Theft Act 1968 Flashcards
What is Section 1 Theft Act 1968 and definition?
A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving another of it
What is Section 12 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
A person is guilty of an offence if-
without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority, he takes any conveyance for his own or another’s use OR
knowing that any conveyance has been taken without such authority, drives it or allows himself to be carried in or on it.
What is Section 10 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Aggravated Burglary
A person is guilty of aggravated burglary if he commits any burglary and at the time he has with him any firearm or imitation firearm, any weapon of offence or any explosive
What is Section 8 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
a person is guilty of robbery if he steals and immediately before doing so or at the time of doing so and in order to do so, uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force.
What is Section 25 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Going equipped to steal
A person is guilty of an offence if when not at his place of abode, he has with him any article for use in the course of or in connection with any burglary or theft
What is Section 25 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Going equipped to steal
A person is guilty of an offence if when not at his place of abode, he has with him any article for use in the course of or in connection with any burglary or theft
What is section 9 1 (a) Theft act 1968 and the definition?
a person is guilty of burglary if he enters any building or part of a building as a trespasser with intent to:
steal anything in the building or part of a building
inflict on any person there in any GBH
do unlawful damage to the building or anything therein
What is section 9 1 (b) Theft act 1968 and the definition?
A person is guilty of burglary if having entered the building or part of a building as a trespasser he:
steals or attempts to steal anything or
inflicts or attempts to inflict on any person GBH
What is Section 13 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Abstracting Electricity
A person who dishonestly uses electricity without due authority or dishonestly causes it to be wasted or diverted is guilty of an offence
What is Section 22 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Handling stolen goods
A person handles stolen good if, otherwise than in the course of stealing, knowing or believing them to be stolen goods he dishonestly receives the goods.
OR dishonestly undertakes or assists in their retention, removal, disposal or realisation by or for the benefit of another person.
Or if he arranges to do so.
What is Section 3 Theft act 1968 and the definition?
Making off without payment
A person who, knowing that payment on the spot for any goods supplied or service done is required or expected of them, dishonestly makes off without payment as required or expected and with intent to avoid payment of the amount is guilty of this offence.
What is the difference between a burglary under section 9(1)(a) and 9(1)(b) of the Theft Act 1968?
9(1)(a) relates to entering a building or part of a building with intent to steal, Commit Criminal Damage or inflict GBH.
9(1)(b) relates to having entered as a trespasser Steals or inflicts GBH. (No Damage)
A person is riding their £2,500 pedal cycle, whilst stationary at traffic lights they are approached by another person who punches them in the face, pushes them off their cycle and then rides off on it. What offence(s) have been committed?
S8 Theft Act 1968: Robbery: A person is guilty of robbery if he steals and immediately before or at the time of doing so and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force.
A report is received of a person seen to put a coat hanger through the letter box of a clothes shop and pull several items of clothing out of the shop and walk off with them. What offence(s) have been committed?
Burglary 9(1)a&b The coat hanger is treated as an extension of the person and they therefore enter the shop as a trespasser with intent to steal 9(1)(a), having entered as a trespasser steals 9(1)(b).
Four students share a house. They all agree to have a party at the house and invite 30 people. The following morning, one of the students discovers that his laptop and go-pro have been taken from the living room that they all share. What offence(s) have been committed?
Theft S1-7 Theft Act 1968:
Discuss Burglary, were guests invited?
A member of staff at a department store is on their break.She goes to the staff room and finds a member of the public in there, taking items from a sports bag that belongs to her colleague.
Want offence(s) have been disclosed?
Burglary 9(1)b
HARVEY, who is homeless, enters a house via an unlocked door, looking only for a warm place to sleep. The occupier of the house is away on holiday. Before going to sleep, HARVEY notices a valuable looking ornament on a table. He decides to take it and sell it, so he puts it in his pocket. The following morning, however, he changes his mind and puts the ornament back in its proper place. He then leaves the house.
Has HARVEY committed burglary contrary to Section 9 of the Theft Act 1968?
Yes 9(1)(b) Having entered as a trespasser steals; The theft is complete when Harvey decided to keep the ornament. Although No one will know!!
While walking in the city, FENTON sees PERKIN walking a dog. The dog is wearing a diamond studded collar. FENTON grabs hold of the dog cuts the collar off and stuffs it into his pocket. FENTON then shouts to PERKIN ‘I know where you live, if you call the police I will come and break your legs’. PERKIN is so terrified they hand their shoulder bag to FENTON and say ‘Take it and go’. FENTON takes the bag and runs off down a side street.
What offences could you consider in this scenario?
Theft, Public Order
Robbery is not complete in this scenario as threat of force is after theft of collar and is not used in order to steal bag