THEME 2 - creating a welfare state Health - 1945-79 Flashcards
NHS challenges + impacts, challenges of medical advances
Creation of the NHS
- What was established in the 1948 national health service act
- universal
- comprehensive (curative + preventative, mental + physical)
- hospital care, GP, surgeries
- FREE - patients dont pay for care at point of delivery
- paid for by general taxation
Creation of the NHS
What comprimises did Bevan have to make in order to get the British MEdical ascosciation support (BMA)?
- consultants could work privately
- GP’s could avoid becoming local authority employeess (stay private)
- Regional health boards appointed not elected - DOMINATED BY UPPER CLASS FROM OUTSET
Health under Mcamillan conservative government
what did the hospital plan act 1962 do ?
- 90 new hospitals
- redesign + modernisation of old hospitals
Sir Keith Josef , who was he ?
conservative secretary of state 1970-74
what act did sir keith josef pass and what did it cause
NHS reorganisation act 1973 - new management structure - LEAD TO the growth in costs between 1974-79
what was the impact of Dr David Owen
established resource allocation working party - identified areas of deprivation
How succesful was the NHS in the area of public health?
- Life expectanct rose by 7 years for women between 48-79
- changed attitudes towards role of the state in healthcare
- MOST MONEY spent in hospitals rather than in areas of preventative health - surgery got more funding than mental health
- Regional issues became systematic - 1962 hospital act mainly spent in london
How far did more affluent classes benefit more from the NHS in comparison to poorer groups?
- More investment in middle class areas:
80% GP’s built after 1900
whereas working class: 50% GP’s built before 1900
The black report - what was it
published 1980 - indicated gap between working/middle class healthcare grew between 1949-72
how far have women specifically benefited from the NHS?
Cover reproduction, abortion and work
- Decline in child bearing
- Pill introduced 1961 (married women only)
- 1967 Abortion act, abortions needed approval by two
- ‘Caring profession’ created in the NHS which fit traditional stereotypes
The challendges of medical advances 1945-79
- effectiveness of NHS led to increasing expectations + pressure
- Longer lives led to ageing population + more complex health needs
- Medical advances - NHS perform NEW procedures - NHS under pressure -> resources increased by demands rose faster
The expansion of treatments 1948-64
What was double after the NHS was introduced ?
what was the impact of the pharmacological revolution?
what was the consensus on the NHS in 1964?
- Prescriptions issued
- Pharmacological revolution = more drugs available = more costs for NHS
- Wide public consenus that it was worthwhile
what were challenges to medical advances 1964 - 79?
1. what was the main challenge during 1948-60?
2. what happeneded during 1960-70?
- little investment in mordernsiing hospitals + treatments
- NHS tried to sort out problems of provision - spending on NHS increased by 4.5% between 60-70
what were challenges to medical advances 1964 - 79?
Treatment + staffing
- need for more specialists for specialist equipment
- nursing staff + consultants up 66%
what were challenges to medical advances 1964 - 79?
An ageing population
Major surgery
An ageing population:
- older people have more health needs
1951: 7 mill out of retirement
1971: 9 mill out of retirement
Major surgery:
- time consuming + aftercare (800 kidney tranplants 1979)
- Family planning act 1967 - by 1979 1/3 all child bearing women recieved advice
crisis in the NHS? (1970’s)
Growing demand: as more treatmebt avaliabke + ageing population
Recognition NHS had failed to deal with health inequalities
Economic crisis: funding increases unlikely
1970’s NHS consensus as seen as indepsensible part of british life