Theme 2 Flashcards
skúsení cestovatelia poznajú rezervačné triky
seasoned travellers knows booking tricks
nakrájajte syr
grate the cheese
manažérova práca je ustáť sťažnosti
the manager’s job is shoulder the burden of complains
neboj sa o účet, rada ho zaplatím
don’t worry about paying - I am happy to foot the bill
konečne sa tomu postavil tvárou a přiznal žene svoje dlhy
he finally faced the music ad told his wife about his depts
vždy som dodržiavala pravidlá firemnej kultúry
I always toed the line on company policy
nemohla stráviť myšlienku, že sa majú odsťahovať z domu
she couldn’t stomach the idea to move from their house
žena sa pretlačila radom, aby bola prvá v lietadle.
the woman elbowed people aside in the queue so she could get on the plane first.
prejsť tou uličkou bolo najhoršie.
walking down the aisle was the worst.
riaditeľ školy nás pozval na večeru
the school principal has invited us for the dinner.
kôň potriasol hrivou a zaerdžal
the horse tossed his mane and neighed
tento rybí bar robí najlepšiu platesu v meste.
this fish bar does the best plaice in the town.
konzervatívne názory na ženy ma vážne štvú
conservative ideas about women really get my goat
trochu som sa nechala uniesť, keď som minula toľko peňazí za tieto šaty.
I got a bit carried away when I spent so much money for this dress.
koľko si vysolil za nové topánky?
how much did you fork out for your new shoes?