the world Flashcards
thuc day su mo rong
to foster the expansion
giao thuong hang hoa quoc te
international merchandise trade
ki nguyen thinh vuong
era of prosperity
cong nghe tien tien
cutting-edge technology
hiep dinh thuong mai da phuong
multilateral trade agreements
hoi nhap chat che
become closely intergrated
danh mat ban sac dan toc
the loss of national identity
su hoi tu van hoa
cultural convergence
su bung no dan so
a booming population
the gioi canhj tranh khoc liet
a cut-throat world
mong muon tot cung
an insatiable desire
toc do dang kinh ngac
toc do dang kinh ngac
cung cap nhu cau thiet yeu
provide basic necessities
gay ap luc rat lon
to put an enormous strain
tim duoc viec lam thich hop
to find adequate job
thieu nha o gia re
lack of affordable housing
roi vao tinh the tien thoai luong nan
to fall into a dilemma
co hoi vang
golden opportunity
thue quan
hiep uoc (thuong mai)
(trade) treaty