money matters Flashcards
thuc hien giao dich nuoc ngoai
to make overseas transactions
ro ri thong tin tai khoan ngan hang
the leak of bank account details
quan li tai chinh ca nhan
to manage personal finance
suc mua
purchasing power
ton kem
to cost an arm and a leg
mot mon do khong dang gia
a rip-off
that lung buoc bung
to tighten my belt
danh tien phong khi kho khan
to save money for a rainy day
xa hoi ma moi nguoi hay vut do
a throw-away society
kich thich nen kinh te
to stimulate the economy
chay tui, het tien
to be in the red
huong giam gia
to be eligible for many discounts
dat muc tieu tiet kiem
to set saving goals
cat giam chi tieu
to cut back on my spending
can doi chi tieu
to balance the expense
cam thay an toan ve tai chinh
to feel finacially secure
ngay linh luong
hoang phi
vat chat (adj)
duoc huong
to be eligible
khong ton cong suc
with ease