Theme 1 Flashcards
byť prepustený
being made redundant
stalo sa to nečakane
somethings has happened out of the blue
veci do seba zapadli - tak ako som chcela
the things has fallen into place - as I wanted
keď niečo ide dolu kopcom, postupne sa to zhoršuje
if something goes downhill, it gradually becomes worse
“a zvyšok je historia” znamená, že si si istá, že ľudia vedia, čo bude nasledovať
the rest is history means you are sure the people know what happens next
rozísť sa
break up
rozveseliť niekoho
cheer somebody up
navrhnúť riešenie
come up with solution
musím obmedziť sladké
I have to cut back on the sweets
je to 10 rokov, čo sme sa dali dokopy s mojím manželom
it is 10 years since we have get in with my husband
nerobí nič, len sa poflakuje
he does nothing, just hanging around
chytiť príležitosť za pačesy
to jump at the chance
minul sa nam toaletný papier
we have ran out the toilet paper
tvrdo makal na tom, aby vyplatil svoje dlhy
he worked hard to pay off his depts
chvíľu trvalo, kým sa usadil
it took him some time, while he’s settled down