Theme A Flashcards
2 contrasting on homosexuals?
Christians allow homosexuals to have a faithful, committed relationship, but cannot get married in churches.
Islam forbids homosexuals, as it is against the natural law created by god, against gods law.”Lust after males, and abandon the wives that god has created for you? You are exceeding all bounds”
Homosexual for
Some Christians allow homosexuals relationships. Could be in loving relationship. Love and care, but not allowed to marry in churches.
It is not against the law, and also, not any penalty in the UK, so should be allowed.
homosexual against
Against in Islam, mentions in Quran that exceeding bounds, but also, sets death penalty for people accused of homosexuality. “And as for the two of you men who are guilty of lewdness, punish them both”
Mentioned in bible that “do not have sexual relationships with a man as one does with a women, that is detestable’, mentions not allowed, as it is disliked by god.
sex outside of marriage
Christians think it’s wrong, as involves breaking trust, lies, and betrayal.
Muslims think it as a serious sin, avoid situations like this, to avoid, some countries, this is a death penalty.
against sex before marriag
Religion says sexual relationships should take place in marriage, laws and commandments from god forbids us from sexual relationships before marriage. If guilty of zina, would get flogged 100 times, mentioned in Surah al Nur.
Bible warns against immorality, Jesus suggested it’s wrong to look at someone lustfully “flee from sexual immorality”, means that its forbidden.
for sex before marriage
Christians believe if couples are in loving relationship, marriage is not required, it may be hard to get married, only require love.
Everyone has their own opinion, and choose to have sex with, no point for signing a contract, its not against the law
contraception for
Some Muslims allowed contraception, as “god wishes to lighten your burden”, means that allowed, if couples life is difficult, struggling financially, or have too much children.
Can decide how much children they want, accept contraception, not to be stop completely, but regulate amount of children.
contraception against
Catholic church teaches methods go against law pf god. Purpose of marriage and sex is to have children, “be fruitful and increase in number”
Destroys idea of sanctity of life, will of god, so people should avoid contraception.
divorce for
Mentioned in Quran, that divorce is allowed, “shall be a waiting period of 3 months”, time of reconciliation.
Allowed in law, if marriage cannot be saved, parents might be abusive ext.
divorce against
Christians think marriage is permanent, marrying again after divorce is wrong. If get divorce, in eyes of god, they are still married “Anyone who divorces his wife, and marries another women, commits adultery against her”, adultery is a huge sin
Children go under a lot of mental stress, separation of parents, not rig
Important, for them to honor parents, as one of 10 commandments to look after parents.
Care for elderly parents, with love and respect, as they cared for them when they wer
procreation for
Mentioned in bible to be fruitful and increase in number, meaning purpose of marriage and sex is to have children.
Should have children, increase worlds population, and also could be better future.
stability and protection for
Hadith mentions “there is no gift a parent can give gis child that is better then good manners”, teaching them respect will help them.
“train a child in the way he should grow up”, train them so they are a good person ahead, safe from crimes or drugs ext.
teaching faith for
teach faith. “bring your children in training of the lord”, read bible, prayer, festivals
“continuous charity knowledge by which people derive benefit and a pious who prays for him” lot of reward, if practice faith, teach him what is halal or haram ext.
polygamy for
Allowed in Islam, men are allowed to get married 4 times, purpose was for charitable, and honorable purposes.
Many examples of polygamy in the old testament, for example, “Jacob had many multiple wives”, is not forbidden.