The verbs BUY and SELL Flashcards
.اِشْتَرَيْتُ هذا الكِتاب أَمْس مِن مَكْتَبَة بِوَسَط المَدينَة
I bought this book yesterday from a bookshop in the city centre.
هَل اِشْتَرَيْنا كُلّ الأَشْياء عَلى القائِمَة؟
Have we bought all the things on the list?
مِنْ أَيْنَ اِشْتَرَيْتَ هذا؟
Where did you (s.m.) buy this?
بَكَم اِشْتَرَيْتِ هذا؟
How much did you buy this for?
هَل اِشْتَرَيْتُم الطَّعام لِلحَفْلَة؟
Did you (pl.) buy the food for the party?
.اِشْتَرى كُلّ هذِهِ الهَدايا لَها
He bought all these presents/ gifts for her.
.اِشْتَرَتْ لهُ رابِطَة عُنُق جَميلَة
She bought him a beautiful necktie.
مَتى اِشْتَروا هذا البَيْت؟
When did they buy this house?
.هُوَ لَم يَشْتَرِ مَلابِس العيد لِلأَوْلاد بَعْد
He hasn’t bought the Eid clothes for the children yet.
هَل تَشْتَري الطَّعام مِن السّوق أَم مِن السّوبَر مارْكِت؟
Does she/ Do you (s.m.) buy the food from the souk or the supermarket?
.لَم تَطْلُب فاتورَة/ إيصال مِن البائِع عِنْدَما اِشْتَرتْ هَذِهِ الأَشْياء
She didn’t ask for a receipt from the seller when you bought these things.
!اُكْتُب اِسْم المُشْتَري هُنا
Write the name of the buyer here!
.سَيَشْتَرونَ مَلابِس العيد اليَوْم
They’ll buy the Eid clothes today.
.سَنَشْتَري هَدايا أَعْياد المِيلاد في الأُرْدُن، إِنْ شاء الله
We’ll buy the Christmas presents in Jordan, God willing.
هَل سَتَشْتَري لي دَرّاجَة، يا أَبي؟
Will you buy a bicycle for me, Dad?