Theme 2 1920-1930 Flashcards
What year did Gandhi launch his second Satyagraha and why?
He launched it in 1920 in response to British repression in India as well as the horrors of the Amritsar massacre which led to immense anti British sentiment.
Who was opposed to Satyagraha?
It was opposed extensively by Jinnah who believed that direct protest would be ineffective and instead believed the British should be worked with.
Why is the timing of the Second Satyagraha significant?
The British needed Indian financial contribution due to the immense expenditure of the First World War.
What is Satyagraha?
Satyagraha is a non violent form of protest that calls for non violent non cooperation.
What is a Hartal?
A form of strike used by Gandhi which included civil disobedience, hunger strikes, submission to physical violence, protest marches.
What was the aim of the 1920-1922 Satyagraha?
To achieve Swaraj (Autonomy from the British)
What Year was Gandhi elected as leader of the INC?
He was elected in December 1920, he was not universally popular though as more Conservative members of the group challenged him but ultimately something needed to be done.
What did Gandhi change about the INC during the first year of his presidency?
Changed the INC from being a bourgeoisie movement to more of a popular one rallying people from all sections of the Indian population - Mass politicisation
What is Ashram?
The belief that everyone should live in a community in a religious and spiritual manner
What is Swadeshi?
Swadeshi is the boycotting of British goods, Gandhi wanted India to be entirely reliant on itself.
How did the British respond to the Satyagrahar?
They responded with a heavy hand making a large number of arrests, lead to international condemnation and gave the INC the higher moral ground.
How did Jinnah respond to Satyagrahar?
In December 1920 he left he INC and in turn started the separation of the two groups.
What Protests did Muslims engage in from 1919-1922?
The Khilifat movement was a series of protests against British policies against Turkey and the planned dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire. It was very much similar to Hartals in its operation.
How many people died in 1921 as a result of Satyagraha?
600 people died in 1921 with more deaths the following year. The relationship between Hindu’s and Muslim’s had started to strain and tensions rose.
When did Lord Reading become Viceroy and why is this significant?
1921 and represented a fresh opportunity to improve relations, Chelmsford had become highly unpopular due to post war events and change was needed.
What did Reading Offer in March 1921?
He offered full provincial autonomy in return for an end to Satyagraha. It still fell short of Dominion status however, so Gandhi opted to reject it.
Why was the Second Satyagraha called off?
Chauri Chaura incident on the 5th February 1922, 22 policemen killed after the police station is set alight and protestors block the exits. Gandhi could not tolerate the violence and called the protests off.
How did Gandhi end the 2nd Satyagraha?
He ordered the INC to call off the Protests but they continued, he then did a fast unto death. Some of his advisors recommended a continuation but he declined and continued to fast.
How many members did the INC have at the start of 1920 and how many did they have by 1922?
40000 1920
2 million 1922
Gandhi was arrested in March 1922, how long was he sentenced for and how long did he actually stay in Prison?
He was sentenced for 6 years for sedition and trying to insight revolt however only remained in prison for 2 years due to apendicitis.
What happened in the INC during Gandhi’s abscense?
Two moderates got into power and toned down the anti British sentiment, INC expanded into other regions and consolidated their power.
What Muslim Movement was established in Early 1923?
Tanzeem and Tabligh which aimed to encourage more Muslim awareness and activism. Jinnah wanted to increase membership of the Muslim League to make it more influential. Muslim teaching and history was brought into schools.
When did the Khilafat Movement end?
It ended in January 1924 as Turkey became a Republic in turn ending any cooperation between nationalists.
What did Gandhi do once he was released from prison?
He was released in February 1924 in a British attempt to reduce tensions. He toned down civil disobedience and instead focused on making the INC into an actual political party.
Outline the role of the congress working committee?
Created December 1920 at the Ndaypur congress, it was made up of 15 elected members from the congress, it centralized the command structure allowing for more organization. Gandhi is also elected President of the INC in 1924 and in turn the INC lean more towards the principles of back to basics.
What was Gandhi’s back to basics campaign?
Called for a return to traditional living in India, e.g Ahimsa
When was Irwin appointed as Viceroy of India?
In April 1926 Irwin was made viceroy and initially makes very little change as he is under the Conservatives. When Labour win in 1929 he changes his stance and becomes more progressive.
Who were the three Young Hooligans and what did they believe in?
The three were Jawalhalal Nehru, Chandra Bose and Narayan, they called for Purna Swaraj however initially they were brushed aside due to the fact that Gandhi opposed them however, they did gain traction.
What was the Nehru report and when was it written?
The Nehru report was written by Motilal Nehru in August 1928, it was essentially a draft constitution for India and how the INC intended to run India once receiving dominion status. It included economic plans and how the Assembly would look.
What was Jinnah’s response to the Nehru report?
Jinnah criticized it for not mentioning Muslims. But also because they had rejected his Delhi proposals so he refused to cooperate.
What was the British response to the Nehru report?
Despite the fact that the INC presented a feasible demand for Dominion Status the British chose to snub it and they gave no formal response, this angered the INC in turn giving more influence to the Young Hooligans. The division within the INC as well as the attacks from Jinnah also made it easier for the British to ignore it.
What was the INC response to the Nehru report at the Lahore congress in December 1929?
Initially the INC had supported the Nehru report however as the Young Hooligans had rose to prominence many began to call for Purna Swaraj.
Who became leader of the INC? 1929
Jawalaharl Nehru Was elected president of the INC, he called for Purna Swaraj rather than Dominion Status. This in turn meant that compromise was almost impossible as Nehru was far more radical , Gandhi also begins to call for Purna Swaraj.
