The Tale of Despereaux Flashcards
Who wrote the book The Tale of Despereaux?
Kate DiCamillo
IWB was all of the other MC’s siblings still born?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s mother proclaim to never have anymore children?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did some of the C’s comment on how big the MC’s ears were?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s mother use the word “disappointment” a lot?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC refuse to eat a page in a book cause it would ruin the story?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC read the phrase “once upon a time” and then had to finish the story?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC finally find the source of the honey sweet sound- MUSIC?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC fall in love with a princess?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C use a thimble as a drum to call the Council to a meeting?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did Royalty have a dark history with large rodents?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the MC’s behaviors endanger the whole extended family?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC allow his brother to lead him to his fate?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC admit to breaking the rules for love and music?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was the MC’s mother French?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC faint after hearing his fate or sentence?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the thread master tell the MC to “be brave for the princess”?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s mother tell him in French “adieu” which means goodbye?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC wear the red thread of death?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC save himself by telling a story to the jailer?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do rodents have a sense of humor?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a rodent lose one side of his whiskers to a match?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the presence of evil guarantee the existence of prisoners?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a rat love the illumination of light?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a C offer to hear a man’s sins?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a C steal a red cloak from a prisoner?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C believe light was the answer to his suffering?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C fall from a chandelier into the Queen’s bowl of soup?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the author remind the reader that every action has consequences?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was a girl sold into service for a read tablecloth, cigarettes and a hen?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a C have ears that resemble cauliflower?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was soup outlawed and all the bowls, spoons and kettles gathered from the land?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a King make ridiculous laws?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C slip on a spool of thread when she curtsied to the princess?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C want to be a princess, but she was lazy and dim witted and ended up serving the the jailer in the dungeon?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was a C not afraid of the sounds in the dungeon because she couldn’t hear or smell very well?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC get back to the light by hiding in a napkin and riding upstairs on a tray?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC lose his tail when a girl tried to kill him with a kitchen knife?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a rat help the princess do up the buttons on her dress when she was being held at knife point?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was the princess threatened with a knife?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC forgive his father for sending him to his death?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did tears from the King wash flour from the MC’s fur?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC use a needle for a sword?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the MC head out on a quest with a spool of thread?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the cook laugh at the MC, because she was glad to see him instead of the king’s men?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the telling of a story give the MC strength to finish his quest?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC see bones from rodents and humans along with tufts of hair and red thread on his quest?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did 2 C’s want the same thing in life- to have their mothers?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was a server girl united with her father the prisoner?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did 2 rodents, a princess, a king and a serving girl all share a meal of soup?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo