Tenses Flashcards
I ate/ have eaten kangaroo meat.
.أَكَلْتُ لَحْم الكَنْغَر
I have eaten.
.قَدْ أَكَلْتُ
I eat/ am eating halal meat.
.آكُلُ لَحْماً حَلالاً
I was eating when the commander entered.
.كُنْتُ آكُل عِنْدَما دَخَلَ القائِد
When the commander entered, I had [already] eaten.
.عِنْدَما دَخَلَ القائِد، كُنْتُ قَدْ أَكَلْتُ
I used to eat a lot when I was young.
.كُنْتُ آكُل كَثيراً وأَنا صَغير/ عِنْدَما كُنْتُ صَغيراً
I ate kangaroo meat when I was in Australia.
.أَكَلْتُ لَحْم الكَنْغَر وأَنا في أُسْتُرالْيا
I don’t eat pork.
.لا آكُل لَحْم الخِنْزير
He went/ has gone out.
He’s gone out.
.قَد خَرَجَ
When we arrived, he had [already] left.
.عِنْدَما وَصَلْنا، كانَ قَد خَرَجَ
The terrorists (have) escaped.
.هَرَبَ الإِرْهابِيون
The terrorist have escaped.
.الإِرْهابِيّون قَدْ هَرَبوا
When the soldiers arrived, the terrorists had [already] escaped.
.عِنْدَما وَصَلَ الجنود، كانَ الإِرْهابِيّون قَدْ هَرَبوا
The enemy is/ enemies are fleeing.
.يَهْرُب العَدو/ الأَعْداء
The enemies were fleeing, when our soldiers arrived.
.كانَ الأَعْداء يَهْرُبون، عِنْدَما وَصَلَ جُنودنا
The enemy is fleeing.
.العَدْو يَهْرُب
The enemies are fleeing.
.الأَعْداء يَهْرُبون/ يَهْرُب الأَعْداء
We heard/ have heard his story.
.سَمِعنا قِصَّتَهُ
We listened/ have listened to his story.
.اِسْتَمَعْنا إِلى قِصَّتِهِ
We’d listened to his story, when the police entered.
.كُنّا قَدْ اِستَمَعْنا إِلى قِصَّتِهِ، عِنْدَما دَخَلَ البوليس
We were listening to his story, when the police entered.
.كُنّا نَسْتَمِعُ إِلى قِصَّتِهِ، عِنْدَما دَخَلَ البوليس
We listen/ are listening to his stories.
.نَسْتَمِعُ إلى قِصَصِهِ
We used to listen to his stories./ We were listening to his stories.
.كُنّا نَسْتَمِعُ إلى قِصَصِهِ
His story is interesting.
.قِصَّتُهُ شَيِّقَة
His stories are interesting.
.قِصَصُهُ شَيِّقَة
Our story is long.
.قِصَّتُنا طَويلَة
His story was interesting.
.كانَتْ قِصَّتُهُ شَيِّقَة/ قِصَّتُهُ كانَتْ شَيِّقَة
The weather today is beautiful.
.الجَوَّ اليَوْم جَميل
The weather was hot yesterday.
.كانَ الجَوّ حارًّا أَمْس./ الجَوّ كانَ حارًّا أَمْس
The weather will be cold tomorrow.
.سَيَكون الحَوّ بارِداً غَداً
Did you (+s, +m) hear/ Have you (+s, +m) heard what I said?
هَل سَمِعْتَ ما قُلْتُ؟
He ate/ He has eaten.
He has already eaten.
.قَد أَكَلَ
He had already eaten
.كانَ قَد أَكَلَ
He eats/ He’s eating.
He was eating.
.كانَ يَأُكُل
He may eat.
.قَد يَأْكُل