The water cycle and water insecurity EQ 3 Flashcards
Define water scarcity
When a population struggles to maintain a sustainable access to usable water supply to reach their demand.
Sustainable access must preserve political relationships, protect ecosystems and be socially and economically viable.
What is the difference between water stress, water scarcity and absolute water scarcity?
Using UN data
water stress is less than 1700m3 per capita
water scarcity is less than 1000m3 per capita
absolute water scarcity is less than 500m3 per capita
What did the 2015 UN Millennium Development goals review reveal?
15% of the worlds population did not have access to safe water.
Only 60% of accessible freshwater is being utilised.
60% of the worlds freshwater supplies are in ten countries increasing the gap between water secure and water insecure.
What is causing a rising demand for water?
Population growth
Increase in quality of life
Economic growth (industrial use)
Irrigation demands are increasing
What is causing a diminishing water supply?
Loss of groundwater due to increasing irrigation
Threats from climate change
Poor legislation leading to water sources being exploited
Lack of technology to access ancient stores.
How does climate variability cause water insecurity?
Contrast between physical water supplies between humid and arid zones.
variability in precipitation rates changes surface runoff levels and the rate of aquifer recharge.
Warmer waters encourage bacterial growth, causes pollution and more expensive cleaning process.
ENSO cycles, change drought and flooding probability in the South Pacific Ocean.
Sahel receives 85% of rain in the summer monsoon season.
How does saltwater encroachment cause water insecurity?
movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers, contaminates drinking waters sources.
Risk increased by global sea level rise and localised abstraction of groundwater sources lowering the water table allowing salt water to enter.
More than ten countries in Europe have reported that they are affected by salt water intrusion.
Pacific Nations Water insecurity example
The majority of pacific islands are low lying, with small aquifers making up 35% of Samoa’s water supply.
Aquifers are threatened by salt water intrusion and over extraction from increasing population demand
ENSO cycles cause climate variation causing seasonal water insecurity.
How does agricultural contamination contribute to water insecurity?
Chemical fertilisers pollute blue water sources by leaching, often causes eutrophication.
Causes dead coastal water zones
Health hazard the water in unpotable.
Florida USA Everglades
How does industrial waste cause water insecurity?
Water from sewage, manufacturing and farming in dumped in the basin.
Heavy metals and chemicals are toxic decreasing water quality.
Industry also consumers a large amount of water leading o over abstraction.
Industrial demand is expected to make up 70% of the worlds total energy demand.
Norlisk Russia a river was polluted by a leakage in a pipe from a nearby nickel plant, slurry entered the river causing it be undrinkable and go a red colour.
How does over abstraction contribute to water insecurity?
2025 water withdrawl is expected by reach 5000km2, 2/3 of which will be for agriculture.
Decreases rates of aquifer recharge, increase the concentration of pollutants as the volume decreases, lowers the water table encouraging water salter encroachment of coastal areas.
India have swapped to more water demanding sugar crop encouraging drought as more water is sued for irrigation.
What is the difference between physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity?
Physical - not enough water to meet demand
Economic - not enough money or infrastructure to obtain water from supplies.
What are the three dimensions of water scarcity identified by the FAO?
Availability _ physical water scarcity, lack of freshwater supplies
Access- failure of institutions to secure a sustainable access to water sources.
Utilisation - scarcity arising from inadequate infrastructure and financial means to extract and use water sources.
Global water prices. US$ per 100m2 per year
Geneva Switzerland - 400
New York 238
Hong Kong 34
London 225.
Why does the prices of water vary?
Cost of obtaining a supply - investment in infrastructure and treatment, water from desalination is often more expensive.
Demand - price often increases with demand e.g during the 2015 California drought, 1/30 people in the US have a swimming pool so Chicago has one of the highest water prices at £0.7 per m3
Privatisation - TNCs do not subsidies water prices, profit driven , Bolivia water prices more than double when water supplies were privatised.
Supplier - when areas lack a piped water supply they may depend on venders, forced to pay vender prices, benefit from lower if no tax but vendors often pay 100 more than governments.
What is the water poverty index?
An index that uses five parameters to measure a countries water insecurity. Each indicator is scored out of 20 to give a total score out of 100, Lower score means there is a higher risk of water insecuritY
Almost all of Africa and India/china rank as severe or high risk.
varibales include- resources, access, affordability, use and environmental sustainability.
How does water insecurity link to the UN Millennium Goals?
Goal 7- ensure environmental sustainability, includes halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015.
Will also link to goal 4 and 5 to reduced child mortality and improve maternal health.
Why is water important to industry and energy?
20% of all freshwater withdrawl is used for energy production and industry.
Also industrialisation/ global shift to occur with water intensive industry such as paper and electronic.
HEP has little effect as water is returned to the source.
Biofuels are a growing problem with crops used to produce biofuel needing an average of 15,000 litres of water for every litre of fuel.
Why is water important to human health and wellbeing?
Diarrhoeal diseases are common in sub-sharan Africa, passed by faeces oral routes. Blamed on poor sanitation and personal hygiene.
Lack of sanitation contributes to 10% of global disease burden.
Lack of education means people often use unsafe water sources, increasing infant mortality and lowering the life expectancy.
Why is water important to economic well being?
Many crops are rain fed so are vulnerable to drought.
The Aral sea has decreased to 10% of its original volume, in the 1950s the soviet government diverted water from its tributaries to irrigate farmland.
Demand in agriculture is worsend by industrial farming rather than subsistence farming.
What are the types of event assorted with trans-boundary water?
167 international water treaties
21 extensive military actions.
Shows conflict over shared water sources is more likely to be political tension rather than military action.
Transboundary water source statistics
90% of all countries share a water basin with a neighbour