The Working Of Parliament Flashcards
The main LEGISLATURE in the UK is called the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. Why is this important?
It is BICAMERAL-contains 2 separate Legislative Chambers (NI assembly has 1 chamber-UNICAMERAL)
Both have different membership, roles and powers
What does the Parliamentary Government feature?
Main source of political authority (the only source in the UK)
The government must be drawn from Parliament; the Executive is within the legislature.
Therefore, there is a fusion of powers-rather than a separation as in the USA
Government must be accountable to Parliament
The Parliament in the UK is said to be legally sovereign:
It is the source of all political power; no individual or body can exercise power without it being granted by Parliament.
Parliament may restore powers which it had delegated
It is effectively omnicompetent - can make any laws it wishes
No single Parliament is bound by its predecessors - existing laws can be repealed.
Parliament cannot bind its successors - laws cannot be entrenched
Parliamentary sovereignty has been seen to have been eroded:
Great deal of legislative power has moved to EU; its laws are superior to British laws (Brexit took this away)
Parliament may not pass any laws that conflict with EU Law
Executive power has grown in recent decades
Referenda have been held increasingly frequently on constitutional changes
Revolution has resulted in the transfer of many powers from Westminster to the regions
Whilst sovereignty has been eroded and whilst political sovereignty may shift to the executive in some circumstances, Parliament is ultimately legally sovereign:
It can vote to leave the EU at any time
It can vote to reverse devolution
It can pass a vote of no confidence in the government
Referenda are not legally binding