The Wave Equation (Term 2) Flashcards
How can we find the total force on an element of length Δx for a graph of u(x,t) against x?
- Take small part of curve (x and x+Δx), and find the angle, which is equal to du/dx since sin(theta) ~= theta for small angles
- Down force and up force equal to -τ du(x)/dx and τ du(x+Δx)/dx respectively
- Total force is these added together
What is the total force on an element of length Δx for a graph of u(x,t) against x equal to (using f=ma)?
m = ρΔx, where rho is the mass density, and a = d^2u/dt^2, so make the total force equal to the product of these.
How can we rearrange the f=ma version of the total force to get d^2u/dt^2?
- Divide through by τΔx, separate the differential to make it equal to d/dx(du/dx), and rearrange
- This gives d^2u/dt^2 = c^2 d^2u/dx^2, where c^2 = τ/ρ.
What is the assumption to start the separation of variables for the wave equation?
u(x,t) = X(x)T(t)
How do we separate the variables for the wave equation?
Substitute in the assumed solution, and put the same variables on the same sides, and set this equal to a constant, λ
What do we do once we separate the variables?
Try three conditions: λ = 0, λ>0 and λ<0.
What happens when you set λ=0?
- Find d^2X/dx^2 = 0, so dX/dx = some constant, say A0
- Integrate again to find X(x) = A0*x + B0
- Same on T side, so T(t) = C0*t + D0
- Since u(x,t) = X(x)T(t), multiply these together.
What happens when you set λ > 0?
- Say we set λ = k^2 > 0
- Rearrange T side and find solution T(t) = Cexp(-ckt)+Dexp(ckt)
What happens when you set λ < 0?
- Say we set λ = -k^2
- Rearrange the X side this time
- Gives solutions X(x) = Acoskx+Bsinkx
- Rearrange T side and set ω^2 = k^2*c^2, and sub this in
- Find solutions T(t) = Ccosωt + Dsinωt
- Multiply these together to get u(x,t)
What is the full general solution for u(x,t)?
Solution for λ=0 and λ<0 added together:
u(x,t) = (A0x + B0)(C0t + D0) + (Acoskx+Bsinkx)(Ccosωt + Dsinωt)
How can we find the time average of u?
<u> = 1/t(max) *integral from 0 to t(max) of u(x,t) dt</u>
What is <u> equal to?</u>
<u> = (A0x+B0)(C0t+D0), since the other terms integrate to zero.</u>
Why is <u> equal to zero? What does u(x,t) now equal?</u>
Because we assume that the string is stationary on average, meaning (A0x+B0)(C0t+D0) = 0.
u(x,t) = (Acoskx+Bsinkx)(Ccosωt + Dsinωt)
What are the boundary conditions for a string fixed at x=0 and x=L, and what does this mean for u(x,t)?
That u(x=0,t) = u(x=L,t) = 0
Means (Acosk0+Bsink0) = 0 and (AcoskL+BsinkL) = 0. This gives A = 0, and BsinkL = 0, giving k = nπ/L
Using the boundary conditions, what is u(x,t) now equal to?
u(x,t) = sum from n=1-inf of Bsin(nπx/L)*(Ccosωt + Dsinωt), where ω = kc = nπc/L. So u(x,t) = sum from n=1-inf of sin(nπx/L)*(Cn'cos(cnπt/L) + Dn'sin(cnπt/L))
How do we determine the initial shape of u(x,t), if the initial condition is that the shape is up linearly until L/2, and then down linearly until L, peaking at E?
Substitute in t=0 to get the sum of Cn*sin(nπx/L). This is equal to 2Ex/L for 0
How do we solve the initial condition stated before?
- Use the orthogonality of sine and cosine
- Multiply both sides by sin(mπx/L) and integrate from 0 to L
- u(x,0) = 2xE/L up to L/2 and 2E(L-x)/L for the rest
- Differentiate general solution found before
- String initially stationary so Dn = 0, giving the final equation with only Cn
What is the final equation with only Cn?
u(x,t) = sum of Cn sin(nπx/L)cos(cnπx/L)