The Universe Flashcards
What is gravity?
Gravity is one of the fundamental forces and one of the weakest. It is the attraction between the center of two objects.
What is a star?
A self-luminous spheroid celestial body that produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions.
What is a nebula?
An interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases.
What is absolute magnitude?
The measure of the luminosity of a celestial object at a standard distance of 10 parsecs.
What is apparent magnitude?
The measure of the luminosity of a celestial object as seen from the earth.
What is a black hole?
When a star more than about 20 times the mass of the sun ages, it will be unable to become a neutron star due to its mass and will result in the star collapsing forever. Gravity in this part of spacetime is so strong here that nothing, including electromagnetic radiation, can escape it.
What is stellar parallax?
The apparent shift in the position of a nearby star against the background of distant objects.
What is a neutron star?
When a star about 8 to 20 times the mass of the sun begins to age, the core begins to collapse and electrons and protons in the core merge to become neutrons. The pressure applied on the neutrons as they are being squeezed creates a pressure that halts the collapse of the core.
What is a light-year?
A unit used to measure distances in space. The distance that light travels in one year. Equal to 5.8 trillion miles (~300,000 km/s).
What is hydrogen burning?
Hydrogen burning is when four hydrogen nuclei fuse into a single helium nucleus with four two protons and two neutrons.
What is luminosity?
The absolute measure of a radiated electromagnetic power emitted by a light-emitting object.
What is an Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram?
A scatter plot showing the relationship between the stars’ absolute magnitudes versus their temperatures.
What is main sequence?
A continuous and distinctive band of stars that appears on H-R diagrams. Main sequence stars are any star that is fusing hydrogen in its core and has a stable balance of outward pressure from nuclear fusion and gravitational forces.
What are supergiant stars?
Some of the most massive and luminous stars. Occupy the top region of the H-R diagram. Absolute visual magnitudes of -3 to -8. Temperature ranges from about 3,400 K to over 20,000 K.
What are giant stars?
Stars with substantially larger radii and luminosities than main-sequence stars on an H-R diagram. Found above the main-sequence stars.
What is fusion?
A process in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles.
What is a proton-proton chain?
Also known as hydrogen burning. A chain where stars convert hydrogen to helium.
What is electromagnetic radiation?
The waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. Solar energy.
What is an isotope?
Variants of a particular chemical element that differ in neutron numbers.
What is nuclear reaction?
A change in the characteristics of an atomic nucleus due to a collision with an energetic particle.
What is a positron?
Also an antielectron. Has the same mass as an electron and a charge numerically equal to an electron but positive.
What is nucleosynthesis?
The process that forms atoms more complex than the hydrogen atom.
What is a white dwarf?
When a star the size of Earth energy production ends, the outer layer expands and are driven off by pulsations developed in the outer layers and causes a planetary nebula. At the center of this planetary nebula is a white dwarf made entirely of carbon.
What are the phases of the Big Bang?
Big Bang Era, Planck Era, Grand Unification Era, Inflation Era, Electroweak Era, Heavy Particle Era, Light Particle Era, Nucleosynthesis Era, Recombination Era, Galaxy Formation Era, and Current Era.
Describe the Big Bang Era.
From 0-10^-43 seconds and infinite temperature. Infinitely small and dense. Only one force existed: “superforce”/”supergravity”
Describe the Planck Era.
From 10^-43 seconds with 10^32 °C temperature. Earliest time known to man. Two forces exist: gravity and grand unification.
Describe the Grand Unification Era.
From 10^-35 seconds with 10^27 °C temperature. Three forces exist: gravity, strong nuclear, and electroweak. Quarks and leptons form.
Describe the Inflation Era.
From 10^-32 seconds with 10^27 °C temperature. Size of the universe increases by a factor of 10^30 to 10^40.
Describe the Electroweak Era.
