The Top Down Approach^ Flashcards
categories of other crimes
reviewing characteristics of current crime
decide category it fits it
other characteristics in predetermined category
can they be applied?
Offender Profilling
beh and analytic tool
intended to help police predict and profile the char of unknown criminals
help create a list of suspect
involves examining crime scene, evidence to get a hypothesis about the offender
The Top Down Approach
qualitative: look at overall pic and using categories
based on police exp and case studies
suitable for extreme crimes
Qualitative AO3
can’t view trends
unlikely to have a large crime sample due to time compulsion
less scientific and reliable
Police Experience A03
open to bias
subjective: not all officers will encounter the same crimes or report the same
FBI interview 36 sexually motivated murders
data can be categories into organised or disorganised
each category had certain char
if future crime matched some char then the police can judge other probable char to find criminal
criminals have signature way to work that correlate to char
ordered life and kills after life event
actions are planned (weapon)
average to high smarts
crime of passion
no planning and likely to leave evidence
less socially competent and unemployed
FBI Profiling
Data Assimilation - review evidence
Crime Scene Classification - organised or disorganised
Crime Reconstruction - make hypothesis
Profile Generation - hypothesis linked to suspect
Research Support
support for organised category
Canter et al
- analysed murders by 100 murderers
- compared 39 aspects of the kills
proved there are features of kills that matched the categories of organised offender
key component of FBI’s typology has validity
VS Research Support
case studies suggest that org and disorg are not exclusive
- hard to classify killers
- have multiple diff char
typologies are more likely to be on continuum
classification system may not be valid and should be revised
Wider Application
can be generalised to other crimes
- used it in burglary
- led to 85% increase in solved crimes in US
2 other categories (interpersonal & Opportunistic) has been applied to approach
- made it more complete method of OP
Flawed Evidence
based on evidence from criminals
developed by interviewing 36 sexually motivated murderers
criminals can lie and manipulate the police
approach can only be applied to small range of crimes
lacks credibility
wrong to assume evidence left can tell how offender behaves every day
- beh is more situational
approach not useful to catch criminals as everyday beh differs to offending beh
approach is unreliable