The Urinary System Flashcards
Describe the three major functions of the urinary system
- removes organic waste products
- discharge of waste products
Homeostatic regulation
- blood volume/pressure/pH
- plasma concentration of ions
Describe the organs of the urinary system
- Produces urine
- Transports urine to urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
- Temporarily stores urine before urination
- Drains urine from bladder
- Conducts urine to exterior
- Males: transports semen
How is urine eliminated?
- Name: Micturition reflex
Detrusor muscle: smooth muscle wall of bladder
- Stretch of bladder causes spontaneous action potential and contraction
- Innervated, controlled by parasympathetic nervous system
- Overactive bladder: drugs targetting muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
Name and describe the major functions of each segment of the nephron and collecting system
Proximal convoluted tubule
- Reabsorb water, ions, organic nutrients
- abundant microvilli
Distal convoluted tubule
- Secretes ions/toxins
- Reabsorbs water, sodium/calcium ions
- fewer microvilli
Renal corpuscle
- Produces filtrate
Nephron loop
- Descending: reabsorbs water
- Ascending: reabsorbs sodium and chloride ions
Collecting System
Collecting duct
- Reabsorbs water and ions
Papillary duct
- Delivers urine to minor calyx
Describe the functions of glomerular capsule (Bowman’s capsule)
- Surrounds glomerulus
- Forms renal corpuscle with glomerulus
- For glomerular filtration
- Blood filtrate leads into PCT
Describe the adaptations of proximal convoluted tubule
- Single layer of cuboidal cells with microvilli
- Increases SA for reabsorption
Describe the structure of kidney
- outermost layer of kidney
- contains capillaries
- inner part of kidney
- consists of renal pyramids separated by renal columns
Describe the blood vessels in the renal system
Afferent arteriole
- entry of blood to nephron for filtration
- supplies glomeruli
- pathway: renal corpuscle (glomerulus + Bowman’s capsule) → proximal convoluted tubule → Loop of Henle → distal convoluted tubule → collecting duct
Efferent arteriole
- exit of blood after filtration
Compare between cortical nephron and juxtamedullary nephron
Cortical nephron
- longer
- embedded in cortex
- has a larger number
- peritubular capillaries surrounds PCT and DCT
- drains into interlobular veins
Juxtamedullary nephron
- embedded in medulla
- vasa recta surrounds loop of Henle
Describe glomerular filtration
- Glomerular capillaries and Bowman’s capsule forms a filter for blood
Fenestrated : large pores between endothelial cells
- Allows plasma molecules to pass
- Highly permeable
- Pass thru narrow slit diaphragms between pedicles of podocytes
- Lined with negative charges to repel negatively-charged proteins
Describe the regulation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
- Controlled by extrinsic and intrinsic (autoregulation) factors
- Vasoconstriction: blood flow reduced → GFR reduced
- Vasodilation: blood flow increased → GFR increased
Describe sodium ion reabsorption in the PCT
Reabsorption: the transport of molecules out of tubular filtrate back into blood
- Sodium ions from tubular fluid and glucose pass thru via channel into PCT cell
- Sodium ions from tubular fluid and H+ ions pass thru counterexchange channel into PCT cell
- Sodium ions from tubular fluid pass thru via channel into PCT cell
- Sodium ions pumped out of peritubular fluid via sodium-potassium pump into capillary
Describe chloride ion and water reabsorption in the PCT
- Chloride ion follows concentration gradient of sodium ions (passive)
- Osmotic water flow: solute conc. is high in cells → water follows
Describe the countercurrent exchange in vasa recta
- Permeable to salt, water and urea
- Recirculates salt
- Reabsorbs water leaving the descending limb
- Due to albumin in blood causing colloid osmotic pressure
Describe the countercurrent multiplier system
- Allows descending and ascending limbs of Loop of Henle to build osmolality in medulla
- Thick ascending limb
- Sodium ions and chloride ions pumped out
- Descending limb
- Raised osmolality of filtrate
- More water diffuses out of filtrate
Describe how homeostasis of plasma concentration is maintained by the antidiuretic hormone
- ADH only affects the collecting duct
1. Responds to dehydration → high plasma osmolality
2. Detected by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus
3. ADH secreted by posterior pituitary
4. Stimulates insertion of aquaporins into plasma membrane of CD
5. Water drawn out of CD → reabsorbed by vasa recta
Describe the role of aldosterone in Na+/K+ balance
- 90% of filtered Na+ and K+ reabsorbed before DCT
- 10% variably reabsorbed in DCT and cortical collecing duct
- Aldosterone controls K+ secretion and Na+ reabsorption
- K+ in urine is secreted, not filtrated