Theme 2 Flashcards
The planting of trees in an area
Air pressure
The force is caused by the atmosphere pressing down on the Earth’s surface
Find the sentiment, for example: silt, that is rich in nutrients and deposited by a river
A high-pressure weather system. Average sealevel pressure at the centre of the system is usually above 1000 mbar. It brings stable weather
And underground lake, that will still water. The water found here can be abstracted from the rock by drilling boreholes
When the pebbles that are transported by a river or along the coast knocked together and become smaller, more rounded and smoother. Like when you play conkers at primary school
The movement of material back of a beach
Bankfull stage
The discharge above which the river will be on able to hold all of the water so it floods
Base flow
The normal level of water within a river
Beach nourishment
A coastal management technique, whereby pebbles (sediment) are moved into areas that need nourishing, due to loss of pebbles (sediment) by Longshore drift
Strengthening of the river’s bands to make the river flow move quicker through the area and reduce the risk of flooding
Channel (river)
The area in which a river travels in
The average weather conditions measured over a 30 year period
Climatic region
A large area which experience is the same or similar climatic conditions
Closed system
A system which does not have any input or output and is closed to its surroundings
The process by which water turns from a gas to a liquid form
Large scale hard engineering management features seen in rivers
Theremoval of trees in an area
The dropping of material in a river or at the coast
A low pressure weather system found in the mid latitudes of the northern hemisphere where tropical warm air mass pushes into an Arctic cold air mass. Warm air rises to give low-pressure; this is usually less than 1000 mbar. Brings on stable weather
The volume of water flowing down a river at any given time, measured in cubic metres per second-CUMECS
Drainage basin/catchment area
An area of land which a river collects all of its water from
I prolonged period of whether, when you receive less than the average rainfall
The breaking down of material in a river or at the coast
The process by which water tones from a liquid into a gas
Falling limb
The decrease in discharge line, shown on a flood hydrograph
When a river has more than average amount of precipitation, causing water to flow over an area that is usually dry
Flood plain
The stretch of relatively flat land on the sides of the river. It is usually covered by fertile flood deposits called alluvium
The transfer of water between stores this could be in the same state or involve a change in state
The Boundry at which hot and cold air meet
A coastal management technique, whereby pebbles are put into wire mesh cages to slow the rate the rate of erosion
The rock type of an area
Global hydrological cycle
A closed system, where water is continuously moved around the worlds lithosphere; hydrosphere and atmosphere
Global warming
A geographical theory that simply says that the Earth’s average surface temperature is getting warmer
Ground flow water
Water that is stored and flows on the ground in permeable rocks
A coastal management technique, whereby man-made barriers are built to slow the rate of longshore drift
Hard engineering
When a coastal management technique is made from concrete or man-made materials
Hydraulic action
The. The water hits the bed and banks of the river or coastline causing sections to break away. Like a jet washer being used to clean mud off of a car
Hydroelectric power
Electricity generated by water flowing through turbines
Hydrological cycle
An open system, where water is recycled through the land; sea and air. It can go into the system and out of the system at any time
All the stores and flows of water and it’s gas; liquid and solid states
The movement of water from surface down into the soil
Rocks that do not allow water to pass through them. The opposite of permeable which are rocks that do allow water to pass through them
Material which is putting all taken into a system. Water as precipitation is the input to a drainage basin
When water is prevented from falling directly to the ground
When something occurs across a country’s national boundaries
Where pebbles that are carried along a river or coastline scrape the bank and bed wearing it down. Like when you use sandpaper to rubdown a piece of wood in design and technology