Theme 1 Flashcards
When was the INC founded?
How many Muslim members were in the INC by 1888?
When was the Muslim League founded?
What did the 1909 Morely Minto act do?
Sixty Indian member’s were to sit on the viceroy’s council, separate electorates provided for Hindus and Muslims.
What year did Jinnah become leader of the Muslim League?
How many Indian soldiers SERVED in WW1 AND HOW MANY DIED?
Over 1 million served and 62000 died
What did the 1915 defence of India act do?
It allowed for imprisoned without trial, restricted movement and free speech, people could also be held in prison for an indefinite amount of time, made no sense to implement as India was already relatively loyal.
What was the first application of the 1915 government of India act?
First Lahore conspiracy trial after the failed Ghadar conspiracy (plan for a pan Indian mutiny) 1915
What year was the Lucknow pact signed?
It was signed in December 1916.
How and Why was the Lucknow Pact Signed?
It was signed by both Jinnah and Bal Tilak in an attempt to create a United Front Against the British. Jinnah was at the time a member of both of the Muslim League and the INC which made signing the agreement easier.
What was decided by the Lucknow pact?
Allowed religious minorities representation in provincial legislatures. Muslim League would now call for autonomy. Only time that agreement was reached between the two organisations regarding seats.
What was the impact of the Home Rule Leagues?
It put significant pressure on the British as now both groups were calling for Dominion Status and in turn presented to the British a readiness for self governance.
Who were the two founder’s of the Home rule League’s?
Annie Besant and Bal Tilak
What were the aims of the Home Rule Leagues?
They wanted Dominion status as soon as possible and were generally very opposed to British Governence in India.
How many members did the home rule League’s have at their peak?
60000 of whom many were already in the INC or some position of power in India in turn providing the Home Rule Leagues with more influence.
What tactics did the home rule League’s use?
They used peaceful means such as writing newspapers
What impact did the Home Rule Leagues have?
Bal Tilak was arrested on numerous occasions whilst Besant became increasingly popular becoming INC leader in 1917.
They failed to achieve dominion status but they established the foundations for future Indian Nationalism.
Why did the Home Rule Leagues break down?
Bal Tilak grew too ill to continue campaigning whilst Besant was appeased by the notion of a government of India Act.
What year was the Montagu declaration?
August 1917
What did the Montagu declaration offer?
Some degree of self rule at some point. Enlarged voter franchise and increased power to provincial and central council. He also promised to meet some Indian Nationalists in order to discuss their concerns.
What was the Short term impact of the Montagu Declaration?
It served as a reminder to the Indians that they will be rewarded if they continue fighting especially as Passchendaele raged on.
What is the Long Term impact of the Montagu Declaration?
It set up India for significant disappointment as many Indians believed that they would receive dominion status but did not.
What and when was the Montagu-Chelmsford Report?
July 1918, first draft of the Government of India Act, Montagu fulfils his promise and visits India. It took 17 months to implement despite it being ready by the end of the war.
In what year and month was the Rowlatt act signed?
March 1919, it was signed as India began to descend into localised rioting and violence in part due to an immense increase in unemployment, famine and an influx in Spanish Flu.
What three provinces did the Rowlatt act effect?
Punjab, Bombay, Bengal as they were deemed to be hotspots of revolutionary activity by the British Government.
What were the Rowlatt acts?
They were a continuation of the DOIA which allowed for imprisonment without trial as well as limits on free speech.
What impacts did the Rowlett Acts?
India desperately needed aid for the famines which it did not receive. Many members of the Indian Civil Service chose to resign and many in the Councils chose to step down. Significant worsening in relations.
Why did Gandhi organise protests in Amritsar?
He starts it in March 30th, As a response to the implementation of the Rowlatt acts. He chose this location as many British businesses were based there which made the campaign far more effective. He convinced workers to obtain from work from seven days.
When was Gandhi arrested in Amritsar?
He was arrested on the 9th of April 1919 for planning a protest, this led to uproar as he was relying upon peaceful protest.
What happened in the protests following the arrest of Gandhi?
From the 10th of April onwards 30’000 people began to protest across Punjab leading to damage on Government infrastructure and buildings.
Marcia Sherwood was attacked which was used extensively by the British to justify their actions.
Why did Dyer implement marshal law in Amritsar?
In response to a riot over Sihk leaders being arrested in the city, a number of Europeans were attacked and one missionary died. He did so on the 12th of April and marched through the city.
What other restrictive measure’s did Dyer introduce ?
Crawling order, gatherings couldn’t contain more than 3 people.
On what date did the Amritsar massacre occur?
13th April 1919
Why were the crowds gather in Jalianwala Bagh?
The day was an important Sikh festival and therefore people gathered in the park.
How long did the British soldiers fire for?
10-15 minute’s
How many people died in the massacre?
How many were wounded in the massacre?
Give some more key information about the Amritsar Massacre?
They fired 1650 rounds, it was carried out by Sepoy soldiers. Dyer stated that he would have used the machine-gun on the armoured car if he could and he provided no medical provisions.
What was the initial British response?
Governor O’Dwyer of Bengal praised Dyer for restoring order
What did some British politicians describe the event’s at Amritsar?
What did the Hunter commission result in?
He was removed from command in march 1920 and suffered from a stroke in November 1921
What happened on the 15th April 1919
Martial law introduced in Amritsar, Lahore and Gujranwala, bicycles were confiscated and trains were cancelled. They tried to stop the spread of information out of the city.
What happened on the 18th of April?
Martial law in Gujarat
What happened on the 19th of April
Crawling order is issued, anyone wishing to walk down the street which Marcia Sherwood had been attacked on was forced to crawl. A total of 50 people ultimately had to do so.
How many were arrested during this time?
852 arrested, 581 convicted of waging war against the king emperor
What did the princely States provide to the British during the war?
They funded the production of mortars.
How did the outbreak of the First World War effect India?
July 1914 - The Indian army is expected to contribute to the conflict but more volunteers are also brought up alongside this, taxation and use of resources also substantially increased. India contributed significantly.
When was the Government of India Act 1919 implemented?
It was implemented in December 1919 and it established diarchy within the British Raj.
Who did the 1919 Government of India Act allow to vote?
The act extended the vote to all Indian Soldiers as well as many Indians of Wealth.
What was the impact of the Government of India Act?
Although it did increase the number of representatives within councils and gave a degree of domestic control of India. However, it was far from dominion status and was seen as an insult.