Theme 2 Flashcards
State capitalism
Land reform: 1917 decree on land > popular with peasants Nationalisation of Industry >ensured factories were properly managed >coordinated production to meet needs of new society
War communism- agriculture
Grain requisitions by Cheka > very unpopular Lower rates of agricultural production Growth of black market 1920-21 Tambov rebellion and Kronstadt uprising > fed Red Army
War communism- industry
Labour discipline(1919) > unpopular Production declines- no incentive Abolition of money and market >hyperinflation Free public services Closure of some workshops (1920) Unemployment
New economic policy
Agricultural production left to free market
>encouraged peasants to grow more- end famine
Grain requisitions ended
>popular with peasants
Small factories denationalised
Peasants taxes used to reopen closed factories
>stimulated production
Emergence of Nepmen (inequality) gambling, prostitution and drug dealing increased
Grain requisitions- sold to fund industrialisation Rationing introduced Dekulakisation Destruction of soviet farming by peasants in protest Grain procurement decreased Famine in Ukraine Grain exports rose Harvests worse than under NEP
Five year plans 28-41
Heavy industry increased Moscow metro first lines opened 35 Labour productivity initiative 1935 rearmament Low production quality 40% produced wasted Disorganised plans Unrealistic targets Decline in availability of consumer goods Failure to end black market
Agri: Relied on US imports Harvests declines Bread rations fall 40% Potato rations fall 80% Industry: 1945- 25 million homeless Output fell 2/3 from 1940
Post war agriculture
Recovered slowly
Shortage of workers and resources
Strict discipline reintroduced
Private farming ended
4 five year plan 45-50
High levels of growth 88% investment in heavy industry Cold War-1953 military=1/4 of budget Production of consumer goods rises Reconstruction focused on factories not housing Wages low to pay for reconstruction 45-50 soviet economy is fastest growing
Improved incentives in agriculture 1954
1952-1956 250% rise in farm incomes
Investment in resources in 1954
1955: 30% more tractors and 40% more fertiliser
Virgin lands scheme 1953
1959- 12.8% of soviet budget Success in short term 1963 27 million less tons than in 1958 Organised by Komsomol Ethnic groups deported
Corn campaign 1958
Based on success of US farms- 50% more efficient than soviet
Better labour efficiently
More corn=less hay for animals
Slower growth rates Tractor stations abolished Centrally directed campaigns= inefficient Inadequate storage=produce wasted 1960- investment 2% Failed to make farms efficient
K industry aim
Modernise economy
Focus on light industry and consumer goods
Military spending k
Decline in standard of living
1955- cuts to spending 12% to 8% in 1958
58-62 nuclear stand off
> increase spending