Theme 2 - Population and Urban change in the UK Flashcards
Natural population change?
the change in population from births and deaths only.
the movement of people from one place to another.
Social factors?
factors that relate to people’s health, lifestyle and community.
Infant mortality rate?
number of deaths of children under one year of age occurring per 1000 live births in an area per year.
Ageing population?
country which has a high proportion of people aged over 65.
Birth rate?
the number of babies born in an area per 1000 of population.
Economic factors?
factors that relate to cost and finance.
What are 3 social factors affecting population change?
.healthcare - good and accessible healthcare in UK leading to longer life expectancy and lower infant mortabilty rates
.marriage - people are marrying and starting families later
.ageing population - with a greater proportion of people in UK being past their age bearing age, this will naturally reduce birth rate
What are 3 economic factors affecting population change?
.cost of raising a family - discourages people from starting a family/having a large family
.maternity pay - longer period of maternity/paternity pay may encourage more births
.career - many women choose to continue with career and increase their incomes rather than start families
Death rate?
the numbur of people dying in an area per 1000 of population.
Political factors?
factors that relate to decisions made by goverment, either national or local.
What are 3 political factors affecting population change?
.maternity/paternity rights - changes in maternity/paternity leave, may encourage people to have more children
.migration - both in and out of the UK many people have moved
.vaccination programmes - the UK has programme of vaccinating children, which reduces the death rate
What are the reasons for people moving into the UK? (5)
.availability of jobs
.stable political system
.good health services and education
.better rates of pay; therefore a higher income
.already established network of family or people of similar ethnic or cultural origin
What are the reaons for people moving within the UK? (5)
.cost of housing - move to an area with more affordable housing
.change in lifestyle - people may retire to a rural location
.in search of work - people move for work
.need to live closer to place of work is become less important
.locate near family for care needs
What are the impacts of both types of migration? (6)
.an increase in number of working adults
.an increase in birth rate
.an increase in number of languages spoken in the UK
.many low-paid, unskilled jobs that UK citizens may not wish to do are filled
.house prices increase
.diversity of culture means greater range of foods, resteraunts, ext
What are the economic challenges of an ageing UK population?
.a reduced number of economically active people in UK to pay taxes
.more money needed to pay for state pensions
.more people are dependent on the state
What are the health challenges of an ageing UK population?
.increase in health issues as people live longer
.large increase in care services required to look after people in the community
What are the social challenges of an ageing UK population?
.older people have a wealth of knowledge and skills that will be lost if not passed on to the younger generation
.increasingly, working-age people are caring for their children and their elderly parents
.increase in the number of elderly people living on their own
What increases the need for new housing? (3)
.increased immigration
.longer life expectancy
.increased single occupancy households
houses that are built to make them environmentally sustainable.
What makes a community sustainable? (Egan’s wheel)
.active, inclusive and safe
.well run and led
.environmentally sensitive
.well designed
.well connected
.well served
.fair for everyone
Green belts?
areas of countryside around a city where building is restricted to prevent the spread of citites.
Greenfield site?
an area of land that has not been used before for building.
Environmental sustainability?
improvements in the standard of living that do not cause long-term damage to the environment.
Economic sustainability?
development that unsures everyone has the right to economic improvement in the long term.
Social sustainability?
development that is inclusive and ensures an improvement in the standard of living for all.
Brownfield site?
an area of redevelopment that has previously been built on.
people moving from the countryside back to urban areas.
Central buisness district?
the main shopping and service area in a city.
Benefits of out-of-town shopping centres? (5)
.large free parking areas for customers
.quick and easy access due to being located near major road junctions
.out-of-town location usually means less congestion
.often room for expansion due to edge-of-city location
.near suburban housing estates therefore closer to customers and workers
Costs of out-of-town shopping? (3)
.attracts shoppers way from city centres, which could cause their decline
.can cause congestion on the surrounding access roads
.tends to be the same chain stores that populate shopping centres, so they do not support smaller stores
Benefits of internet shopping? (5)
.convenient, faster and cheaper
.customers can buy products not available locally
.customers can buy at any time from any location
.traffic congestion in city centres is reduced
.jobs are provided for those delivering products
Costs of internet shopping? (5)
.not everyone has internet access
.good may not be as expected when delivered and it may be difficult to return them
.city centres lose trade
.more delivery vans may increase traffic congestion and pollution
.storage of bank or credit card details online can leave customers valuable of fraud