The Tudors And The Stuarts Flashcards
Which of Henry VII’s wives were related? What else’s did they have in common?
- Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard
- Both executed for having affairs
What was Mary, Queen of Scots accused of? What did she do in response?
- Murdering her husband
- Fled to England to try to get Elizabeth I’s support
- Who was the first English person to circumnavigate the Globe?
- What did he do before that?
- Sir Francis Drake
- Was a commander in The Spanish Armada & helped to establish England’s Naval Tradition
- What country was the Armada against?
- Why did they invade?
- When did they invade!?
- Spain
- To restore Catholicism in England
- 1588
- What formally connected Wales with England?
- Who was the monarch at the time?
- “Act for the Government of Wales”
- Henry VIII
- How did Elizabeth I handle religion?
- What resulted from this?
- Everyone had to go to church, and there were laws about what prayers were said and what happened during services
- BUT did not ask about people’s real beliefs
- This avoided any serious religious conflict
- Who succeeded Mary, Queen of Scots?
- What else is that person famous for?
- What were their religious beliefs?
- James VI of Scotland, her son
- Also inherited English throne as James I
- The King James’ Bible
- He was Protestant (unlike his mother)
Name 5 of Shakespeare’s famous quotes.
- All the world’s a stage (As You Like It)
- To be or not to be
- a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
- The darling buds of May (Sonnet 18 – Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?)
- Once more unto the breach (Henry V)
What happened to Wales when it was formally united with England?
- They sent representatives to The House of Commons
- The Welsh legal system was reformed
What was Mary, Queen of Scots actual name?
Mary Stuart
What were the titles of King James?
Why does he have more than one title?
- King James I of England, Wales and Ireland
- King James VI (6th) of Scotland
- Because Scotland is still a separate country at this time
The ‘Authorised Version’ is another name for what important book?
The King James Bible
True or false: The King James’ Bible is the first translation into English
False, but becomes by far the most widely used in Protestant churches
What churches in UK Christianity often use the King James Bible?
Which do not use it at all?
- Protestant
- Catholic
James I and Charles I believed in what?
“The Divine Right of Kings”
Why did the Scots rebel against Charles I?
He tried to impose more ceremony into their Presbyterian church and for them to use his new prayer book
Who was the last monarch to enter the House of Commons?
Why did they enter? What did they find?
- Charles I
- To arrest 5 MP leaders for trying to take control of the English army
- They had been warned and already fled
In the years prior to the English Civil War, Charles I found ways to _______ without parliament’s approval for ______ years
- Raise money
- 11 years
- What group of people gained power in Parliament during Charles I’s reign?
- What did they dislike about him? Why?
- The Puritans
- His attempts to add more ceremony to the CoE
- They were for simple worship vs ceremonial
Why did Charles I eventually need Parliament?
To raise money for fighting Scotland
What does “The Divine Right of Kings” mean? Who believed in it?
- That God gives all authority to kings, so the King should be able to rule w/o needing Parliament’s approval
- James I and Charles I
True or false: Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland are all part of the same nation during the 1600s/17th century
- Scotland is a separate country at this time
- England, Wales, and Ireland are one nation however
Why did Charles I have to recall Parliament?
Due to his trouble with Scotland
What did policies did Charles I and Parliament disagree on early on?
Religious and foreign policies
The _______ people had problems between Charles I because of _______
- Scottish people
His attempts to:
- impose new CoE ceremonial religious practices
- And a new prayer book
on their Presbyterian beliefs
What did people in the country of ______ do to Charles I for imposing himself on them?
How did he first react?
- Scotland; they formed armies against him
- Realised he could not raise money w/o parliament;
- So he recalled parliament to ask for funds to fight Scottish
What happens to The Pale during the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII?
England extends their control outside of The Pale in Ireland
Henry VII and Henry VIII both _______ in Ireland
In addition, Henry VIII does this to Ireland
- They both establish English Authority over the whole country (not just “The Pale”
- Takes the title “King of Ireland”
What laws were introduced in Ireland under Henry VIII?
Who were the Irish local leaders suppose to follow the instructions of?
Where were these people based?
- English Laws
- Irish local leaders followed the Lord Lieutenants of Dublin
Which two battles end the English Civil War?
- Marston Moor
- Naesby
What problem did the puritans use as a weapon to take over the _______?
Why was this problem happening?
- Rebellions in Ireland
- Irish Catholics were anti puritans growing power
- To take over the English army
Under which Monarch was the Habeas Corpus act established into law?
Charles II
- When was the Royal Society formed?
- Who were two prominent members at the time?
- 17th century under Charles II
- Sir Edmund Halley and Sir Isaac Newton
What are two prominent discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton?
- The Theory of Gravity
- How white light is comprised of the colours of the rainbow
What is the most famous work published by Sir Isaac Newton?
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)
After parliament executes Charles I how does Scotland feel?
What do they do as a result?
- They are unhappy, as they did not agree to his execution
- The declare his son to be King (Charles II), and has him lead a Scottish army to invade England
What battles happen between Scotland and Oliver Cromwell?
- Dunbar
- Worcester
Who were purposely kept out of power after Charles II took the throne?
- Puritans
- Catholics
- What does Habeas Corpus translate into English from Latin?
- What does it mean in practice?
- You must present the person in court
- You cannot keep anyone prisoner unlawfully
- Everyone has the right to a court hearing
What kind of “knowledge” was The Royal Society formed to promote?
Natural Knowledge
Where was Charles II in exile?
The Netherlands
Who was purposely kept out of power during the reign of Charles II?
- Puritans
- Catholics
What was the relationship between parliament and Charles II during his reign?
- He understood he could not do everything he wanted, and would need parliament’s agreement for some things
Why did Oliver Cromwell originally go to Ireland?
What did he do there?
How did this affect parliament back in England?
- To fight to still existing Royalist armies after defeat of Charles I in 1641 (but before is execution in 1649)
- Won in a brutally violent way
- this established authority of English parliament
What religion was James II?
How does James II treat catholics?
What are the legal ramifications?
- He favours them
- makes them army officers
- it is against parliamentary law
What triggers the Glorious Revolution?
James II has a son, who may inherit the throne over his Protestant daughters
True or false: William and Mary had their wedding just before The Glorious Revolution
FALSE. They had been married for some time.
- Who initiated the idea for William and Mary get the idea to invade England?
- When did this happen?
They were asked to by prominent Protestants in 1688
- What was the Act of Union of 1707?
- What triggered it?
- What new name came out of it?
- An act that added Scotland as a United country with England, Ireland and Wales
- Queen Anne died without surviving children, which led to uncertainty of succession
- The Kingdom of Great Britain (which will later be changed to “The Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”)
Why is The Glorious Revolution called that?
- It permanently guaranteed the power of Parliament
- It happened without fighting IN ENGLAND (there was fighting elsewhere)
What was the name of the Scottish rebellion that William defeated James II?
When this Clan was late in taking an oath of loyalty, William _____ them
This led to _______ in Scotland
- MacDonalds of Glencoe
- He massacred them
- Distrust of the Government
Whose army fought with James II in Ireland?
A French army
When was Habeas Corpus made into law?