the third century crisis and the tetrarchic restabilization Flashcards
the mid 3rd centry ciris sw the rise of the ______ peoples
germanic ppl:
They lived in the ______ but were receiving pressure
They started _______ the northern border and harassing people
Rome allowed them to _______ into rome as long as they served in the _______
Used them against other _______ which yielded mixed results
immigrate, army
the mid 3rd centry was the first time we hear of villages
what were villages to romans
Village to romans - people living in countryside not getting protection from rome’s army, so they ask someone wealthy living in villa nearby to help them
They serve him, fight under him, in exchange for protection
Postumus takes over in the _____ and queen zenobia in the _____ - the east and west _____ _____
Postumus takes over in the west and queen zenobia in the east - the east and west break away
The son of an ex-sale comes to power and inaugurates a period of roman history called the ________ where emperors no longer claim to be qualy to citizens - acknowledge their power
The _______- roman emperor is too large for one person to rule so now there will be 2 emperors.
one ___ and one ____
east, west
each empror in the terarchy will name a second in common called a ________ who will ______ ______ if the emperor dies
caesar, take over
____ augustuses, ___ caesars - _____ leaders
2 augustuses, 2 caesars - 4 leaders
when does the tatrarchy fail, why?
quickly, on the first transition down to a caesar
As he two augustus’ step down, the children of the augustus’ do not want the caesars to take the position - civil war breaks out
Civil war ensues as ______ insist on being part of the tetrarchy
______ defeated maxentius at the battle at the milvian bridge and becomes the new sole emperor
Diacletian had also introduced _______ rule, he even wore a _______ and had a ______ depicted behind him in art
crown, halo
what 4 things are involved in the image od the emperor under the dominate
kissing the hem
Constantine had 30,000 ____ ____ who oversaw his new regime
To fund it the government began acquiring _______ and running them
People were charged a fixed _____ depending on the amount fo _____ their had (no matter ses)
Then ppl started selling and he said no one could ______ unless their got permission from govvy
civil servants
tex, land
Military ______ to 600,000 men
_____ and _____ troops are added
border, imperial
constantine was a ______ emporor
he ended the official _______, naming his three ____ and two _____ joint rulers to succeed him
christina emporor
tetrarchy, son, nephews
constantine renamed rome/italy (idk) ______-
Constatine started the idea that the emproros are appointed by _______
says he was chosen by the devine _____ god
at first christianity was not ______
From AD 30-220, christianity met sporadic and mostly unofficial _______
First official _______ of christians
Martyrs refuses to renounce christ
the “great persecution” by _______
He makes everyone come forward, swear loyalty to the _____ _____ and to ____ - anyone who refuses to pray on his behalf is an enemy of the roman state and persecuted
people shocked at how ____ _____ there were
roman gods, himself
many christians
____________ refuses to enforce the persecution of the christians (he was in the west)
The christians supported this, so he used their support as his _________ base
constantine makes the ______ of ______ - why says its not a crime JUST to be a christian
edict of toleration
Constantine summons ecumenical councils of christian leaders (bishops) to define universal ______ _______ _____
(catholic) orthodox christianity
The _______ of ______ - anyone who as a christian who was not a part of the catholic orthodox church
The heresy of arius -
78 years after the edict thing, anything not ______ public worship is banned (this is called ______)
In 391, _____ worship in public is banned
____ for non-christian activities eliminated
Olypics end because they worship ______
Pagans _______ publicly; temples are destroyed
pagans barred from holding ______ _____ - only christians
public office
The ________ provinces are abandoned by romans troops or taken by local tribes
end of romans in the _____
The _______ (germans) take ______ africa from the roman empire
the last emporor in the _____ deposed in 476, his name was ______
vandals, north africa
west, romulus
The east no longer roman, they called it the ______ empire
Attila the hun invades in the _____, unseccesfully
Hes paid off
An eastern emperor invades the _____ in a failed attempt to reunite the empire
Muslims conquer most of the _____
______ was given birth in a province in the roman empire
Religion that talks about personal s_______
Rome didnt have a problem with personal beliefs as long as it did not disrupt the ______ ______
Up until _______
public order
Judea becomes a ________
Rome has a problem with judea because it wasn’t an ______ _____, the jues believes the romans shouldn’t not be in _____ _____
internal beleif
holy land
The reputation of judaism throughout the empire (ouside of rome)
vs inside rome
Outside of judea people didnt have a negative outlook to jues who didnt live in judea - admired their legal approach and success
The soldiers and people viewed the jues inside of judea were cray cray
______ - non jues (usuallt christians) who follow jewish laws/codes but cant become jues because of bloodlines
who said this
“You dont need to to anything to be forgiven other than be dipped into water and accept gods grace”
this was a diff kind of judaism that focused on _____ state
John Baptist
internal state
_____ was a cousin of John baptist who had a similar approach of what is religious
God gives you the gift of religion, not something you _____ it is just given to you
when jesus came to jerusalem, people hailed him as _____and shit
Governor of judea saw this uproar and to maintain law and order, killed jesus
For a roman governor this is normal and expected because he was causing _________
The followers of ___think of themselves as jews but claim that shortly after jesus died a fire came above themselves
Paul of ________ names the “inventor of christianity”
Popularised the term ______
Called jesus a divine person who came down for ________
Says all the jewish laws - non as important as just ________ in christ
Paul of Tarsus
Official cannon of christian “_______” (biblia) in 2nd centry
Before there were many vastly different ideas of what christ was - why didnt christinas care
Before there were many vastly different ideas of what christ was - chrstians didnt mind the many diff outlooks because at least they were supporting the cause
your interpretation of chrsit didnt matter till constantine politicised it and said unless u believe in the __________ outlook u are not a real christian
The temple of jerusalem destroyed
The idea of _______ becomes popular after this
Followers of jesus start to accept non-_____ to be followers of jesus
All u have to do is be _______
“…As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. ‘I tell you the truth,’ he said, ‘this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.’”
What would an aristocratic roman have said?
Ofc we want the benefits cause we are better than you
______ - means favour
Gratia - means favour
what is gratia in religion
In religion its like u do something for the god and they do something back
We got words grateful gracious, grace