The Three Witches Flashcards
What are the Three Witches of Attitudes?
Content, Structure, Function
What is the definition of Content in the Three Witches?
The type of information we incorporate into our attitude
What is the multicomponent model (Content)
Attitudes are summary evaluations of an object that have cognitive (beliefs), affective (feelings) and behavioural (actions) components
What is the cognitive component to CAB
The thoughts,beliefs and attributes we hold towards an attitude object
How can we measure the cognitive component of CAB
Semantic differential scale and thought-listing
What is the affective component of the CAB
Feelings and emotions linked to the attitude object
How can we measure the affective component of CAB
semantic differential (delighted-sad, relaxed-angry) and thought listing
How did Breckler and Wiggins (1989) measure both affective and cognitive components of an attitude. What did they find about the speed of judgements?
Using the semantic differential scale but changed the wording. E.g
Cog- ‘Blood donation is….(good/bad)
Aff - Blood donation makes me feel (Good/bad)
People faster with affective judgements
What is the behavioural component of CAB
Based on previous behaviours and experiences regarding the attitude object
How can the behavioural component of CAB be measured? What is the positive and negatives to this measure?
Thought listing - list and evaluate actions
Limitation - people may find it hard to articulate thoughts, feelings etc. Social desirability
Advantage - Measure behavioural component unlike semantic diff. More personally salient
What is self-perception theory?
People don’t always have access to their opinions on different attitude objects especially if feelings are vague or uncertain. Basing attitude on past behaviours
What other measure of CAB did Rocklage and Fazio (2015) use?
Evaluative Lexicon
- Ptps free write about a particular attitude object
- Doesn’t separate cog and affective attitudes
- Looks at adjectives used and rates on emotionality and valence
- Can see WHAT component the ptp uses to base their attitude on most
- Good for large scale application
How have CAB components been proven not to be the same?
(Breckler, 1984)
Emerge separately in factor analysis
- Ptps reported attitude toward snakes
- Asked if names were cruel or kind
- Made them feel anxious or happy
- If they’d like to hold the snake
What is the causal attitude network
Conceptualizes attitudes as networks consisting of evaluative reactions (CAB)
Considers interactions (e.g belief (cog) that snakes are dangerous causes fear of snakes (aff)) and causal relations amongst the CAB components
Insight in to the cog and affective drivers of behaviour
How did Abelson et al (1982) demonstrate that the CAB components predict behaviour
- Looked at thoughts and feelings towards American Presidential Candidates
- Ascribed personality traits to Democratic and Republican cand. and feelings about them
- Asked to give attitude
- Favourability of affective responses correlated with overall attitudes compared with favorability of beliefs on their traits