The Vine Growth Cycle Flashcards
What is the aim of grape growers
To produce the largest possible crop of grapes that are of suitable ripeness and quality for the style of wine being produced
What does the vine require for photosynthesis
Vines requires adequate:
- Water;
- Sunlght;
- Warmth
- Carbon Dioxide
aWhat are the stages of the Vine Growth Cycle
- Dormancy
- Budburst
- Shoot and Leaf growth
- Flowering and Fruit Set
- Grape Development
- Harvest
- Leaf fall and Dormancy
When does the Dormant period occur
It starts with leaf fall in the autumn and ends with budburst in the spring
Northern Hemisphere: November-March
Southern Hemisphere: May-September
What does the vine need in the Dormancy stage
Temperatures below 10º C
Which temperature may be harmful to the vine during Dormancy
Below 20º C
Below 25º C most V. Vinifera is killed
What does make the vine sustain itself during dormancy period
By using store of carbohydrates accumulated during the previous growing season in the roots, trunk and brunches
When does the bud burst (also called budbreak) occur
At the end of winter
Northern Hemisphere: March-April
Southern Hemisphere: September-October
Which factors do influence the timing of budburst
- Air temperature
- Soil Temperature
- Grape variety
- Human factor
What is the required temperature for bud burst
Average air and soil temperature above 10º C
Why is the Air temperature for bud burst important in different types of climate
- Regions with MORE contrast between winter and spring (ex. Continental climate) is an advantage for budburst since budburst can be more uniform providing homogeneity in later stages in the growing season and hence a crop of grapes with even ripeness
- Regions with LESS contrast between winter and spring (ex. Maritime climate) budburst can be less syncronised and therefore there might be some harmed buds due to cold days and frost for instance and hence potencially reduce yield
Why is Soil temperature important for bud burst in different types of soil
Higher soil temperature around the roots encourage early budburst.
Dry, free-draining soils such as sandy soils tend to warm up more quickly than water-storing soils such as clay rich soils
How does the grape variety influence in bud burst
Average temperature for bud burst depends on the grape variety.
Merlot requires slightly lower temperature than 10º C and Ugni Blanc slight higher than 10º C for instance.
Grape varieties that require lower temperatures are called EARLY BUDDING (ex.Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Grenache)
Those which require higher temperatures are called LATE BUDDING (ex. Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah)
NOTE that time of budding is not always linked to time of ripening (ex. Grenache)
In which way can growing practices (Human Factor) influence in bud burst
Grower can advance or delay budburst by carrying out winter pruning earlier or later in the dormant period for instance.
This may be usefull in areas where risk of frost is known and growers can make their decision on time of winter prununing and hence time for budburst
What does the vine need during Shoot and Leaf Growth stage
- Storage Carbonhydrates
- Warm;
- Sunlight;
- Nutrients;
- Water
Explain the term “VIGOUR” of the vine
It describes the vegetative growth of the vine particularly the growth of shoots, leaves and lateral shoots and has implications on the yield and ripening of the grapes
What are the three factors that influence the vigour of the vine
- Availability of natural resources particularly temperature, water and nutrients
- Plant material (Grape variety, Clone, Rootstock)
- Presence of any deasease
What are the main nutrients that the vine needs
- Nitrogen (N) => green parts
- Phosphorus (P) => Photosynthesis and root systems
- Potassium (K) => Vine structure
What does support the initial shoot growth and where is it stored
- Carbohydrates
- In the roots, trunk and branches
Explain the Shoot and Leaf growth stage
It is the stage in which the shoots continues to grow and the leaves and inflorescences mature. It occurs during spring and early summer
Which problems can water stress cause to the vine in the Shoot and Leaf Growth stage
- Water stress can limit photosynthesis and shoot growth
- Nutrient uptake through the roots can also be impaired
What does the vine need during the flowering and fruit set stage and when does this stage occur
- Sunlight; warmth; water and nutrients
- Temperature should be minimum 17° C
Northern Hemisphere: May-June
Southern Hemisphere: November-December
What is the minimum temperature needed by the vine during the Flowering and Fruit Set stage
Warm temperature encourage the flowering and fruit set of the vine and the minimum temperature is 17º C
What are the main adverse conditions for Flowering and Fruit Set stage
- Rainy
- Cloudy
- Windy
- Cold temperature