Fourier Transforms Part 1 Flashcards
What is the equation for Fourier Series?
f(x) = a0/2 + sum from n=1 to infinity of a(n)cos(2πnx/L)+b(n)sin(2πnx/L)
What is the first step to derive the Fourier transform from the fourier series?
Turn the fourier series into a form involving complex exponentials. Use the equations cos(θ) = (exp(iθ)+exp(-iθ))/2, sin(θ) = (exp(iθ)-exp(-iθ))/2i
What do you do after inputting the complex exponentials to the fourier series?
Multiply it all out and rearrange to have the exponentials outside the brackets. Set the parts inside the brackets equal to c(n), where c0 = a0/2, c(n>1) = (a(n)-ib(n))/2, c(n<1) = (a(n)+ib(n))/2
What is the final equation for f(x) after the first two steps?
f(x) = sum from n=-infinity to infinity of c(n)*exp(i2πnx/L)
What are we concerned with in this equation for f(x) and what does this mean?
Need real part of f(x), so f(x) = f(x), so c(-n) = c(n), and c(-n)* = c(n)
What is the orthogonality relationship for the fourier series?
1/L * integral from -L/2 to L/2 of exp(i*2π(n-m)x/L) dx = 𝛿(nm)
How do we exploit the orthogonality condition in this case?
Multiply both sides by exp(i2πmx/L) and integrate, giving integral from -L/2 to L/2 of f(x)exp(i2πmx/L) dx = sum from n=-infinity to infinity of the integral of exp(i2π(n-m)x/L)c(n)
Last part is equal to 𝛿(nm)
What do we do once we have the orthogonality condition implemented?
Summation only non-zero for n=m due to the kronecker delta. Sub this in to find equation for c(m).
What is the equation for c(m)? What does this equation do?
c(m) = 1/L * integral from -L/2 to L/2 of f(x) * exp(-i*2πmx/L) dx
This equation maps f(x) to its complex Fourier coefficients
What is the reverse transform for c(m)?
f(x) = sum from n = -inf to inf of c(n)exp(i2πnx/L)
What do we do next to define the functions on the entire real axis -inf<0
- Take limit L->inf so periodic nature disappears
- As L increases, spacing between k values decreases so we can set k = dk = 2π/L
- 1 = dk*L/2π
- Insert this into the sum
What do we get in the sum after inserting our new finding?
sum over k of dkL/2πc(k)*exp(ikx)
What is the last step in deriving the Fourier transform?
-Use equation found before for c(m):
Lc(m) = integral from -L/2 to L/2 of f(x)exp(-i2πmx/L) dx
-Set k = 2πm/L, sub this in and take the limit for L->infinity
-Define Lim as L->inf of Lc(k) as the fourier transform of f(x)
What is the equation for the Forward fourier transform?
transform f(k) = integral from -inf to inf of f(x)*exp(-ikx) dx
How do we find the reverse fourier transform?
- use the equation we found before for the sum after defining the function which is not periodic
- take limit to infinity of right hand side
- find that f(x) = 1/2π * integral from -inf to inf of dk transform f(k) * exp(ikx)