The USA and the world Flashcards
What did the US feel towards imperialism before 1890?
They were hostile to the ideas of imperialism and felt morally superior to European colonial powers.
Which 3 things proved that this hostility towards imperialism did not last?
During the 1890s there was
- Rapid naval expansion
- A war against Spain
- The annexation of territories in the Pacific Ocean
Give a reason that caused shift in imperialist policy.
Rapid growth of economy needed new markets overseas
Give a 2nd reason that caused shift in imperialist policy.
Belief that the end of the frontier meant that new horizons were needed to give scope for American energy and dynamism.
Give a 3rd reason that caused this shift in imperialist policy.
Many Americans were swayed by notions of racial and cultural superiority and a ‘civilising mission’ to raise up non-white societies from ‘backwardness’.
Who opposed imperialism and why?
Isolationists opposed this and upheld the Monroe Doctrine and traditional US hostility to European ‘interference’.
Give an example of an isolationist.
William Jennings Bryan was an anti-imperialist and Democratic candidate in 3 presidential elections (1886,1900, and 1908). He was a leading voice in the American Anti-Imperialism League, formed in 1898.
When was the Spanish-American War?
What caused the war?
A revolt against Spanish rule by Cuban nationalists, led by Jose Marti in 1895.
Who did the rebels receive support from and how did this support grow?
American sympathisers; support grew stronger after the Spanish army used brutal methods to crush revolt.
What was another impulse towards war with Spain.
American perceptions of the Far East and the Pacific Ocean.
In the far east, what was seen as a threat to American interests?
Instability in China and the startlingly fast modernisation of Japan.
What were concerns about Asia and ‘Yellow Peril’ intensified by?
Social tensions in the Western states in the 1890s, caused by fears of Chinese and Japanese immigration.
What would war with Spain open the way for?
American bases in the Pacific, Hawaii and Philippines – islands under Spanish colonial rule until 1898.
What happened in 1898 and what did this lead to?
USS Maine was blown up. Support grew for intervention against Spain. ‘Yellow Press’ pushed case for war, especially newspapers owned by WR Hearst.
Why was the war of 1898 not only about Cuba?
It included annexation of Spanish possessions in the Caribbean and Pacific. Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines became virtual US colonies.
What was Americas success in the Pacific down to? Describe Admiral Dewey’s Pacific squadron.
Sea power – Admiral Dewey’s Pacific squadron sailed into Manila Bay in the Philippines and destroyed the outdated Spanish fleet.
Describe how the conquest of Philippines caused controversy in USA.
Anti-Imperialist League attacked the government for betraying traditions of Founding Fathers and for the violence, paternalism, and racial prejudice that had been shown by Americans in their treatment of their ‘little brown brothers’.
What happened in 1899?
The USA had broken their promise of granting the Filipinos independence – Filipino revolt broke out
When was the Filipino revolt suppressed?
In 1902 after extensive US military action.
What did President McKinley protest?
That the US had been motivated not by greedy imperialism by a ‘civilising mission’.
Describe the reality of the ‘civilising mission’.
In reality, events in Cuba and the Philippines were deliberately manipulated to ensure American domination and to stir up popular support.
What happened in 1901?
Congress passed the Platt Amendment authorising intervention in Cuba.
What was the Platt Amendment used to justify?
American intervention in other parts of Latin America.