Theme 3 Flashcards
Media- Lenin
Decree on Press Nov 1917- govt get emergency powers to close counter revolutionary newspaper
State monopoly of advertising Nov 1917- only govt can publish ads
Establish All Russian Telegraph Agency and Revolutionary Tribunal of the Press Jan 18- power to censor press
Nationalised Petrograd Telegraph Agency Nov 1917- govt control of electronic communications
By 1921 communists closed 2000 newspapers and 575 printing presses
Media- NEP
1922- Glavlit introduced to oversee censorship
Some books banned
Libraries purged of banned books
Professional censors employed
Books investigated for anti communist bias
GPU in charge of policing publication
Media- Stalin
Soviet history rewritten
Censorship tightened- media only broadcast positives
Stalin focus of propaganda
Media- K and B
Western magazines more available
Popular magazines encouraged public letters
Readers could complain
Cinema and tv more popular and accessible
Personality cult- Stalin
Emphasised right to be leader Myth of two leaders- october revolution was work of both Stalin and Lenin Turned Stalin into celebrated figure Painters showed Stalin as Lenin’s heir Post war portrayed as generalissimo
Personality cult- Khrushchev
Criticised Stalin’s cult but made his own
Cult of Lenin- shows Lenin as human- slogan ‘Lenin’s lives’
Cult of Khrushchev- great reformer,respected statesman, responsible for success
Associated himself with virgin lands
Personality cult- Brezhnev
Shadow of Stalin Used to consolidate position He was mocked Showed him as Leninist- military hero Was a joke Seem through by young people
Secret police- Lenin
Cheka 1917- protect communist rule Leader= Dzerzhinsky Not bound by law Violence against opposition Ran labour camps Post civil war- became GPU 1922- agency set up to monitor press and set up political trials Surveillance reports sent to central committee Helped red army with grain requisitions
Secret police- Stalin
GPU become NKVD
Yagoda- leader in 1934 after Kirov’s death
Organised arrest, interrogation and trial of Z & K
Yezhov took over from Yagoda 1936 (not eager enough)
Terror more widespread
Accelerated through arrest targets and executions
1937- NKVD purged- new agents recruited
Great Terror- Yezhovschina- 1.5 million arrested 635,000 deported 680,000 executed
Stalin emerged strong
War- policed ethnic minorities
End of great terror- yezhov resigned
Beria takes over 1938
Leningrad affair 1949- purge on Leningrad party
Doctors plot- 52-53 stalins staff arrested for poisoning him
Secret police- K&B
NKVD becomes KGB Andropov becomes head 1967 No more terror Suppress dissidents Initial strategies caused foreign outcry Psychiatric treatment mainly used 1972- KGB offered warnings 1979- Andropov attacked anti social behaviour Psychiatric treatment could last longer
Secret police- Stalin deportations
1942- Beria deports Kalmyks
1944- deportation of Chechens to Siberia
Religion- Lenin
Decree on separation 1918- separated Orthodox Church from state and took away property rights
Priests and believers killed
Living church established- challenge to Orthodox Church
September 1920- congress of toiling people of the east- endorsed going against European colonialist
Lenin blames famine on church 1921-22
Religion- Stalin
1931- condemned anti Semitism
1928- birobidzhan- Jewish religion established
Collectivisation- anti religious campaign- Orthodox Church blames
Accommodation with Orthodox Church made for war- allowed to choose new patriarch and reopen some churches
End to living church
Ethnic minorities deported mainly Muslims (Chechens and Crimean Tartares)
1927- Hujum- public unveiling of Muslim women in Central Asia
1948- Israel established Jews seen as enemies of state
Religion- K&B
Khrushchev attacked Stalin’s tolerance
1957- anti religious campaign- around 10,000 churches closed
Journal- Science and Religion 1959
Brezhnev more moderate
Govt supports anti American Islamic groups
Anti Semitism increased after six day war 1967
1981- Brezhnev denounces antisemitism
Art and culture- Lenin
Proletkult- supported by Anatoly lunacharsky
1929- 84,000 members
Lenin argues culture should be universal
Proletkult merges with commissarist of education
Agitprop- inspired people to support govt
1920- department of agitation propaganda established
By end of ‘20s govt controls art