The Truth about Leadership Flashcards
Truth 1:
You make a difference
Truth 2:
Credibility is the foundation of Leadership
Truth 3:
Values drive commitment
Truth 4:
Focusing on the future sets leaders apart
Truth 5:
You can’t do it alone
Truth 6:
Trust Rules
Truth 7:
Challenge is the crucible for greatness
Truth 8:
You either lead by example or you don’t lead at all
Truth 9:
The best leaders are the best learners
Truth 10:
Leadership is an affair of the heart
Truth 1:
You make the difference
It is the most fundamental truth of all. Before you can lead, you have to believe that you can have a positive impact on others. You have to believe in yourself. That’s where it all begins. Leadership begins when you believe you can make a difference.
Truth 2:
Credibility is the foundation of leadership
You have to believe in you, but others have to believe in you, too. What does it take for others to believe in you? Short answer: credibility. We’ve said it many times, but we need to say it again, especially in these times when people have become cynical about their leaders and institutions: If people don’t believe in you, they won’t willingly follow you.
Truth 3:
Values driver Commitment
People want to know what you stand for and believe in. They want to know what you value. And leaders need to know what others value if they are going to be able to forge alignments between personal values and organizational demands.
Truth 4:
Focusing on the future sets leaders apart
The capacity to imagine and articulate exciting future possibilities is a defining competence of leaders. You have to take the long-term perspective. Gain insight from reviewing your past and develop outsight by looking around.
Truth 5:
You can’t do it alone
No leader ever got anything extraordinary done without the talent and support of others. Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others in the cause. What strengthens and sustains the relationship between the leader and constituent is that the leaders are obsessed with what is best for others, not what is best for themselves.