Frozen Stiff Flashcards
Who wrote the book Frozen Stiff?
Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC’s steal a truck?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does one of the MC’s sleep in the loft of a log cabin in the summer?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB is the MC referred to as an outsider in their town?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was there a town that had no road leading out to the rest of the state- the town was only accessible by boat or plane?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC an unofficial asst. guide into the National Forest?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC ask her traveling companion if he was wearing long underwear?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC joke that mosquitos should be the state bird?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC say “no one jokes about bears in Alaska”?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC mistake a dolphin for a shark at first?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does spraying lysol around your food & tent help keep bears away?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the tide rise and flood the tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC just stare at her upturned kayak as it drifts out into the fjord?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a MC hide trail mix in his tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC decide to appoint herself as captain?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a C make an analogy of someone putting a fat hose in a swimming pool and cranking it up to full blast to the rising of the tide?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC mistake an iceberg breaking off to a crack of thunder?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC worry about dying and living her mom alone?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the C’s talk about bergy bits or growler ice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC throw up after eating an egg?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s find an old cabin?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did one of the MC’s want to be a journalist?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC wake up being blind?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC in and out of consciousness for 2 days with a fever?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do icebergs calve?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC think it was raining, but was actually air being released from melting ice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s eat salmon berries?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC leave a note on the milk jug in the refrigerator, but the other MC found it and threw it away?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC run into a man wearing a mask and fur gloves?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s need nails to make fish hooks?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC keep referring to someone as “the poacher”?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a stranger leave jerky, seeds, berries and dried roots in her tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC think of a stranger as Wildman?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC trudge thru a forest looking for her cousin?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a mountain demand a human sacrifice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC and her cousin decide to go camping alone for 2 days?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC injure her leg on a board with nails hanging out?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC snatched from behind and struggled to get free?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did Wildman turn out to be an Indian?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC have a stranger that kept an eye out for her safety?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s cousin trick her into following/tracking him thru the woods?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC wear a No Fear hat?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC think chewing was a waste of time when she starving?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC think it was Wildman that stank, but realized it was actually her?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was a C an experienced high altitude guide?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a C lose 3 fingers, nose and most of his cheeks due to frost bite?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do the C’s fix a hole in a boat with tree sap?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB is an adventure an experience outside your comfort zone?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan