Slacker Flashcards
Who wrote the book Slacker?
Gordan Korman
IWB was the couch perfectly molded the the MC’s butt?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC have an archnemsis named Evil McKillPeople?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s house almost burn down because he forgot to take the casserole out of the oven?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s parents tell him he has to join some kind of extra circular activity?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB dod the C’s refer to an accident as the Great Ziti Inferno?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do C’s start a club called the Positive Action Group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C feel sorry for a rodent that has lost his home and family when they built the new mall?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a girl decide to join a club to give her support to the MC?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the word “ill” mean cool?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a girl tell the MC that he must have changed a lot since the time the field trip was canceled when everyone went looking for him and he was in the bathroom playing video games?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC try to put a membership freeze on his own club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the guidance counselor’s faith in the youth of middle school restored when he saw a website for a new club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a group’s mission statement community action
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do C’s ask for a bathroom break during class so they can video games?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do all new clubs have to be approved thru the guidance department?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC love his lifestyle and did not want to have to change it?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a C kicked off the football team due to academic ineligibility?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was there a C named “The String”?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s sister ask about the new members in his group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s sister throw up on his LeapPad when she was very young and he had never forgiven her?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a candidate for the student body president want to join the new club the MC created?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a website divert you to rainforest when you try to join it?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a kid who’s been in juvie (jail) join a new club in order to get his 40 hours of community service in?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a candidate for student body president declare himself the #2 man in a community club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a guidance counselor worried about not selling enough raffle ticket to cover the cost of a big screen tv?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC’s sister show up to the first official meeting of the new group he formed?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do students argue whether to help people or animals?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the first project the group tackled a fall clean up with the elderly?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C dig up a prize winning turnip instead of a weed?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a C execute a great tackle to a senior citizen in order to save Elvis?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC help rescue a woman who a tripped and fell in her apartment?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC discover a injured woman when an apartment was flooding?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC’s sister try to tell her parents the real reason her brother started the community group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC hate change- especially when people started to know who he was?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC work hard not to be noticed or recognized?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC find a perfumed scented note in his locker?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC have a 6th grade admirer who just happens to be his sister’s best friend?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the MC threatened by an older person not to do anymore good deeds on her turf?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a C amazed at how good the park looked after they had cleaned it up?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a C hate the “paggers” so much she compares them to a disease?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a group have so many members, it has to provide buses in order to transport people to different projects?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C decide to go to war against the MC over a volunteer group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a dug up bush dropped on the MC’s lawn as a threat and calling card?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was 80% of the student body involved in one club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a C jealous of the success and media attention the MC’s group was getting?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the MC miserable being popular?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a High School club going around sabotaging the projects the other group had done?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a C describe the club she joined as a community?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the police chief call a group “the middle school wrecking crew”?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the town’s freeway exit to be demolished?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C save the faculty adviser from drowning in the Y’s pool?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the principal put an end to an extra curricular club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do 2 candidates learn the value of cooperation from a club they are involved and decide to be co-presidents instead of having an election?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a bully give the MC a salsa bowl he had made in ceramics?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC accuse one of his best friends of hacking into the school website in order to start a revolution against the principal for shutting down the club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC find out its his sister that is hacking into his website?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB is the MC’s sister a better gamer than he is?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the C’s see a message that said the meet where it all began?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a Red Dodge Charger hit the famous town rodent?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the Awesome Threesome turn out to be the fastest runners in school?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did it seem all the adults in town showed up to save the town’s freeway exit?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the town rodent get an entire habitat built for him?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s partner in Rule the World his sister?
Slacker by Gordan Korman