The Times Industry Flashcards
When was The Times first published?
The Times was first published in 1785.
Who owns The Times newspaper?
The Times is owned by Times Newspapers, a subsidiary of News UK, which is wholly owned by News Corp.
What other newspapers are published by News UK?
News UK also publishes the Sunday Times, the Sun, and the Sun on Sunday
What significant event led to the cessation of the News of the World?
The phone hacking scandal of 2011 led to the cessation of the News of the World.
How has The Times addressed changes in technology and audience consumption of news?
The Times introduced an online newspaper with paywalls and moved to an edition-based digital format updated three times a day.
What is the regulatory body that oversees The Times?
The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).
How does being part of a large conglomerate affect The Times?
Being part of a large conglomerate could limit creativity and journalists’ freedom but also provides financial protection and access to other cultural industries.
What is the impact of digital media on traditional newspaper regulation?
The expansion into digital media has placed traditional approaches to regulation at risk.
What is Hesmondhalghs cultural industry theory?
- the idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences
through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g.
through the use of stars, genres, and serials) - the idea that the largest companies or conglomerates now operate across a number of different cultural industries
- the idea that the radical potential of the internet has been contained to some extent by its
partial incorporation into a large, profit-orientated set of cultural industries
What is Livingstone and Lunts regulation theory?
- the idea that there is an underlying struggle in recent UK regulation policy between the
need to further the interests of citizens (by offering protection from harmful or offensive
material), and the need to further the interests of consumers (by ensuring choice, value for money, and market competition) - the idea that the increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of
convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk
How does The Times benefit from being part of News Corp?
The Times benefits from access to other cultural industries and financial protection.
How does The Times’ digital format appeal to younger audiences?
By distributing the publication across digital platforms and launching Times Radio, which allows for updates and interactive content.
Who is the target audience for The Times?
The Times is aimed predominantly at upper middle to upper class readership, as it is more text led than image led.
How much does the paywall cost audiences?
£26 per month
What is the problem with the paywall?
The problem with a paywall is that it only provides limited access to a website or service.
Audiences are only provided a small preview of articles and are ultimately blocked part way through reading.
For full access, a fee is required.
What is the role of a ‘gatekeeper’?
The people responsible for deciding the most appropriate stories to appear in newspapers. They may be the owner, editor or senior journalists. They will only let the stories most appropriate for the ideology of the paper ‘through the gate’.