The Use And Abuse Of Drugs ~ B1.3 Flashcards
What are the stages of developing a new drug?
~New drug is made in a laboratory
~Tested in a laboratory using cells, tissue culture and live animals for toxicity
~Drugs tested on healthy volunteers in clinical trials. Often very low doses of drug are given in initial trials to test toxicity
~If the drug is found safe, there are further clinical trials on humans to find the optimum dose
What is a double blind trial?
Some patients are given a placebo, which does not contain the drug (e.g. a sugar pill). Neither patients not doctor know who is given the placebo until the trial finishes.
What was thalidomide originally developed, tested and approved as?
A sleeping pill.
What was thalidomide found to be effective relieving as a second use?
It was found to be effective in relieving morning sickness in pregnant women.
For thalidomides second use, why was it banned?
As it was not tested on pregnant women, many babies were born with limb abnormalities after the pregnant mother had taken the drug.
What is thalidomide now used to treat?
Why do some people use recreational drugs?
Some people like the effect the drug has on them.
What are some example of legal recreational drugs?
Nicotine and alcohol.
What are some examples of illegal recreational drugs?
Cannabis, heroin and ecstasy.
What can excessive alcohol consumption and binge drinking cause damage to?
The liver, which can eventually result in death.
What effects can drugs have?
Drugs alter the chemical processes in people.
What could happen if people become dependant on drugs?
They may experience withdrawal symptoms if they don’t have them (drugs)
What are some examples of withdrawal symptoms?
Paranoia, sweating and vomiting
What is cannabis?
An illegal recreational drug which is used for recreational purposes by many people. It is a relaxant and can cause hallucinations.
What are some harmful side effects for cannabis?
Bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer and mental illness.
What is a performance enhancing drug?
Any substance used to increase a particular skill set e.g. Steroids
What will stimulants do?
They will boost body functions such as heart rate.
What are the benefits of using stations on cardiovascular disease?
~They reduce the manufacture of cholesterol
~They reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke by a third
~They are the most effective drugs for reducing LDLs
What are the problems of using statins on cardiovascular disease?
~Statins can have many side effects
~They cannot be taken by children, pregnant women or heavy drinkers
~Availability of statins reduces the need for people to change their unhealthy lifestyle
~They must be taken for life
What class drug is heroin?
What class drug is cocaine?
What class drug is ecstasy?
What class drug is amphetamines?
What class drug is cannabis?
Why do some people use heroin?
It is a sedative, causes severe cravings, very addictive. It is either smoked or injected.
Why do some people use cocaine?
It is a stimulant, it increases confidence, raises heart rate and blood pressure. Causes cravings, very addictive. It is either injected, inhaled or smoked.
Why do some people use ecstasy?
It is a stimulant which gives an adrenaline rush, feeling of well beings, high body temperature, anxiety. It is ingested in tablet form.
Why do some people use amphetamines?
It is a stimulant which increases the heart rate, they can be addictive and cause paranoia. They are ingested in tablet form.
Why do some people use cannabis?
They are a relaxant which can cause hallucinations. They are smoked.
What is a experimental drug?
When people try a drug for the first times out of curiosity, boredom or because their friends are doing it. Some do it to rebel against authority.
What are the problems of experimental drugs?
~A person is just as likely to have a bad reaction from trying a drug for the first time as a person who uses drugs for recreation regularly
~It could lead to recreational drugs (as a gateway drug)
~it could lead to trying harder drugs to get a new ‘high’
What is a recreational drug?
When people use drugs in a regular way but fairly controlled way. It is seen by some people as a way of relaxing.
What are the problems of recreational drugs?
~it could lead to dependant drug use
~it could lead to using harder drugs to get a new ‘high’
~a person risks a bad reaction to drugs everytime they use them
~it could lead to mental problems
What is a dependant drug?
When people are addicted to drugs and need the feeling it gives them. It is also addictive ~ the body needs a drug
What are the problems of dependant drugs?
~people can not function without the drug
~people suffer withdrawal symptoms if they do not have the drug
~a person risks a bad reaction to drugs everytime they use them
~it could lead to mental problems
What may be added to heroin and cocaine to add bulk?
Glucose, milk powder, brick dust and flour
Is smoking cannabis bad for your health?
~has a higher concentration of cancer-causing substances than tobacco
~it may be psychologically addictive
~it can lead to mental illness
~less addictive than tobacco or alcohol
~it has been reported that the high use of cannabis is not associated with major health or sociological problems
Can smoking cannabis lead users to harder drugs?
~cannabis may be a ‘gateway’ drug to more harmful substances such as heroin and cocaine
~many cannabis smokers never use any harder drugs
Why could it be good to use steroids?
~steroids have medical uses
~side effects include damage to the heart and liver
~some people think that if steroids were allowed there would be less risk and could be medically monitored
Why could it be bad to use steroids?
~steroids as performance enhancers in sport are banned
~young athletes may end up taking steroids because they see professional athletes taking them
~young athletes may end up taking steroids because they are pressurised to continually improve