Theme 4 1942-1948 Flashcards
What did deal was signed in 1941 that set out that all nations had a right to self determination and who was it signed by?
Atlantic charter signed by both Winston Churchill and Roosevelt.
How did Winston Churchill view the Atlantic charter in regards to the British Empire and how did Labour view it??
Churchill believed that it did not apply to any nations within the British Empire, whilst secretary of state for India Leo Amery and the leader of the Labour party Clement Atlee supported self determination for India.
What was the situation like in India for the duration of the war after the famine?
Gandhi and Nehru were out of the picture and in turn tensions in India were relatively low. It was decided that a conference should be scheduled to decide what would happen to India after the war. India had given millions of resources to Britain during the war and Britain simply couldn’t afford to pay it back.
When was the Simla conference held?
25th June 1945, the plan was to offer the Indians a similar agreement to the one offered to them by the Cripps mission. This meant that power would be shared between the Hindus and Muslims whilst Britain retained the viceroy and control over the military.
What did Churchill’s interim government and Wavell offer at the Simla conference?
Balanced representation for different communities and included equal representation for Hindu’s and Muslim’s. Churchill was unwilling to grant independence but still wanted to reward the Muslims for their contribution to the war effort.
What problem arose between the Muslim League and the INC at the First Simla conference?
The INC leaders had been released from prison in order to attend the meeting. The INC rejected the Muslim stake in India believing that the INC represented all Indians. Jinnah protested this and argued that the ML was the only party suitable for representing Muslims.
On what day did Wavell adjourn the Simla conference and why?
On the 14th July Wavell adjourned the conference as he couldn’t break the deadlock between Jinnah and the INC. Although Jinnah had been willing to discuss a united government his treatment by the INC pushed him further away.
On what date did the Conservative party lose the general election?
26th July 1945
What where the results of the 1945 general election?
It was rumoured that Labour held a meeting with the INC in 1938 offering independence as soon as they achieved power and in turn they started taking steps to achieve this. It was very unlikely that any major progress would be made with Churchill still in power.
Why was a Labour victory extremely beneficial to the INC?
Labour were very much pro Indian independence and Attlee immediately set up an Indian commission. However a number of INC members had close connections with Labour party members e.g. Nehru and Cripps.
Why were the Muslim League suspicious of the Labour victory?
Due to the strong links between Labour and the INC “Labour - Congress Axis” many feared that they would be sidetracked despite their contributions in the war. Some factions in the Muslim League perceived the Labour Party to be anti-Muslim.
Who were the members of the India Commission and what outlook did they have?
The group was made up of Secretary of State Lord Pethwick - Lawrence, Clement Attlee and Stafford Cripps. They all had the same motive to grant independence to India as well as harbouring a pro - INC stance.
What problems did the India Committee have to solve?
They had to ask what format independence would be, who would receive control, how could they solve the internal strife between religions and princes. Although Labour had good intentions they were out of their depth.
What was the first decision that the India commission made?
That elections should be held in India to allow the people to choose their own representatives in an Indian constituent assembly.
What did the Indian commission unannounced fact finding group set out to do?
They wanted to gauge the support for an Independent Pakistan, Wavell also established a small party to make preparations just in case.
How would the INC benefit from the 1946 Indian Elections?
They had been out of government since 1939 and in turn this offered them a way back into power, Labour had seemingly forgot their lack of cooperation during the war.
What was the backdrop of the Constituent Assembly General Election?
Disorder, violence, mayhem - caused by draught and famine, mutiny and demobilisation of soldiers (leading to unemployment), and trials of captured INA soldiers.
What did the pre 1946 election unrest lead to regarding the army?
A mutiny broke out aiming to force the British out of India however, the INC and the Muslim League convinced them to stop believing that cooperation was the best option.
How many seats were contested in the 1946 election?
1585 seats were up for grabs.
How many seats did the INC and Muslim League win and what percentage of the vote did they get?
INC won 923 seats which was 58% of th seats and they held a majority in 8/11 States.
Muslim League won 425 seats in turn winning 90% of the seats guaranteed to them in turn giving them around 26% of seats. They had a majority in two states. Many Muslim voters chose the Muslim League as they wanted Pakistan not a United India.
The only state without a majority was Punjab which led to tensions flaring.
Who was the three man cabinet mission made up of? And when was it.
It was made up of Cripps, Pethick - Lawrence and A.V Alexander who was a key Labour party member and a known socialist. March - May 1946.
What was the 3 man cabinet mission instructed to do?
They wanted to do everything possible to maintain a United India, one that could play role in Britain’s Asian security plan, but did rule out the possibility of separate Muslim dominated states in India.
