THEME 2 creating a welfare state - 1918-79 Education Flashcards
1918-45 + 1945-79
Educaiton in 1918 - what was it based on ?
Lewis report which recommended:
- School leaving age 14
- County colleges introduced to provide vocational training
- Curriculem devided between ‘practival instruction’ + ‘advanced instruction’
what was the impact of the 1918 education act?
- control over school fancing centralised = ALSO increase in teacher pay in hope of improving schools
what did 1926 Hadow Committe recommend?
- abolition of elemntary schools and divsion in primary + secondary
- raise leaving age to 15
in 1931 what % of children were in some form of secondary education
what did the 1918 educationa act introduce?
grant funded grammar schools
what are the features of grammar schools?
- entrance exams
- based on wealth (even with scholarships) as children needed to work to support their family
what was the impact of the butler act?
state secondary education no longer charged fees
- mass education funded by general taxation
- compulsary education up to age 15
- tripartite system introduced
describe the tripartite system
Introduced grammar, technical schools, secondary modern
(reflected britain class structure)
describe grammar schools, secondary modern and technical schools
grammar schools: - open to all who passed 11+
technical schools: middle class - intended to create a technocratic class to age country in age of high technology + nuclear power
secondary modern: - lower middle class + working class, for those who didnt pass 11+
whats the effect of the butler act
- millions of working class children access to free + compulsary secondary education
- girls able to attend secondayr education
how far did university education grow during the war years ?
- more accesible, open to women + working class
-uni’s considered irrelevant
what did ww2 demonsrtate in relation to unis and what did the atlee gov say?
WW2 demonstrated need for large number of graduates
1945 - Atlee gov - unis should become centre for science + engineerin
how influential were the percy + barlow reports and what did they recommend?
Percy (1945):
- recommeneded unis expand to cater for students created by Butler act (1944)
- Classical education replaced by science + engineering
Barlow report (1946):
- Confirmed shortage of scientists + engineers in soceity
- Argued for gov funded expansion of unis
despite the reports by the 1960’s there were still too few science courses _ many unis protected art’s subjects
HOWEVER 2- new unis built
how far did higher education expand during 1960’s + 70’s?
- As a result of the RObins Comittee (1961) recommendation goal of 5x more student places avaliable by 1980 - Uni of East sussex modernised
-1964- open uni introduced by Wilson Gov
-1970’s consensus between labour + conservative tgar uni tuition fees + student grants funded by welfare state - THATCHER in favour of Unis - invested lots
- she increased grants for UNI + polytechnic funding by 40%
how many people were earning degrees 1960 - 1970 - 1980
1960 - 22,500
1970 - 51,000
1980 - 68,000
what is the social impact of university education ?
- Emergence of middle/lower class priministers
- Gave lower class acces to better jobs
- Gave INCENTIVE for working class to study as little financial risk to students
1959 crowther report recomendations?
- recomended raise leaving age to 16
- create more colleges for post 16 education
what is a comprehensive school
a type of secondary school that is non-selective, meaning it does not use academic ability or other criteria for admission. Comprehensive schools aim to provide a broad and balanced education to students of all abilities and backgrounds.
1963 newson report recomendations?
- more attention to teaching deprived children + social development
- research into teaching methods that would aid deprived children
what is the signficance of the 1959 crowther report and the 1963 newson report
added fuel to movement towards more comprehensive schools
what was the purpose of comprehensive schools
eleiminate segregation of children into seperate schools based on 11+ selection
what was the 1976 educaiton act and what did it do
- Established framwork for Special Educational Needs children
- Strengthended parental rights
- Introduced teacher training
why was the 1976 education act passed?
Wilson wanted support from left wing labour
wilson wanted support from the national union of teachers