From 10^-12 seconds with 10^15 °C temperature. Four forces: gravity, electromagnetic, strong electric, and electroweak) Neutrons and protons start forming quarks.
Describe the Heavy Particle Era.
From 10^-7 seconds with 10^14 °C temperature. Proton and neutron formation in full swing.
Describe the Light Particle Era.
From 10^-4 seconds with 10^12 °C temp. Electrons and positrons begin to form.
Describe the Nucleosynthesis Era.
From 200 seconds with 10^12 °C temp. Helium, deuterium, and other lighter elements form; temperature too low to form heavier elements.
Describe the Recombination Era.
From 300,000 years with 3,000 °C temp. Matter and radiation separate (atoms form).
Describe the Galaxy Formation Era.
From 100-500 million years. -263 °C temp. Earliest star were created 100 million years ago. Oldest galaxies 500 million years.
Describe the Current Era.
-270 °C temp. The universe is still expanding.
What evidence supports the Big Bang Theory?
Hubble’s law (galaxies are moving away from each other), Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (amount of heat left after Big Bang, travelling for 13.8-14 billion years), quasars (only found 10-13 billion light years away), radioactive decay, stellar evolution, and the speed of light (furthest stars are 10-13 billion light years away).
What are the forms of electromagnetic radiation?
Radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.
What are the different types of galaxies?
Spiral (and barred) galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.
How do stars synthesize elements until iron?
Hydrogen to helium to carbon to oxygen to neon to magnesium to silicon and to iron.
How is an H-R diagram arranged?
The y axis shows luminosity (from least to greatest and x axis shows temperature (from greatest to least). White dwarfs are found in the bottom left of the diagram, supergiants in the top right with giants just under it, and main sequence stars form a diagonal(ish) line from top left corner to bottom right corner.
What are the characteristics of stars?
Stellar brightness (magnitude), distance, temperature and color (Blue stars: over 3,000 °C, hot. Red stars: below 3,000 °C, cool. Yellow stars: between 5,000 °C and 6,000 °C).
What is the birth of a star?
Gravity contracts nebulae to form protostar. Temperatures rise. Long wavelength light is radiated.
What is a star’s protostar stage?
Core reaches 10 million °C. Hydrogen nuclei fuse (hydrogen burning). Energy is released. Outward pressure increases and then is balanced by gravity.
What is a star’s main-sequence stage?
90% of a star’s life. Star is stable. Stars age at different rates depending on size (Bigger stars die faster than smaller stars).
What is a star’s red giant stage?
Hydrogen migrates outwards. Star’s outer envelope expands. Surface cools. Surface becomes red. Core collapses, helium becomes carbon. All nuclear fuel is used. Gravity squeezes star.
What is a star’s burnout/death stage?
For a star the mass the size of the sun, the star will become a white dwarf. A star 8-20 times the mass of the sun will supernova and be left with a neutron star. A star with more than 20 times the mass of the sun will collapse forever and become a blackhole.
True or false: We see because light brightens things.
True. We see due to the reflection of visible light on objects.
True or false: Radioactive elements decay at a constant rate.
What does the luminosity of a star depend on?
A star’s temperature and radius. L=R^2(T^4).
What does the luminosity of a star depend on?
A star’s temperature and radius. L=R^2(T^4).
What are misconceptions with the Big Bang?
- The sun is not a star.
- The sun disappears at night.
- The sun will never burn out.
- The Earth is the largest object in the solar system.
- The Earth is flat.
- Gravity acts different from matter to matter.
- Theories need to explain themselves.
- Gravity needs a medium.
- There is no evidence for the Big Bang.
- The universe is static.
- All the stars in a constellation are near each other.
- All stars are the same distance from Earth.
- The galaxy is crowded.
- Stars are distributed evenly throughout the galaxy.
- All stars are the same size.
- A star’s luminosity depends solely on its distance from the Earth.
- The patterns in a constellation are clearly defined.
- There is a definite up and down in space.