How did Jinnah deal with the cabinet Mission?
The group talked to Jinnah extensively to try and get him to agree to a united India. Jinnah realised that the only way of achieving Pakistan would be through the British therefore, he agreed to meet the INC at a further Simla Conference.
What major flaws did the Cabinet Mission have?
They were so focused on the INC and the ML that they paid very little attention to the Princely States and the Sihks which left both groups incredibly angered.
When was the second Simla conference held?
It was held in early May 1946.
What was proposed by the cabinet mission at the second Simla conference?
Option 1: An all India Union with control over everything including defence and foreign affairs. The Union would consist of a Hindu Dominated Central province system as well as a Muslim dominated North West. These states would dictate their own affairs in a federal manner. It also provided the Muslims with an option to secede.
Option 2: The immediate creation of two separate states of Hindustan and Pakistan.
What did the British hope the Second Simla Conference would lead to?
The INC would not accept the second one so hopefully they would compromise for the first. Jinnah accepted both proposals but the INC rejected both due to the secession clause.
Who did Gandhi send to represent the INC at the Second Simla conference?
Gandhi had delegated INC representation to its Muslim leader Abul Azad, Jinnah saw this a cunning device.
Where was Abul Azad housed and where was Jinnah housed at the second Simla conference?
Abul Azad was housed as the viceroys guest whilst Jinnah had to stay in a local hotel and get rickshaw every day.
How did the princes react to the lack of consultation from the British at the Second Simla conference?
The princes were long seen as vassals of the British however as they became ignored they began to assert themselves more.
What did the British set out in the May statement?
They feared another failure and in turn stepped in stating that option 1 would happen with an interim government being set up.
Why did a disagreement break out between the INC and the Muslim League over the May statement?
The INC were unwilling to compromise and believed that they should select all members of the Interim Government. Jinnah would have none of it and once again the British had to intervene.
How did the British Respond to the interim government disagreement?
They intervened and selected the council members themselves in order to try and soothe tensions between the groups.
What did the INC do after Britain selected the members of the Interim Government?
The INC suddenly U turned and agreed to the first option proposed by the cabinet mission under the assurances that the Muslims could not secede and in turn prevent Pakistan from forming.
Why did Jinnah call for a direct action?
He was at this stage dying of Lung cancer and in turn needed to achieve Pakistan as quickly as possible. He turned his back on Labour and the INC and called for direct Muslim action and General Strike.
On what day did Jinnah order the Day of Direct action to occur?
16th August 1946
What did Jinnah order the police of Calcutta to do on the day of direct action?
He ordered them to take a holiday.
How long did the Day of direct action last, how many died, how many were wounded and what did it become known as?
The Day of direct action ended up lasting over a week with over 5000 people dying and 20000 being wounded as fights broke out between Hindu’s and Muslim’s this became known as the Calcutta killings. Homes were burnt down and Muslims and Hindus began to attack each other.
What did the British realise as a result of the Calcutta Killings?
They had to step in to prevent total anarchy. Wavell who had been sidelined had always warned that Pakistan would be inevitable but Labour had ignored him up until this point.
After the day if direct actions why did it become clear that reconciliation become impossible?
It became clear that Jinnah would not accept anything other than parititon and he stated that it would be “worth the sacrifice of 10 million Muslims”. Furthermore, Gandhi worsened tensions by stating that “If India wants a bloodbath, she can have it”.
On what date was the Interim Government formed?
It was founded in September 1946 and Nehru was appointed as the first ever Prime Minister of India. This was only a temporary position whilst independence was ratified but was still a landmark moment. Although the Viceroy retained some power.
How did Wavell attempt to encourage members of the Muslim League into the Interim Government?
As a last ditch move he tried to restore balance between the two by suggesting that the ML should be given control over foreign affairs and form some kind of coalition with the INC. This did not happen and the only power Jinnah retained was over finance.
What did Wavell start to do in December 1946 and January 1947?
He began to draw up plans for the evacuation of British civilians as he believed that the situation could get out of hand. There was also a plan set out in place for the removal of the army, this could be seen as a shameful retreat and would leave India at the mercy of itself.
What happened on the 31st of January 1947?
Clement had Wavell replaced by Mountbatten who was given the task of transferring power by no later than the 30th June 1948. Wavell was awarded an Earldom for his services. Mountbatten took his position in March.
What brief did Clement Attlee give Mountbatten?
He had to have given complete independence by June 1948, this gave Mountbatten just a year to settle tensions and hand over control of the country in the most stable and manageable way possible. However, Attlee was very opposed to Partition.
