The UK Between Tradition and Modernity Flashcards
- Loyalität/Ergebenheit gegenüber jmd
- loyality to a leader
allegiance to sb./sth.
- zeremonielle/förmliche Position
- a position that gives no real power
ceremonial position
- (öffentliche) Erklärung, Bekanntgabe
- an official statement
- politische Geografie
- ideas and acivities relating to the way that a countryˋs position, population, etc. affect its political development and its relationship with other countries
- Staatsoberhaupt
- a leader or a person in charge of a state
head of state
- ein gemeinsames Erbe/Kultur haben
- to have the same traditional beliefs, values, customs, etc.
to share a common heritage
- zwischenstaatlich, international
- between different governments
- Erbe
- sth. that exists as a result of sth. that happened at an earlier time
- repräsentive Position
- a position in which sb. represents a state, a community, an interest, etc.
representative position
- Selbstbestimmung
- the right of the people to govern themselves
- uneingeschränkt, unabhängig, souverän; Eigenstaatlichkeit
- independent; complete freedom and power to govern
sovereign, sovereignty
- Fremder; fremd
- foreigner; foreign
- Asylbewerber
- sb. who leaves their own country because they are in danger and who asks the government of another country to allow them to live there
asylum seeker
- Staatsbürger; Staatsbürgerschaft
- a member of a state, subject; the legal right of belonging to a particular country
citizen; citizenship
- Zusammenprall der Kulturen
- a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values
culture clash
- (rassistische) Diskriminerung
- the practice of treating people in an unfair way because of their ethnicity
(racial) discrimination
- Vielfalt
- the fact of including many different types of people or things
- Aussiedler, Emigrant
- sb. who leaves their own country to live in another
- auswandern, emigrieren; Auswanderung, Emigration
- to leave oneˋs own country in order to live in another
to emigrate; emigration
- gastfreundlich; Gastfreundschaft
- friendly and welcoming to visitors
hospitable; hospitality
- Identitätskrise
- a feeling of uncertainty of who you really are and what your purpose is
identity crisis, crisis of idenity
- Einwanderer, Immigrant
- sb. who enters another country to live there permanently
- einwandern, immigrieren; Einwanderung
- to come into a country in order to live there permanently
to immigrate; immigration
- Grenzkontrolle
- the place at an airport, sea port, etc. where officials check the documents of everyone entering the country
immigration control, border control
- integrieren; Integration
- to become part of a group or society and be accepted by them, or to help someone do this
to integrate (sb. into/with); integration
- Ehe zwischen Angehörigen verschiedener Ethnien
- marriage between people of different races
interracial marriage
- Mangel an Arbeitskräften
- a situation in which there are not enough workers
labour shortage
- die Mittelkasse/ Mittelschicht
- the social class that includes people who are educated and work in professional jobs, e.g. teachers or managers
the middle class
- Minderheit
- a small group of people or things within a much larger group (=majority)
- Beziehungen zwischen ethnischen Gruppen
- the relationship that exists between people from different countries, religions, etc. who are now living in the same place
race relations
- Flüchtling
- sb. who has been forced to leave a country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons
- befristeter Aufenthalt
- a stay continuing for a limited period of time
temporary stay
- westliche Werte
- the beliefs, traditions, customs, etc. of the Western community
Western values
- Gesetz
- a law that has been officially