General Quiz Flashcards
When was the 13th Amendment passed and what did it do?
1865 - abolished slavery.
When was the Civil Rights Act passed and what did it do?
1866 - re-stated the equal rights of African Americans and authorised federal intervention to enforce them.
When was the Reconstruction Act passed and what did it do?
1867 - split the South into 5 military districts and administered by the Federal Government
When was the 14th Amendment passed and what did it do?
1868 - it said it would penalise any states who denied the vote to male citizens. One clause disqualified from office anyone who had supported the Confederacy, thus cancelling most pardons issued by Johnson.
When was the 15th Amendment passed and what did it do?
1869 - specifically stated that the right to vote should not be denied on account of colour or race.
When were the Enforcement Acts passed and what did it do?
1870-1 - protected African Americans’ right to vote, hold office etc. The last Act specifically targeted groups like the KKK and said it would prosecute when necessary.
Give 2 reasons for the failure of Reconstruction.
- Peaceful/lawful resistance (black codes, Grandfather Clause, literacy tests, Amnesty Act, redemption of the South)
- Violence (KKK, violent suppression of voting rights).
What are pork-barrel politics?
The process whereby spending is undertaken to benefit constituents of a politician in return for financial support and/or votes.
Describe the Tweet Ring. What did it control and how much money did it steal?
- system of patronage and corruption run by William Tweed, the ‘boss’ of the Democratic political ‘machine’, Tammany Hall, in New York. - His Ring controlled the courts, police, legislature and oversaw the elections.
- He and his associates stole at least $45 million from New York. He was convicted in 1877.
How many immigrants came to the USA from the 1860s to 1890?
10 million
Which Act was passed in 1882 to do with immigration and what did it do?
Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped the immigration of skilled and unskilled Chinese workers and prevented those already in the USA from gaining citizenship.
What was the role of Booker T. Washington?
African American who set up the Tuskagee Institute in 1881, a school to train African-American teachers. In 1891 he founded West Virginia State University. He gained a greater reputation as a black leader but radicals criticised him for being too moderate.
Name 2 big corporations that emerged in the late 19th century in America.
- Standard Oil (Rockefeller)
- US Steel (Carnegie)
Give 2 factors to why the US economy expanded between 1865 and 1890.
- affordable / readily available workforce
- transport system
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Isolationist foreign policy, 1823. Stated that the US would see any interference by European powers as an act of aggression; in return the US wouldn’t meddle in European affairs either.
Describe the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889.
2 million acres of ‘Indian territory’ granted as free land to white settlers.
What was the Turner Thesis? What did he stress the importance of?
Argument by Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893 that expansion was the most important factor in American history. He said that America had become a nation from sea to sea. He stressed the importance of free enterprise, hard work, self-help and minimal government interference.
What organisations like the Granger Movement and Knights of Labor stand for?
Organisations that represented farmers (GM) and industrial workers (KoL). They criticised the practices of big business and demanded state regulation.
By 1912, which reform movement had become the central issue in American politics?
Progressivism – it was urban, middle-class and national. It linked together several themes, including corruption, demands to regulate big business, female suffrage, prohibition, workers’ rights and protection of the environment. It deeply divided the Republicans.
Who propped up the government after the Panic of 1893?
JP Morgan. He and his allies lent the government $62 million. Cleveland was criticised for this. It also showed government weakness in the face of big business.
Who was Robert La Follette? Who did he criticise? what happened from 1910-1912? How did the Bull Moose Party form?
Republican politician who became disillusioned with the Party and criticised bankers, railroad corporations and other companies. From 1910 – 1912 he led the breakaway from the Republican Party to form a new Progressive Party. He was bullied by Roosevelt into standing down and the Party soon became known as the Bull Moose Party.
What was the term used by Wilson to describe his reforms from 1913?
‘New Freedom’.
When was the Adamson Act passed and what did it do?
1916 - It introduced an 8 hour day for railroad workers.
Economically, what is the period between 1880 and 1914 known as?
Second Industrial Revolution. By 1913, the USA was a net exporter.
Economically, which group did badly towards the end of the 19th century?
Farmers – sharecropping African Americans, small white farmers couldn’t compete with agri-businesses, couldn’t get enough finance, series of bad harvests due to poor weather. Led to the rise of populism.
Where was an immigration centre opened in 1892
Ellis Island
How many Europeans came to the USA between 1890 and WW1?
18 million
Who were the great strikes of the 1890s blamed on?
‘foreign agitators’
Who did the NAACP (1909) represent and what were its aims?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – wanted to abolish segregation and enforce equal voting rights. One its most prominent members – W.E.B. Du Bois.
What was the ‘Yellow Press’?
Enthusiastically pushed for the Spanish-American War. Led by William Randolph Hearst’s empire of newspapers.
Describe the Roosevelt Corollary.
essentially an amendment to the Monroe Doctrine, which said that the USA had the right to ‘exercise international police power’ in Latin America if deemed necessary.