Why did Attlee choose Mountbatten for the role?
He was a member of the royal family which was hoped would help foster links with the Princely states. He was centre left in his political outlook and was in favour of self determination and nationalism. He was also more open and active whilst Wavell was more reclusive which made it appear like the British were making progress.
Why did Britain want the independence process to go as smoothly as possible?
Britain wanted a positive relationship with India as it provided a vital link between Asia and the oil reserves of the middle east. This was a key reason why Britain feared partition as they believed that an independent Pakistan would be vulnerable.
How did Mountbatten attempt to charm the INC and ML?
He went on a tour of India meeting with Nehru, Gandhi and Jinnah. His meetings with Gandhi and Nehru and successful but Jinnah realised was Mountbatten was trying to do and had none of it, his aim had been to try and grant the INC most of the power and he failed to convince Jinnah to agree to it. Jinnah believed that Mountbatten was very much pro INC.
What did Mountbattens charm offensive reveal about partition?
It became clear that partition was practically inevitable. The INC and ML had both warned that they could not control their supporters if an unfavourable decision was made. Muslims would be willing to start a civil war to free themselves from a united India.
Why did Mountbatten start to believe that the deadline for partition was too late?
Mass riots broke out in Punjab as tensions erupted between Sikhs and Muslims. The North West had essentially turned into anarchy, Britain had to get out as quickly as possible.
What was the first British plan for partition called and what did it do?
It was named plan Balkan and would essentially allow Princely states and British provinces to decide upon their own future. It would have a checkerboard effect peppered with Hindu and Muslim states which would lead to chaos. Jinnah was not given a preview but would have absolutely disagreed with it.
How did Nehru react to Plan Balkan?
He stated that the INC would reject the offer as it would lead to total anarchy, in turn he insisted that he would not cooperate.
What plan was then adopted after the failure of plan Balkan and who developed it?
The plan was developed by V. P. Menon in which India would be separated from Pakistan therefore creating two separate states.
A boundary commission was created, what was the composition of the commission and who lead it?
It comprised of an equal number of Hindu’s and Muslim’s and was headed by the legal expert Sir Cyril Radcliffe. Cyril was selected as he had not previously set foot in India giving him little bias although this in turn meant that he was completely out of his depth.
How long was the boundary commission given and what did it have to work from?
It had 5 weeks to complete the plans for partition using out of date maps and charts as well as unconfirmed tales of land ownership. Mountbattens commander in Chief had warned him that the separation of resources would take 3-5 years.
Give an example of a controversy surrounding the Boundary Commission?
The initial draft gave the town of Firozpur to Pakistan. When Nehru found out about this he used his influence and met with Mountbatten and expressed his discontent. Mountbatten had a meal with Radcliffe and it was in India the next day. Mountbatten believed that Pakistan would not last.
How were East and West Pakistan formed?
They were formed by the division of Punjab and Bengal as well as other neighbouring provinces.
What did the border between India and Pakistan become known as?
The Radcliffe line.
On what day did Partition occur and what impact did it have?
It took place on the 15th of August 1947, the lines were hastily put into action. Many Indians found themselves in a nation that did not suit them and subsequently began to move. Mass killings occurred as trains and lorries were filled. Hindus and Sikhs were murdered by Muslims and many Muslims were slaughtered on their way to Pakistan.
How many people were killed and displaced in partition?
1 million people died and 15 million were displaced in partition as Hindus and Sikhs moved out of Pakistan and Muslims moved out of India.
What about the British response to Partition was so shameful?
They had only left 50’000 soldiers to cover the entire border and could in turn could do little to prevent violence, they were also under order to only protect Europeans.
How did Mountbatten convince the Princes to agree to the transfer of power?
He utilised his royal connections to get them to agree to the transfer. Many of the states felt forgotten and simply wanted independence, Mountbatten ignored this and stated that it would be their duty to join whichever nation was closest.
How were Raj assets divided between India and Pakistan?
India received 82.5% of assets and Pakistan received 17.5%
What did Gandhi do after partition in regards to politics?
He retreated from politics and left governance to the interim government.
What were the controversies surrounding the Junagadh princely state?
The state was led by a Muslim ruler however 80% of the states population were Hindu, the ruler Muhammad Mahabat Khanji wanted to join Pakistan. The government offered to hand over control after the Indian army entered the region.
What were the controversies surrounding Hyderabad state?
The state was nominally independent and had agreed to a number of terms with India however opposed the presence of Indian soldiers there. India later invaded in operation Polo.
On what date did Jinnah die?
11 September 1948
On what date was Gandhi assassinated by a fanatical Hindu?
30th January 1948