What is non-liturgical worship?
A style of church worship which changes from week to week, with a focus on creating a positive experience of the Holy Spirit e.g. through singing and dancing
What is informal worship?
Worship focused on individual prayer inspired by the Holy Spirit, often taking the form of personal prayer in a silent room with others, popular in the Quaker church
What is informal prayer?
Spontaneous prayers spoken from the heart which are personal and unique to the person/people at the time
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
The set prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus, also known as the ‘Our Father’
Why do some Christians argue that prayer should always be private?
Jesus warns that God does not like public displays of worship. “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father is unseen”
Why do some Christians argue that prayer should be public?
In the Great Commission, Jesus encourages his disciples to “Make disciples of all nations”, which would encourage them to worship publicly
What is a sacrament?
An outward sign of an inward grace. There are seven sacraments in Christianity, which allow a person to deepen their relationship with God and the Church.
What is the first sacrament?
What does Jesus instruct his disciples in the Great Commission?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
Why do Christians argue baptism is necessary to enter Heaven?
Jesus teaches “no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit”
What is baptism?
The sacrament through which people become members of the Church. It involves the use of water as a symbol of the washing away of sin.
What are the two main types of baptism?
Infant baptism and believers’ baptism
What is infant baptism?
The baptism of newly born infants. The family are welcomed and there are readings from the Bible. Normally involves pouring water over the baby’s head.
What is believers’ baptism?
The baptism of someone who has chosen to become a Christian as an adult, by full immersion in the water. It is a celebration of an individual’s free choice to become “born again”.
Why do Christians disagree on how to interpret the Bible teachings about the Eucharist/Holy Communion?
Jesus says “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” More traditional Christians (such as Catholics) focus on ‘This is my body’, and treat the bread as the literal body, whereas Protestant Christians focus on “in remembrance of me” and treat the Eucharist as symbolic.