The state and globalisation Flashcards
Characteristics of a nation state and of national sovereignty:
The Westphalian state system:
Each individual state would be sovereign over its own offers and no other state or superior could intervene
Characteristics of a nation state and of national sovereignty:
The Congress of Vienna:
Create a needed balance of powers throughout Europe
Characteristics of a nation state and of national sovereignty:
Bound together by citizenship, nationality and culture. It became powerful as it provided states with common identity
Characteristics of a nation state and of national sovereignty:
National sovereignty:
The state’s absolute power over citizens and subjects
The significance of economic and financial globalisation:
Washington Consensus:
Economic policies and has led to a free market principles in global trade
The influence of non-state actors:
Non-state actors = Such as NGOs, IGOs, that have significant influence over global affairs
As the problems that the world faces become more complex, they need to work together in intergovernmental organisations in order to resolve problems
The Bretton Woods Institutions + Impact:
World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Advancing global free markets and free trade
The United Nations:
Based on the principle that the international community needs to work together to resolve collective dilemmas
UN agencies include:
World Health Organisation (WHO): responsible for the eradication of global viruses
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR): Help refugees
United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF): Globally promotes the rights of the child.
The influence of non-governmental organisations + Pressure groups:
NGOs can have considerable soft-power (persuasive) influence on states
They include pressure groups such as:
Greenpeace = Global issues on the environment
Human Rights Watch = Advocates human rights
The internet’s impact:
Created a global marketplace for business and commerce
Technological advances have created a more global culture in similar goods, fashions and ideas
The internet has made it more difficult for states to control the information its citizens receive
Development of international law:
Human Rights:
Westphalian principles of non-interventionism
Liberals claim that human rights are universal
Development of international law:
Instant news:
Human rights abuses can be instantly published so atrocities can be captured
Development of international law:
Humanitarian and forcible intervention:
Decline in humanitarian interventionism.
Liberals had hoped that increasing interconnectedness between states would establish the UN as the distributor of peace and war which was not the case
The failures of the humanitarian intervention
Define: Hyperglobalist
The view that new, globalised economic and cultural patterns became inevitable once technology became widely available
Debates about the impact of globalisation including its advantages and disadvantages:
Realist views:
Sceptical stance towards Globalisation
Globalisation has been made by states, which emphasises the role of the state system
Economic interdependence will not necessarily create peace and co-operation as it is likely to breed ‘mutual vulnerability’
Debates about the impact of globalisation including its advantages and disadvantages:
Liberalist views:
Positive approach to Globalisation.
It creates a game of winners in the world economy.
Flow of information and ideas brings social and political benefits.