Behaviour Modification in Custody^ Flashcards
Behaviourist Principles
Human beh is learned = can unlearn it
BM programmed aim to teach obedient beh to convicts
- Through punishing disobedience to get rid of the undesired beh
Token Economy
Type of BMP based on operant conditioning
Give token for desired beh
The tokens (secondary reinforcers) are traded for reward (primary reinforcers)
These desired beh are made known to the principles with the punishment of non-compliance (take them token/privilege away)
Operationsalise Target Beh
- break beh down in subcomponents
- obj and measurable and agreed by all
Scoring System
- all know worth of beh which they differ on difficulty
- Gendreau et al: reinforcement to pun = 4:1 so rewards and good beh is prefered
Train Staff
- standardise the procedure so all reward beh equally
- recorded to asses progression
Little Rehabilitative Value
Don’t work for long-term beh improvements
- Programmes such as cog-based treatments are more likely to be continued after release and in the long term
- Could be due to the accountability offenders have over their actions
- while in TE they can be playing along for the benefits
Research Support
Hobbs & Holt
- Used the TE program with young offenders in 3 diff beh units and a CG
- Big difference in pos beh VS CG
Field et al
- Found it generally effective with young people
- But there were still P who did not respond to it at first then became more responsive when the rewards were more frequent
VS Research Support
effectiveness of TE depends on consistency of use
Bassett & Blanchard
- If the staff used TE inconsistently, the beh modification benefits were lost
- Inconsistency usually occurs due to lack of training and high turnover of staff
Ethical Issues
Beh modification methods have been linked to reduced conflicts and more pos beh
Reducing the pressure of prison staff
VS Ethical Issues
Beh modification programs are manipulative
Moya & Achtenberg
- Prisoners are forced to take part
- Having their privileges taken away can be considered unethical
Easy to Implement
Easy program to set up
No need for extra funding for the treatments
Can be made up by any prison staff member