What did the INC announce the 26th of January 1930 as?
Independence day, they also change the INC flag to include the Spinning Wheel which represents Swadeshi. Symbolizes the shifting goals of the INC.
What was the Salt tax?
It was a tax placed on the purchase of salt. It had a similar feel to the Tea Tax and therefore created international sympathy for India.
What was the aim of the Salt March?
To bring all Indians together over a common issue this being tax placed on buying Salt.
When did the Salt March take place from?
12th March 1930 - 5th April 1930.
How many people took part in the Salt March?
80000 people joined the March before arriving at Dandi where they proceeded to make their own salt
What was the impact of the Salt March?
It brought significant media attention and Gandhi rose to global prominence. It also led to a 6 month Satyagraha in which over 60’000 Indian people were arrested which sparked further outrage.
What happened to Gandhi in May 1930?
Gandhi was arrested for his role in the march and in turn he was imprisoned, however, the movement continues which was incredibly damaging as the depression began to worsen in England.
How does British repression worsen in June 1930?
The Entire Congress Working Committee is arrested in an attempt to shut down the movement. The British hoped that the INC would then collapse but the Satyagraha continued until February 1931.
Why did Jinnah drift away from the INC in the early 1920s?
He disagreed with the Hindu revivalism being promoted by Gandhi, he also believed that working with the British would be a much more effective method in achieving independence and therefore he opposed civil disobedience.
What was Jinnah’s intention in regards to the Muslim League?
Provide Muslims who made up 25% of the Indian population with a voice
What was Jinnah’s strategy of cooperation with the British?
Jinnah aimed to operate within the constitution of the 1919 Government of India act
What was the Khilifat movement?
The Khilifat movement formed in response to the removal of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire by British and French forces.
What was Jinnah’s view of the Khilifat movement?
Jinnah didn’t support the movement as it engaged in civil disobedience however Gandhi supported it.
What was the Tanzeem and Tabligh movement?
This movement put a religious leader in every Muslim settlement to encourage preaching and strengthen religious communities.
What had led to the increased tensions between Hindu’s and Muslims?
The two groups had engaged in violence against each other in the 2nd Satyagrahar as mass politicisation had led to awareness of their differences.
Why did Jinnah attempt Rapprochement in 1927?
In order to bridge the gap between Hindus and Muslims and create a United front against the British.
What was the result of the 1927 Delhi Congress?
In March 1927 Jinnah makes a series of proposals for compromise which he wants to reach with the INC. He presented to the INC a proposal in which Muslims would receive 1/3 of seats in a future Indian Parliament and fair representation under an INC Government.
How did the INC react to the Delhi Proposals?
They choose to reject them on the basis that he was demanding too much in terms of seats furthermore, the INC could represent Muslims without a need for the Muslim League.
Why did Jinnah reject the Nehru Report in 1928
It had made no mention of Muslims as the INC now saw Hindus and Muslims as a united front.
What was the main basis for Jinnah’s 14 points?
Jinnah made the proposal in March 1929 and it included various key tenets such as demanding political, economic, religious and social reassurances for the Muslim Community. He also wanted to create two new separate states of Sindh and Orissa.
How did the INC respond to Jinnah’s 14 points?
Once again the INC felt that Jinnah’s proposals were a step too far and questioned the necessity of the Muslim League in India. In turn Jinnah moves to England.
Why did Jinnah reject Satyagrahar
He believed self rule would be more likely through cooperation with the British, He also believed that Satyagrahar was too Hindu focused.
Why did Jinnah leave for Britain in 1929?
Became a lawyer after the INC rejected the 14 points, believed he could raise awareness for the Muslim cause in the UK
Why did the separateness between Hindus and Muslims increase further?
The INC planned to make the official language of India Hindi instead of Urdu as well as rejecting the 1/3 of seats meaning that many Muslims felt that their voice was being drowned out.
How did Britain respond to the 2nd Satyagrahar?
They responded with a heavy handed approach leading to mass arrests and international criticism
What did Lord Reading offer in 1921?
He offered total provincial autonomy at local level
Why did Gandhi reject Reading’s offer?
He believed that full local control was not far enough as they still hadn’t offered dominion status.
Why did the Conservative party want to maintain control of India?
They believed that India would fall into chaos after a British withdrawal due to the lack of governmental organisation there.
When was the Simon commision?
November 1927
What was the Simon commission?
It was an attempt by the Conservative government to review the 1919 government of India act. It was chaired by Sir John Simon and included a mixture of mainly Conservative Politicians although it also included Clement Attlee. The Muslim League and INC refused to speak to them which significantly harms it’s effectiveness although many minorities fearing INC lead oppression spoke to the commission.
How did Indians react to the commission?
Hindus and Muslims chose to boycott it however members of smaller groups such as Sikhs and Anglo Christians spoke with the commission therefore giving them a voice.
How did Labour view the situation in India?
Being a socialist party the Labour party wanted India to receive more autonomy
What did Viceroy Irwin state in October 1929?
In the aftermath of the Labour election the Government stance became much more favorable towards India. The Irwin declaration stated that Dominion Status would be a natural progression. It also announced the creation of the Roundtable conferences and many invites were sent out.
Why was the Irwin Declaration important?
It is the first time in which Dominion status has been proposed by the British for India. Many Indians however, saw it as ambiguous and as a mere attempt to appease Indian Nationalists.
What was the Gandhi Irwin pact?
Gandhi agreed to call off the salt march in return for the release of all political prisoners and the legalisation of congress.
When was the Gandhi Irwin pact signed ?
5th March 1931