The Structure Plane Flashcards
What is structuring the UX on the content side called?
Information architecture
What is the discipline involved in creating a structured experience for the user called?
Interaction design
What options are interaction design and information architecture concerned with?
Interaction design - options involved in performing and completing tasks
Information architecture - options involved in conveying information to the user
How does thinking about the user play into interaction design
Interaction design is about defining possible user behavior and defining how the system will react
What are conceptual models?
User impressions of how the components we create will behave
Ex. Thing a user consumes? Place user visits? Object user aquired?
The best defense against user error is?
Designing the system so error is impossible
If you can’t prevent user error help them do this instead
Correct their error
If you can’t prevent or correct an error help users
Recover from it
Information architecture is mainly a consideration when
Users need to make sense of the information presented
What are two strategies for creating information architecture
Top-down - driven by strategy considerations
Bottom-up - driven by content considerations
What problems can arise from sticking to closely to one IA approach
Approaching the architecture from the top down can sometimes cause important details about the content itself to be overlooked. On the other hand, a bottom- up approach can sometimes result in an architecture so precisely tuned and fitted to the existing content that it isn’t flexible enough to accommodate changes or additions.
What is the “node?”
The node is the basic unit of information structures
What size is a node?
It can be as small as a price or as large as an entire library
What are the classes of structure nodes can fall into?
Hierarchal - sometimes called a tree or hub- and- spoke structure— nodes have parent/child relationships with other related nodes. Websites usually
matrix - allow user to move in more than 2dimensions. good for users with different needs to navigate through the same content… Ex some users browse by color and some by size
organic - no particular pattern. Games often work like this, exploring, learning
sequential - like a book
What is an “organizing principle” - give some examples
Basically how we tell which nodes o put together and which to keep separate
Organizing by user type, organizing by sport
How might you organize a car website for consumers versus for car shippers
Car consumers - color, mpg, etc.
Shippers - weight, number in stock
What makes a successful user experience
Where the user’s needs are anticipated and accounted for
What are nomenclature and controlled vocabulary?
Nomenclature - descriptions, labels and terminology used on site
Controlled vocab - referring to things a certain way
What is metadata?
Data about data
What do we call the favored documentation term for information architecture or interaction design. What is good for?
The architecture diagram
To document conceptual relationships: Which categories go together, and which remain separate? How do the steps in a given interaction sequence fit together?