crimes and social issues Flashcards
toi pham mang
tang lop xa hoi cao/thap
vi pham
to be in breach of
pha hoai
to commit vandalism
tai pham toi
to reoffend
quan che
to put someone on probation
khoan dung
hinh phat tu hinh
capital punishment
to bring down
ngan chan pham toi
to deter delinquency
nhap cu bat hop phap
illegal immigration
can nhieu no luc hon (adj)
chay mau chat xam
brain drain
mat can bang gioi tinh
gender imbalance
tinh trang thieu nuoc
the insufficiency of water
phuc loi xa hoi
social welfare
vi loi ich chung
for the common good
co hieu luc
to come into force
trai qua dieu khong de chiu
cho thay su can thiet
to highlight the need for
buon ban nguoi
human trafficking
duoc dua vao hoat dong mot cach chinh thuc
cuoc (cai cach)
loi ich kinh te
economic interest
binh cuu hoa
fire extinguisher
bat dau, lam day len
to spark off
bi phat tu
to be subjected to imprisonment
nguoi pham toi
lawbreaker/ offender/ criminal/ culprit/ sinner